Taking Action: Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A

Time codes/Topics

2:45 Take action.

3:55 Action cures fear.

7:30 Consistency

10:12 My action steps.

11:15 If you can’t feed 100 people, feed one.

12:35 Is weight loss on Intermittent Fasting temporary?

15:35 Do u have cream in your coffee during your fast?

17:45 ​I live in VA. Its cold. How do you get 6 miles everyday?

20:10 Do you count calories?

23:20 Slow and steady wins the race.

25:05 Kayla, approximately how long did it take you to get to OMAD pushing your window back- and when you were doing 2 meals a day were you strict with your 2 meals/no snacks?

29:45 I always second guess myself on amount of my meal…did I eat too much or maybe not enough!!-I go back in forth in my mind all the time

33:50 ​I’m glad I can now watch Seinfeld and not snack, Thats a bigger accomplishment than my piano playing,

36:50 Food cravings stop me from following IF..even if I am not hungry I tend to eat just because I crave. Do you have any tips?

39:25 Are beans helpful for weight loss?

40:40 I have always weighed myself every day too. I do it to keep myself accountable but only actually have been using one day a week to actually count it! I do like how in other videos to take the average.

41:33 I just use a regular dinner plate..not a huge one and fill it…seems to be just right. I feel full and satisfied…day 5 and not much hunger today!

42:35 I do cook very tasty food but it doesn’t make me over eat…just very happy!

43:28 ​I’ve lost 30lbs since moving into college in August (thank you so much) but I am so nervous to spend the next month home for Christmas break in fear of gaining weight or falling off track, any advice?

47:10 Take action on your to do list.

47:25 I’ve been feeling better n better.get less hungry every day…I watch alot of omad videos…it help me stay motivated n keeps me out if the kitchen…also go walk at the mall

48:35 Slow journey.

49:15 I had a hard time starting any regimen because I made too many ‘rules’. Once I started doing just ONE thing, getting it down and trying the next, I made tiny changes that have added up.

51:05 What is your take on drinking alcohol like a beer or wine with your meal? Not every day but maybe one day a week. I enjoy a couple beers or glasses of wine with dinner once in awhile.

54:10 hi from Johannesburg South Africa.. I do the coffee with cream as well .. I do carnivore OMAD.. what time do you eat your meal?

55:20 ​what types of foods do you eat Kayla??I was doing keto diet before going to omad..so I’ve prbly added some xtra carbs than my body was used to…just wondering if it will level out…

58:32 I am 68 and about to give up losing weight until finding this….don’t want diabetes

58:56 Do you mind sharing what your cheat day looks like? Do you eat whatever time of the day or omad? Is it one day a week?

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