The Hardest Part of Intermittent Fasting

[spoiler title=’Click For Transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]let’s talk about the hardest part of intermittent fasting it’s actually probably not what you think it is most people think the hardest part of intermittent fasting will be the fasting but I found that it’s actually the easiest part the hardest part is actually withstanding the social pressure to eat it’s something that I never really experienced before I started doing intermittent fasting because pretty much if anybody else was eating I was gonna eat too but people feel really guilty if you don’t eat while they’re eating I mean try it sometime like just go to a dinner and don’t eat people will go crazy or maybe they want but just experiment with it see how people react if you don’t eat while they’re eating now what I’ve found is it’s very very easy to just not eat the food like as far as if I’m sitting down at a table and people are eating it is super easy for me to just not eat the food like I don’t I’m not I don’t get like ravenously hungry and I’ve just gotta eat all of it it’s just like I don’t care about eating right then because I’m not hungry because my body’s just used to you know eating in a certain time each day but it is hard to resist the urge to eat so that other people feel better so you have to learn how to deal with this pressure and I’m gonna just share with you what I’ve found works for me I work from home and I homeschool my kids and my husband works from home too we’re both realtors so there are people eating around me all the time and like I said before it really doesn’t bug me like I don’t I don’t sit here to think oh god I wish I just had that you know I just I don’t feel that way but my husband feels super guilty still if he’s eating it I’m not so one thing that I found is I just don’t sit down with him for you know breakfast and lunch I used to want to try to do that like I’ll just sit here and you can eat and he hates it he hates eating in front of me I mean sometimes I like to try to make him feel worse like I’ll just look so good but I’m just joking so just taking yourself out of the is a really great way to just deal with that but let’s say you have something that you can’t take yourself out of that situation like if it’s a business lunch for example you may think well you know what am I supposed to do what I have found and what works best for me is to just intentionally go off plan now what do I mean by that sure I could sit there and I could just say well I’m not gonna eat right now and then everybody in the room is probably gonna feel bad that I’m not eating and they are my I could withstand that pressure it’s just not something that I enjoy doing you know I would just rather people enjoy themselves like I don’t want to take everybody’s enjoyment out of it but I do it intentionally so when I have you know one of those events coming up I just tell myself okay well I have that lunch tomorrow so that means I’m going to eat lunch and then supper instead of 00:02:58,680 –> 00:03:04,650 just eating the supper and that keeps me on plan better it helps me to just say okay this was a planned thing I you know instead of just like well whenever the situation arises no I try to say okay this is gonna happen so therefore I’m gonna eat lunch and then I’ll just have separate tomorrow night – one thing I don’t do is I don’t just try to make that the one meal of the day like for example I only do one meal a day which is basically a 24 hour fast so the reason I don’t do like well then I’ll just make lunch my business lunch that one meal of the day and then I’ll just go back to eating stuff for the next day well then that’s gonna add maybe like six or so hours to the fast and I just feel like I stick to the plan better if I just say nope I’m just gonna keep you know the one constant in my life every day is I’m eating supper and so if I can just say okay I’m eating supper I’m eating separate I’m not having to try to deal with like well wait yesterday I had lunch so maybe I should have like an early supper maybe I could do a snack nope it’s just boom I know that I can easily do the 24 hour fast every day so that’s what I do so when I was deciding that I was only gonna do one meal a day I intentionally chose supper and the reason I chose supper as opposed to breakfast or lunch is there’s definitely a lot more social to eat supper breakfast people kind of like I don’t really like breakfast and people kind of get that the idea of lunch is a little bit you know people are a little bit more like really you should eat some lunch but then supper people are like you have to eat supper so when I decided to do one meal a day I chose supper because really it was the path of least resistance so I hope this video helped you understand the most challenging aspect of intermittent fasting and gave you some you know some techniques if this is something you’re trying out really it comes down to being intentional always just be intentional whatever plan you choose whatever you do with your you know weight exercise it’s just all about becoming intentional that’s the big takeaway so I hope that helps if you have experienced this same phenomenon of people feeling really guilty leave it in the comments below tell me what do you do do you take yourself out of the situation or you just sit there and let people feel bad how do you handle it [/spoiler]

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Key Takeaways From The Video:

  • You’ll probably find social pressure to eat is the hardest thing about Intermittent Fasting
  • Strategies to overcome it:
    • Remove yourself from the equation
    • Intentionally go off plan for that meal
    • Just let people get over it (although doable, this is my least favorite and least used tactic)

Have you experienced this phenomenon of people feeling really guilty about eating when you’re not eating? How do you deal with it?

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