Monthly Weight Loss and Walking Report: November 2017

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Thanksgiving my birthday and a surprise week-long vacation did it wreck my weight-loss goals let’s find out in November’s monthly progress report I do these progress reports because I really think it’s helpful for people to look and really see what do the numbers look like in a typical month and you know how much do you does your weight fluctuate and you know that kind of thing so so we’ll talk about some of the challenges I faced this month we’ll talk about my numbers and what I learned so there were three big challenges this month first of all my birthday which you know that’s just basically one big cheat day then there’s Thanksgiving which is another big cheat day and a week-long vacation which we were so graciously gifted and it was wonderful but then of course that brings a weight loss challenge right because you have to strike that balance between enjoying yourself and still kind of staying on plan as best you can so one of my goals is to walk six miles every day and I absolutely did that every single day at least six miles and that’s a total of four hundred thirty four thousand eight hundred ninety six steps for the month of November ah and now we talk about the weight I started out November first at a seven-day average of 155.86 my goal was to be down to 153.86 that was it that should have been a two pound weight loss however I didn’t hit my weight-loss goal I ended the month at weight loss but it’s not quite my goal overall I was pleased with that because we were on vacation and there was a lot of stuff going on and overall I’m happy with the result it’s still a loss it’s still a victory and I’m claiming it so let’s talk about fluctuations highs and lows so on a single day my highest weight was 160.4 ooh that one hurt and not because 160 is a bad weight but just because when you hit that next bracket you know if you’re in the 150 solidly and then one day you’re like oh and the 160s again it’s just tough let’s talk about my lowest day I actually had that this morning the weight was 153 which is the lowest that I have been in this weight loss journey the most my weight fluctuated within one week was every day because you really have so much more data to work with then you can really see is this a pattern or is this like there’s an outlier up here if you’d like to see even more in-depth numbers like every single day what did I weigh you can go over to my website I’m gonna have the screenshot of the spreadsheet and if you’re on YouTube right now I’ll just link to that in the description I did have a goal to start working on and get my first pull-up but I really didn’t get very far on that goal I wasn’t very consistent it was just it was a busy month we were out of town and there were no pull-up bars where I was I’m just gonna put it on the shelf for next year so let’s talk about December it is a challenging month for weight loss right I mean there’s a ton that will get you off track and really it’s just a matter of do you want to kind of stay on the track do you want to get off the track a little bit or do you want to just go away off the track and it’s your choice I personally am gonna try to stay on the tracks as much as possible while still enjoying myself so you know there are a lot of parties this that’s gonna be challenging parties and you know like baking that you just do for people and you know there’s just a lot of things going on this month and you’re just busier in general which makes it harder to stick a plan so my goals for this month even though maybe it’s a little bit aggressive I still want to try to lose two pounds for the month that’s about a half a pound a week so we’ll see I really want to be down below that overweight range on the BMI and I’m if I do it if I do lose two pounds I will be under there so I really want to finish the Year Strong I feel like even you know during the holidays even if you just make a little goal you know maybe nothing too strenuous it can help keep you from going way off the track so you know I still want to enjoy myself but I don’t want to just completely wreck my whole plan speaking of plans what my plan will be is the good ol reliable intermittent fasting and walking so I’ll do intermittent fasting where I eat one big meal a day for Monday through Saturday and I drink coffee 3 times a day on those days and then on Sunday I just eat whatever I want whenever I want and I’ll also walk 6 miles every day and I’ll continue to weigh myself every day – I will say if I do find that I’m having to go to a lot of different parties and I feel like I’m just constantly you know off plan what I’ll probably start to do is at those parties I’ll go more for like the higher protein lower carb type thing just because I know that’s what will fill me up so if I keep grabbing the cheese and the meats you know I won’t eat nearly as much as if I you know just sit over there and popped M&Ms it’s just a basic damage control type thing so the big lesson I learned this month was you know you can still go on vacation have a great time you may gain a little bit of weight but it’s all fine you just have to get right back on plan keep working the plan and you’re gonna be fine I also learned the scale can become scary even if you take a short break from it I wasn’t weighing myself every day when I was on vacation because I forgot my scale and I mean I’m not saying that you have to take your scale I was really just doing it for scientific purposes I wanted to bring it with me just to see how much my weight really fluctuated on the vacation but instead I just had to wait until I got back and I felt a little bit of nervousness I had become so just habitual to me to weigh I kind of forgot that it really can be you know some fear there so that’s why I really encourage you just start weighing yourself every day that fear goes away and you know if you do stop weighing yourself that fear can start to build back up so I’m curious how was your November and how’s your December looking are you gonna just like really try to buckle down and lose a bunch are you gonna try to maybe just maintain or are you just gonna go completely off the tracks and if you’ve had success maintaining during the holidays tell us in the comments below how did you do it what are some little tips and tricks thank you so much for watching please like comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

DISCLAIMER: This article contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, it won’t cost you anything extra, but I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!


As of November 1, 2017 my 7 Day Average Weight was 155.86.

As of November 30, 2017 my 7 Day Average Weight was 155.14.

That means I have a weight loss of .72 for the month of November.

The highest single day weight I had was 160.4

The lowest single day weight was 153. That’s my lowest weight yet since starting my weight loss journey!

The most my weight fluctuated in a week was 4.8 pounds

My goal for December is to try to lose 2 more pounds, down to 153.14 by December 31. This will officially put me in the “Normal Weight Range” for BMI.  Click here to calculate your BMI.

My plan is old reliable:

  • Eat once a day Monday – Saturday
  • Every Sunday “Cheat Day” when I eat whatever and however much I want,
  • Walk 6 miles a day.
  • I’ll also keep weighing myself every day.  December will be challenging due to Christmas, parties, family events, and holiday baking, and a week and a half vacation.

A Deeper Dive

After watching the video, you may still want to see the actual day by day look at my steps and my weight. I’m happy to oblige you.


I did walk 6 miles / 14,000 every single day, as evidenced by the screenshot below (click on the image to enlarge it). My total steps for the month was 434,896.



Weight loss is a heartbeat, and my hope is that by sharing this, you’ll be encouraged to keep going, even when your weight fluctuates. Note for ladies: I always highlight the rows that coincide with my period in red, so that if I do have an uptick in my weight, it reminds me that there are hormonal things going on that are beyond my control.  Remember to take the long view!

Helpful Freebies

Having trouble setting goals? I created a free worksheet where I take you through the goal setting process step by step, just click the button to download it for free:   Download “Goal Setting Guide” Goal-Setting-Worksheet.pdf – Downloaded 49471 times – 88.83 KB

Want to use the same spreadsheet I use to track your weight loss? Just download the .ods file by clicking the button below:  Download “7 Day Average Weight Tracker” 7-Day-Average-Weight-Template-From-Six-Miles-To-Supper-1-1.ods – Downloaded 53039 times – 68.57 KB

Have you set your goals up for December yet? Are you planning to go completely off plan for the whole month? Or  do you just go into damage control mode during the holidays? Let me know in the comments below!

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