Overthinking: Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A


Topics and timestamps:
2:55 Overthinking
6:40 Overthinking during the weight loss journey.
16:40 Purchased your book this week and I love it! Just finishing up my first week and I am finding that I actually gained doing 16:8. Any tips?
22:48 Hi are u eating more then one meal a day now and how is that going?
27:30 But isn’t that types of “Overthinking it “when you’ve had a great week is a way of reflection. So that you can keep on doing well
28:30 ​any advice on life?
28:35 How do you stop overthinking it.. when your used to doing that?
29:25 Keto sounds good to me, but like you, I just don’t feel I could stick with it. I enjoy my carbs too much lol
31:15 consistency had been my biggest issues. plan hopping never got me anywhere. now ive fit my plan in writing and im holding firm
32:16 ​The weather here has been lousy for walking with all the snow and ice.
33:40 ​One of the things that stalled me from starting was worrying about loose skin. Seriously?!
35:50 We need to be consistent with our plan and understand that results will vary. As long as we’re not consistently gaining weight when our goal is to lose. We should re-evaluate and adjust our plan
36:32 ​How long does it take to get adapted to omad?
40:15 When I first heard the term ‘water weight’ I thought it was literally just weight you put on by drinking too much water lol
41:15 I am so exited about intermittent fasting. Checking in from Winston Salem after catching an interview you were doing of a man who had lost over 150 lbs. Great inspiration!
42:40 from cold Wisconsin….what’s the name of your book?
42:45 What was your fasting window before transitioning over to OMAD?
43:20 ​I’ve been eating WFPB for a 3-4 months and intermittent fasting for a month now. My stomach stays big and bloated. What can I do to reduce the bloating?
44:35 ​just started 3 days ago quit eating at 8:30 pm next meal is at 3 pm next day and i eat full dinner with desert like yogurt w fruit. lost 1.5 so far. scared to weigh everyday hope I’m doing it right
47:30 I think some people come at IF thinking they have failed if they can’t hit ‘X’ number of hrs right off. Like expecting to lift 200lb weights 1st week in the gym. Takes time to get there.
48:30 How do you time your OMAD in relation to doing your 6 mile daily walk?
49:00 what did you change to go from losing to maintaining?
51:00 ​I did over 14,000 steps today which is a personal best for me
52:00 ​I cannot do Keto. I am a HCLF girl.
52:15 ​i am having a really hard time getting back into omad since the holidays i just cant seem to get back to it but iam very sad because ive gained back nine pounds. please help! advice?
54:22 Thank you so much for the idea of keeping the 7 day average. I have been doing that since December 9th and it has been so eye opening.
56:05 ​I have been on omad for 2 week and i have not lost a pound, what am i going wrong?
56:20 ​If you march in place would your fit bit register your steps
56:50 Do you make an effort to get lots of veggies into your meal on most days?
58:30 Maybe you can ask the people on your success stories about loose skin? Some of them have lost a lot of weight and they don’t seem to have loose skin. They all look great!
59:00 Thank you for being here for us! I’m 48 and have been doing 18/6for four months HFLC and have started to gain weight back. I feel like I need a big “reset” Any advice?

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

Happy Scale App

Libra Weight Manager

Tracking Sheet from SixMilesToSupper.com

The Eventual Millionaire Podcast

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101 Course

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This is the fitbit I have (an Alta)

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See you next Wednesday at 8pm EST on YouTube Live, be sure to bookmark this site and hit the bell to get notified when I go live.


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