Live Intermittent Fasting Q&A: Why are Youtube comments off on your channel? How long did your weight loss journey take? And more!

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] okay I think we’re live this is kind of a new set up so bear with us if the sound doesn’t work or anything my husband is over there at the computer trying to get everything all put together but if this is the first time you’re catching one of my lives my name is Kayla Cox I’m the owner of six miles to supper and this YouTube channel and the website by the same night same name and I have lost weight with intermittent fasting and I walk six miles six days a week the type of intermittent fasting I’ve done I’ve done a lot of different kinds for the most part when I was losing weight I did OMAD which is one meal a day and so I wrote a book about it called the laid-back guide to intermittent fasting because that’s how I practice it in a very laid-back kind of way because I want to be able to lose the weight and keep it off for the rest of my life so if you have questions about intermittent fasting about general weight loss about walking six miles a day leave it in the chat and I will get to those questions there’s a form that I had posted it on the community tab so we have a couple of questions from there already so we can go ahead and get started so the first question is I am just starting OMAD I’ve been intermittent fasting since the end of January and I have lost 20 pounds so first of all congratulations for losing 20 pounds that’s over the course of about four months so you’re like a pound a week or a little bit more so that is fantastic says I love your easy plan well thanks I started my period for the first time on the 28-day a normal cycle for me is 32 days or longer my question has to do with hormones and how OMAD affects the balancing of female hormones so you know normal and what I have found with intermittent fasting it is kind of a difficult thing for me to say with certainty which one like it did intermittent fasting at all affect my hormonal levels like straighten them out or anything I was I feel like I was pretty good before but with intermittent fasting it doesn’t seem to have really changed anything for me I feel good in other words I feel like maybe it did kind of even out my emotions for the most part although I did have kind of a battle with PMDD last year premenstrual dysphoric disorder but overall I would say it’s hard to tell is it the intermittent fasting that helped or was it the weight loss that helped because you know I think that is a thing that a lot of people have seen is you know if you if you are carrying excess weight sometimes that can mess with your cycle mix mess with the hormonal levels and everything so it’s hard to know but I’m glad to hear that it sounds like you’re doing great and and my whole perspective is as long as you’re feeling great and you feel like everything’s going well and as long as you know your cycle seems to be staying consistent then I think that’s great I’ve never noticed even after all this time of practicing intermittent fasting I’ve never noticed my cycle going haywire I mean I’ve had occasional times where it’s been a little bit shorter a little bit longer but I did a whole video actually about that and my husband can pop the link in here but it’s about how intermittent fasting affects your period but really what I found was your period really affects the intermittent fasting like how hard it is because what I did notice for myself was that you know right before my period I would say a couple of days usually before my period I would get like just kind of hangry I think normally OMAD is really really easy I would you know like go all day without eating email one meal be good but they’re just like you know a couple days before my period usually it would be like wow the hunger is really intense and my husband be like you need to have a Snickers so he would give me one and I would eat it and I would call that emergency chocolate that’s what we would call it my emergency chocolate I don’t generally have to have that anymore it was just back in the early days of intermittent fasting so hopefully that helps you okay so the next question is I’m strictly following a 16-8 fast I lost 8 pounds and two months and now I have hit a plateau how do I come out of it should I move to OMAD please help well that’s a great question so you’re at a 16-8 you lost eight pounds and and that was in two months so it’s about a pound a week and that’s perfectly great so but you’ve been so hitting a plateau plateaus happen to everybody they’ve happened to me and it’s really difficult first of all to tell is it a plateau or has something changed and this takes a little bit of investigation so one thing to ask yourself is has anything changed are you still doing exactly what you were doing before now what I noticed for me generally speaking was that when I would hit a plateau generally say nine times out of ten my consistency was the issue so in other words it just happened to be a time where I was going off plan you know maybe we had vacation days or maybe you know we have people in from out of town so our schedule got kind of thrown off so something had changed so whereas I was you know losing about a pound a week pretty consistently then it would just kind of taper off and just be kind of staying the same and that’s actually not a bad thing you know when you’re trying to lose weight yeah of course you want to be moving now but if you’re just maintaining that’s good too at least you’re not putting it back on right so the first thing to check is consistency are you consistently sticking with the focus on that first now you asked should you go to OMAD now I wouldn’t recommend it I don’t I mean like I love OMAD but a lot of times people try to jump to something because it’s like oh I gotta make it harder I would say don’t try to make it harder on yourself there’s a reason why you picked a 16-8 probably maybe that fits in with your life really well and I am a big proponent of whatever fits in your life well oh that is kind of a different kind of way to practice things and it fits well in some people’s lives and in some people’s lives it doesn’t fit well so first look at your life and ask yourself you know does OMAD fit but if you’re doing it just to hasten your weight loss I would say do that I actually when I went to OMAD I got stuck for I think about five or six weeks without losing any weight like I lost an initial kind of it dropped and then it stayed the same for over a month so I would just continue to track your weight I weigh every day and I keep track of the 7-day average over time and so you know sometimes a thing that feels feels like a plateau is really just slow weight loss I feel like the body sometimes it’s just like well your body’s trying to keep you alive for as long as possible right so it’s trying to say wait a minute we don’t want to lose weight too fast and so you kind of have to be patient with it and say okay well I’m gonna continue doing this and then your body will eventually go back to losing weight but it’s just you know it’s in the process of trying to keep you alive it doesn’t want you to lose weight too quickly so plateaus are completely normal they happen to everybody the best thing to do is be patient and be consistent they will eventually break all of mine eventually broke and it wasn’t because I made it harder it was because I just kept being consistent okay so hopefully that helps you um John Chapman asked hi Kayla I hope your day is going well it is I only eat once I only eat a meal once a day consisting of a pound to about a pound and a half of meat per day it is this intermittent fasting well yeah I mean intermittent fasting the way most people describe it is it’s just a period of of going without food every day and generally speaking you’re talking about you know a certain block of time is the way a lot of people describe it like a you know sixteen eight is sixteen hours of fasting eight hours of an eating window OMAD though is kind of like to me it’s kind of an easier way to think about intermittent fasting because you don’t have to calculate you know hours of time and trying to figure all that out you can just say well I eat once a day like so OMAD that’s what you’re doing one meal a day and maybe you eat your meal at different times and I would say as long as you’re you know pretty consistent in the time of day then yeah you’re intermittent fasting I suppose it could be kind of tricky if like you eat at supper but then you eat another pound at breakfast so then if your if your window is pretty short then maybe that wouldn’t technically be intermittent fasting but I would say you’re basically doing OMAD so there you go okay Christina Morgan oh hey Christina it’s nice to see you and from Utah thanks for your compliment there and it’s good to see you in here we are we are not traveling anymore we just got back into a permanent house we were full-time RVing for two years so that was a huge wonderful adventure but I’m very happy to be back in just a permanent location here in Florida so okay Tammy Cobb Kayla your easy way of doing OMAD has helped me in a big way oh great I’ve been doing this since the beginning of February and I’ve lost about 20 pounds that is awesome Tammy that is great um congratulations I mean and you’re in you’re doing it obviously in a very sustainable way and I’m glad OMAD it’s working for you I love it I just think it’s such an easy way to just practice intermittent fasting just like one meal a day so easy right okay mom fasting love your channel been watching for a couple of years oh well thanks I just want to know how do we kids stay so quiet while you film well I threatened them within an inch of their lives no they’re there right now they’re in their rooms when we were in an RV that was a bit more challenging because that was like there was like a door that we would kind of like it doesn’t really close it just kind of comes comes in like leans against the wall right and then and there was also this little cloth kind of accordion door that we would close and we just asked them you know please be quiet our kids are a little bit older now the youngest one is almost eight and the oldest one is almost fourteen so you know like when we when I first started doing these you know my youngest was a little bit younger and that was a little bit harder to keep him quiet but but yeah they’re good kids they’re really really super good kids so I just asked them this please please be quiet and sometimes you know we’ve had people like our kids will not realize come in so okay so Deborah Kuebler I hope I pronounced that right hi Kayla I’m trying to go from an 18-6 to OMAD successfully with that and you’re doing that oh successful with that usually three times a week do you incorporate sweets into your OMAD schedule and if so does it help your weight the same or increase it Oh does it keep your weight the same or increase it okay so Deborah that’s a great question let me get some water real quick so back in 2016 and I said okay I really have to figure out this whole eating thing like I knew about myself that I loved sweets that any time I had tried to cut them out of my life or or limit them I only wanted them more and so when I kind of in January 2016 I really said okay what would be easy and what would be easy for me is if I didn’t have any forbidden foods so in other words whatever I’m craving that’s what I’m gonna eat I had never tried that before I had always kind of put sweets as like a forbidden kind of like oh well you know limit that can’t really have that shouldn’t really have that but when I went to saying okay just whenever I crave it that’s what I’m gonna eat it and that was actually the thing that helped me to get stopping power with my eating and what this says the weird thing that happened was that as I practiced that I mean because it’s a different thing saying it and then actually practicing it because when you first start saying that to yourself you kind of start to test yourself and say like do I really mean that whenever I want sweets I can have sweets and the kind of the tempting thing is to say well no I’ll be good for now and then I won’t you know I won’t eat that ice cream that I’m kind of wanting right now but if instead you say no I’m gonna practice this so like if I wanted a bite of ice cream I’d eat a bite of ice cream in in my eating window I started to practice it that way like whatever I wanted in my eating window I would eat it and first of all that helped me to get really consistent with the actual fasting window and the eating window because I knew like okay if I’m good on my fasting window so in other words like if I obey that I’m also going to obey my rules for the eating window and my rule for the eating window was whatever you want and so I start I taught myself that yes I really do mean it like meaning what you say like keeping your promises to yourself and I kept that promise to myself if I crave cake I’m gonna have some cake and so it was kind of this weird paradox because then when I did that I didn’t crave the sweets like I used to like it it was like well you know I can eat however many pieces of cake I want well you know it’s like I want one piece of cake but before you know back before I was successfully losing weight it was like I would think to myself well I I shouldn’t really have that and then I go overboard on the cake right so so it took time to to practice that with myself and to really teach myself yes you can have whatever you want so that means like you know like let’s see last night it’s good example so last night for my OMAD I had there was like salad with ranch dressing and cheddar cheese and spaghetti with meat sauce and a slice of chocolate cake and that was my OMAD and I’m full still but yeah like in other words that’s how I eat like it’s sweets are not a special occasion thing for me and they were not especially I would say 2016 it was really when I got really clear with myself about no forbidden foods at all no no putting them on a pedestal no saying well we’re gonna try to limit that and and that is when I lost the bulk of my weight is the point like I’ve lost the bulk of my weight by doing it that way and by keeping off too you like I don’t have like oh I can have one dessert a week or anything it’s just like whenever I crave it and the weird thing is I don’t crave it so much so good so I pronounced it perfectly your last time so I’m not gonna attempt again we’ll leave on a high note okay Tammy Cobb I have a theory about plateaus I feel like your body takes some time to reorganize itself before moving on I agree I really do think and that is something that I really do think with the whole weight loss journey if you can kind of just be grateful for your body and say okay we’re gonna take our time with this and and you know like if there is a plateau instead of being frustrated and try to fight against it and try to make it really hard on yourself just say okay body thank you for you know trying to keep me alive for as long as possible and you know I trust that you know when it’s time for me to lose more weight like I’m just gonna keep being consistent and then the weight will eventually start to come off again it’s that’s easier said than done I get that because during the plateau it’s like you just want it to you want the scale to start moving again and I totally get that but it’s also important to learn you know how to maintain for a while and just look at look at that it’s like a little trial run of maintenance because that’s what maintenance is all that it’s like staying in that same place for the rest of your life okay so Christina asked a where am i living I’m living back in Lake County Florida which is where we live before we started RVing so we’ve been all over the country and I love Florida I just love the weather here it’s like you know beautiful all year long I can get lots of sunshine I don’t do well with with less sunshine I did learn that about myself so um okay Catherine Smith you asked what about eating fruit I whenever I want it I know it’s kind of weird because like you know with OMAD that means I eat one meal a day so incorporating fruit and stuff like that is a little bit different you know it means like yeah like sometimes I’ll eat an apple with my meal you know whatever that is but it and then just to clarify in maintenance um I will sometimes do two meals a day or I’ll have like an actual window I don’t I really most of the time I would say I don’t really do a window do I either do two meals a day or one meal a day I don’t really like to calculate windows just in general and I’ve I’ve learned that for me I do I do like to just eat you know like eat a meal and not snack and then eat a meal because generally snacking for me has been linked to emotionally eating usually if I’m wanting to snack is because I’m upset about something so good Patsy glad you caught me live mom fasting your approach to not forbid any foods has made such a difference for me seriously I appreciate your perspective so much OMAD wasn’t a good fit for me so I’ve been doing alternate day fasting but appreciate you well thanks mom fasting uh yeah I’ve never tried alternate day fasting before I kind of thought that would be a good fit for my life you know but OMAD works really well for me and I think that’s the really cool thing about intermittent fasting is so versatile there’s so many different ways you can practice it and still have success it’s all about finding like what does what what works for your life and then and then do that thing okay Oh Debrah you’re i in Vero Beach very cool I’ve never been there I don’t think but Florida is beautiful isn’t it okay Dennis Ranshaw what about having a glass of wine with the meal um well okay so in my opinion and this this has just been you know how I practice it I’ve always allowed myself a glass of wine whenever I wanted my my sister has a winery and I love her wine and so occasionally we’ll have a glass of wine with the meal my rule was there was no rule about wine with my meal so if I wanted it I would have it but it wasn’t like that every single night I had a glass of wine so I can’t say like so when I was having the glass of wine here are my results and when I wasn’t here my results one thing I did notice generally speaking was that sometimes the next day it seemed like I have just maybe just a tinge of nausea just a little bit but I think that was generally if I had a glass of wine before bed so in other words out like not with my meal but just like had a glass of wine and that would have been more in like maintenance mode after I had already lost the weight you know it had probably and you know eat my meal but then later on that evening have a glass of wine that generally I found the better way was to have some cheese with the wine because then I just didn’t feel that little tinge of nausea and I hate nausea so okay oh okay so it’s by Miami Deborah okay yeah so I have not been down that far south yet but maybe one of these days we will we didn’t really go down far south we went as far south as Venice Beach on our travels I think so okay Gayle Potts how long is your eating window ah that’s such a good question because it it changes nowadays now that I’m in maintenance mode so but I’ll tell you kind of like the evolution of my eating window so you can kind of get a full picture how I’ve done this because I really heard about intermittent fasting back in 2014 I started practicing it inconsistently in 2015 and back then I was probably doing about a 14 hour eating window that was pretty much the max sometimes I would go as far as the fast longer than 14 hours like that was one of those articles that I saw and I thought well I shouldn’t go any further than 14 hours so I was trying to obey that but I but I started to see like what happened I like pushing and I feel really good so if I push it out a little bit further maybe I’ll have success so um but I but I went really really gradual with my eating window pushing it up further further guys started out with like an eight-hour fasting window like just like okay I’m not gonna eat past 10 p.m. I’m gonna not eat breakfast until after 6 a.m. it was just this baby kind of time boundary around food and then it got longer and longer as I started to get consistent with intermittent fasting I started to push that further about sixteen eight I feel like that’s when I got to start to seeing results you know and then probably by I think with at the beginning of 2016 I started out at like at 16:8 18:6 I was pushing out further kind of accidentally pushed it all the way to OMAD because of my kids got the stomach virus I was really nervous about you know me getting sick I didn’t get sick but I ended up like I could not bring myself to eat anything until supper and I was like I’ve really got to eat something and that’s when I lost like I think I lost five or six pounds that week and and I just thought wow like this felt really felt really good eating one meal a day and I thought I wonder if other people do this looked up sure enough people do it so so that year so by April of for the rest of the year except for on Sundays so that’s one meal a day so that’s basically that’s a 23 and a half hour fasting window 30-minute eating window although I didn’t look at the clock it’s just like I sit down for one meal eat the meal and then I’m done so that’s what I did for the bulk of 2016 that’s how I lost most of my weight when I went back to maintenance mode that first time I would sometimes eat one meal a day sometimes I would have three meals a day sometimes I would have you know like I was really trying to see how loosey goosey can we be here before I start gaining weight I mean that was that’s really and that’s still kind of my the general thrust is like how strict do you have to be to still maintain in a range so so that so that’s kind of what I did I was just kind of experimenting in 20 the late part of 2016 and into 2017 then I started this channel and I thought you know I was still like three or four pounds in the overweight BMI zone and I thought well I’ve got I mean like I have to lose weight I can’t you know like I thought to myself like I can’t be technically overweight and make videos about weight loss which I disagree with my past self on that now but at the time it’s just how I felt so I went back to the old reliable plan which was walking six miles a day eating once a day so oh man six days a week and then taking my cheat day on Sunday and so that’s what I did and it took me about a year I think maybe like 10 months to lose 17 more pounds which was about a third of a pound a week so hopefully I said all that right but it was a third of a third of a pound a week on average when I was doing that and so I lost the rest of the weight so then in October of 2018 I did the same kind of thing where I went back to maintenance mode so since then I’ve just been trying to you know figure out well how do I want to eat you know and what I’ve found is that generally speaking I like to eat either one meal a day or two meals a day I don’t really because I thought to myself well maybe I want to go back to eating you know just three meals a day maybe that would be something that I like but I like bigger portions and so three big meals a day doesn’t really work for me to try to maintain the weight loss so so yeah so I’ve found for me I can maintain with two meals a day or one meal a day although I really have found especially lately because things have been so crazy one meal a day it that works for me okay um let’s see Mary Monroe I love intermittent fasting have lost 14 pounds in two months fantastic at age 57 awesome about 10 to 13 pounds ago I’m already at a healthy BMI that’s fantastic love OMAD love your channel oh well thanks I hope I wish you success you know the last 10 13 pounds just be patient and you’ll get it off Debra Kuebler asked do you generally stay at the same weight daily no or does your weight fluctuate 2 to 5 pounds regularly okay so my weight does not stay the same weight every day I mean I did a video a while back and maybe J can find it about how much my weight fluctuates I think it was called like weight fluctuations and and so on that I went back through my spreadsheet and at that point I think it was like three or four years worth of data I think that was right yeah about three yeah about three or four years worth of data to see how much does my weight really fluctuate and and yeah it fluctuates I’d say by a pound or so every day sometimes it’s more like especially if I’ve had a day like Mother’s Day right Mother’s Day was awesome but that’s the kind of day where there’s just lots of treats and lots of goodies and all that stuff but I think my weight fluctuated up by like 3.6 pounds that next day but then like today it was down by 2.6 pounds I think I’m getting on this right I’m not gonna keep in numbers in my head but so now but generally speaking it’s more like a pound I would say it’s up by pound it’s down by a pound it’s you know and it’s generally about pound it’s it’s not generally more than that but there have been times I think the most I think this is right the most it’s ever fluctuated over night was 5.6 pounds I think that’s right so yeah it can it can fluctuate by a lot so yeah okay Lorena Ballou hi Kayla hi I’ve been following your channel for about two years I love all the support and honesty you give I’m midway through your second book love the first book well thanks and thanks for buying the books um yeah the second book um which is called overcoming weight loss obstacles it was the harder book to write for me it was a lot more personal like I’ve shared a lot more of my like the struggles the hard part and especially in maintenance which is I think probably the the hardest thing for people unusual areas certainly the hardest part for weight loss for me was maintenance figuring that piece out so I’m glad you’re enjoying it and people seem to have liked the maintenance a chapter because I think that’s not something a lot of books talk about is like the actual what is it like when you’re trying to keep the weight off for the rest of your life so so yeah okay so here’s a question how long did your weight-loss journey take 32 years no actually so okay so you see this person said they read the my book and they would like to know how I continued it okay so okay so that when I said you know it took me thirty two years that that’s not really true but it is in a way true I mean I struggled with weight like when I was about six years old like I went to the doctor and the doctor made me feel really bad about my weight and just like it really hurt my feelings and I was always a kid that like was just kind of chunky and you know so I would go on diets and everything and sometimes I would be thinner most of the time I was overweight and it was just like a constant you know struggle with my weight um but then in the course of time having babies I would say that’s really when my weight started to get like there were there were bigger gains and so like I had my first baby I gained 60 pounds I lost that weight then I had my second child and and it was kind of like with every child I kind of like kept some weight on I would lose some of the weight but I would just kind of keep some of the weight on and then after my third child was born I really didn’t lose I don’t think any of the weight from that I got just I had him I mean so like eight pounds was gone but then the rest of it kind of stayed around and I didn’t weigh myself during that time I just had my head my head stuck in the sand because you know I was I knew that I’d gotten overweight and I and I think I was just scared of the number and so I did not weigh and and so in 2014 March 2014 I got tagged on some Facebook photos and I mean I didn’t recognize myself I was really upset and that was my I’ve had enough moment like I’m gonna figure this out and it took me a while I mean at that moment I said I’m figuring this out and and I’m not gonna be back here like I’m going to figure this out and keep the weight off and it took me a while like it took me until the end of that year until I heard about intermittent fasting and I mean I was trying stuff along the way but I really just nothing quite worked and I wanted it to be permanent I did not want to go on some kind of crazy diet which I’ve done before lose the weight and gain it all back like I really wanted to figure out how can I keep eating the foods I like and keep the weight off for good and so that’s what all this is about so so yeah so it took me so 2014 basically was just researching the whole time and not really taking a whole lot of consistent action 2015 I lost about it was about 15 pounds in one year and then in 2016 that’s when I got consistent and I lost the bulk of my weight then so from January 2016 to November 2016 that’s when I really lost the bulk of my weight I got down to 157 which was a couple of pounds overweight but that was really when I got down to what I feel like was a good weight and then so I’ve maintained that and then I lost you know another chunk of weight like another 17 pounds or so that and that took about a year and so now just keeping it off and again you know just experimenting I continue to weigh daily I walked six miles six days a week and I take a cheat day on Sunday as always and generally OMAD or two meals a day okay Rebecca Gwyn I’ve been doing OMAD for less than a year lost better oh thanks I notice these things because you’re a hairstylist well thank you very much I appreciate that um princess Francoise how do you get enough food in one meal I always feel so stuffed what did you eat in the beginning okay so I think I think built for OMAD and I think some people are not built for OMAD because there are some people that say that like oh I could never eat enough at one meal to you know to do that like they just they do feel full and I guess I’m like I don’t know I can my stomach can expand or something because I can certainly eat enough at one meal every day in order to you know stay at a healthy weight my husband is the type though that really can’t do that like he he can’t go a long time between meals and he and he really just doesn’t eat a whole lot at one meal like I just have the capacity to eat a really big meal so so I would say yeah like yeah so I think it’s just different for everybody so if you find that OMAD doesn’t work for you don’t worry about like OMAD is not the magic bullet I mean I’ve met people they eat know five to six small meals a day and and it works for them they are able that fits their like body and you know the way they’re built better so I would say experiment with it and figure out you know how you know but maybe maybe you’re more of a two meal a day person maybe you’re more of a three meal a day person you know I am very much of the opinion that intermittent minute fasting is a really great way to cut calories in some way you know it just makes it easier not to overeat and so so what did I eat I ate exactly what we were already eating so I did not go out and buy special foods I did not go out and try to buy more of any kind of food group I mean to let you know I generally do bake or bake or cook things from scratch mostly and but I’m also a southerner so there’s gonna be like biscuits and gravy and stuff in there too so like it’s like really the foods we are already eating spaghetti tacos you know man pleasing chicken with broccoli I love to roast vegetables I love fish I love all the food really so anything anything that we were already eating I did eliminate any foods at all you’re welcome Debra okay so okay so Lorena and I lost ten pounds two years ago and you did that at at twelve twelve and then I moved to 16 eight however I was not consistent and I’m back to obesity well look lorena hey it happens okay and you can’t do anything about what’s in the past right so now it’s about what are you gonna do today and what are you gonna do going forward and I mean like I’ve gained weight even in maintenance like even being what being what I felt was fairly consistent I mean but it wasn’t consistent enough is the thing and I’ve had to you know go back to like okay doing OMAD six days a week and that’s what I do by the way I don’t know that I said that out loud yet but like my goal is to be in the 140s but if my weight goes above the 140s so it goes up into the 150s I then say okay it’s time to go back to weight loss mode and so I go back to just doing the old reliable OMAD six days a week walking six miles a day six days a week and cheat day on Sunday and I mean so it’s not like I’m perfect by any stretch of the imagination which is why the book was so hard to write because because I had to talk about all those things like that were hard even though I had a youtube channel about intermittent fasting so so hopefully that encourages you oh thanks Janice you had some nice words about interviewing well thank you I really do enjoy interviewing people on this channel I it’s kind of a difficult thing for me I did turn off YouTube comments and and but one one thing that is difficult for me to encourage people to come on and share their story before was that you know sometimes the comments were mean and you know like somebody you know sitting there and they’ve lost a lot of weight and you know there’ll be a comment that basically says uh looks like you still need to lose a few more something you know like that or oh you look better ten pounds ago or whatever you know so I so my point is I kind of have this hesitation about you know actively trying to find people that will come on tell their story because I don’t want to put that excess pressure on their weight-loss journey because it is you know having this channel it does put a little bit of pressure on my own weight you know something that I wouldn’t have had otherwise and so so it’s kind of a struggle for me but I know that it helps people like I know that it really helps people to see other success stories because it helped me like when I was trying to lose weight in the beginning I would search out how did did other people do it did other people like me I mean I would literally like Google mom of three who lost you know 70 pounds mom of 3 who lost 60 pounds just because I wanted to see like can you really lose weight when you’ve had that many kids and and it is helpful so so if you’d ever like to be interviewed like reach out you can email Kayla at six miles to supper and then we can set up a Skype interview but again you know I do feel kind of ambivalent because I do know it’s difficult to share the story it kind of puts pressure on the you know after you know after you’ve shared the story on YouTube and then it does put additional kind of stress on it because you want to keep it off because you don’t want it be like oh well I did that interview and so anyway okay gayle from england thank you from England it’s so nice to hear from you guide you find the videos helpful Jan thank you very much for reading the books and glad you enjoyed them Lori and I’ve dived back into the to intermittent fasting during quarantine and I’m a lot more consistent now with a clear plan excellent you’ve been doing 21-3 for three weeks and love it yeah you know this quarantine really can be a good time to kind of get consistent because you’re at home more and you know maybe you have fewer distractions right so so I’m glad to hear it’s going well for you and just be patient be patient let’s see what’s the name of your book you and your husband wrote on marriage and how can I buy it oh yes I did this cool collaboration with Kim Smith who was an interview that I did The Incredible Shrinking Smith’s her and Ryan her husband have lost ah I can never remember the amount of like 100 pounds a total of 200 pounds I think that’s right their story is great they’re great people and she asked me you know do you want to try doing a you know writing a work book of some sort and and she was an intermittent faster and she was like but you can it can be on any topic and so me and Jay did one on marriage communication so you can find that on Amazon and um yeah J put the link in the chat I see a little note here that says he did so okay let’s see Tammy asked don’t worry about bombarding bombard with questions all you want I wanted to ask about putting Mio flavoring in your water do you think it causes sugar spikes okay so I can’t remember if mio is the one that does have artificial sweeteners in it or not I can’t remember but um I’ll tell you my experience first of all I don’t like the way artificial sweeteners taste like for whatever reason they taste weird to me so I don’t really like the taste and they also kind of mess with my stomach and give me a lot of gas and kind of make my stomach hurt so I just don’t use them not because I’m afraid that they’re gonna hurt me or anything I think they’re perfectly safe but I really don’t like them so but here’s the thing oh and another thing about artificial sweeteners and this is just something from my experience I don’t know if everyone has this experience I do think there have studies done about it but they made me hungrier like I can and I first noticed this years and years and years ago like I would do that typical thing that we all do go to McDonald’s order the the value meal or whatever and get a quarter pounder with cheese and french fries and everything then have the diet coke to assuage my guilt about how many calories I was about to consume but I noticed by the end of the meal I was so much hungrier like I would just be like like I would feel like I really hadn’t eaten and then I thought I’m gonna start drinking regular coke again like I’m just gonna I’m not gonna have the diet stuff I’m gonna drink a regular coke well lo and behold and this could all be psychological I don’t know but when I would have the meal with the coke I would be full and so I said well you know I guess I’ll just not do artificial sweeteners like I’ll just pass on those so that’s what I do like if I’m gonna have a soda it’s gonna be like a regular old like coke or Mountain Dew Dr Pepper I don’t drink cokes often but I do allow myself to have them if I want them not in my fasting window obviously but um at my meal like it is rare but I will do that from time to time I would say that’s probably less than once a month for those of you out there who wonder like well how how fast okay so J put me a note that says Mio has sucralose so that is Splenda which is artificial sweetener um but the point is I’m gonna back up because back when I first started doing intermittent fasting I allowed myself sugar in my coffee now that was in the beginning and I was losing weight and some people do that and I mean like people are I know there are people out there who get really strict with rules but I don’t I was all about like how can I make this work for my life and at that point in my life I thought okay if I can have my coffee the way I want it anytime I want then I can stick with this fasting thing otherwise like I won’t eat anything but I allow myself to have coffee and so when I first started out I was having like a tablespoon of sugar in my coffee which is a lot of sugar I know but but I have sweet tooth so then I started just decreasing the amount of sugar so my point is I was able to have results even when I had sugar in my coffee I did end up eliminating the sugar I did it because I thought it would make the fasting easier which it did like really do you think and I noticed at least for myself that when I got to the point where my coffee only had half and half in it which is for you British people double cream I think right now I can’t remember I used to know the thing but basically it’s like if you were to take heavy cream and milk and put like half of each that’s the ratio so it’s like it’s more fat content than milk but not as much as like a whipping cream anyway once I started to have my coffee with just the cream in it and no sugar at all it seemed to make the fasting easier like I you know I’m sure it is like the little spike of blood sugar and then it goes back down so but yeah I I would I would say you’re gonna be fine with Mio I say that it you know like notice your own results but the tendency I think that people have is to like blame it on that one thing I know us cuz that Mio I would say try it with Mio I’ve had I’ve done little surveys on the community tab just to see you know what are people allowing themselves and still losing weight and I specifically asked one time about artificial sweeteners like who out there is drinking diet cokes like or lots of diet cokes and and how’s it going and a lot of people out there are drinking you know lots of diet cokes in their fasting window and they are losing weight so I would say it’s more the really most important thing is the calories of the amount of calories you’re eating in the eating window are gonna be the thing that really move the numbers on the scale the little you know the little bits of you know maybe a little bit of spike in blood sugar during your fasting you know I don’t think it’s gonna make a big difference okay Daniel hey Daniel do you have it currently do you have any other exercise apart from walking hope you and the family are doing well well we are doing well so no I don’t well push-ups I do some push-ups occasionally like I let’s see it was last year last year I thought okay just the walk and I got a I got a step it up a little bit maybe I’ll do some sort of weight training well I was in an RV and in an RV it’s difficult to do like you don’t have a lot of room for equipment and stuff like that so I thought well push-ups that’ll work but the thing about push-ups is in such a small space my kids like to jump on my back when I’m trying to do it and they think it’s hilarious and I think it’s annoying so I never really got consistent now that I’m in a house like maybe I can get consistent I have actually been doing them fairly consistently since Friday so and my my goal I think is just to be able to do well my original goal is a hundred strict push-ups but my husband does 40 so maybe I’ll try to work up to that I don’t know we’ll see but I do like the idea of being stronger I do like that okay so princess thank you for your kind words you asked out when you are fasting what do you intake such as drinks okay so here’s what I allow myself during the fasting window unsweetened tea water Lacroix or any other brand that is unsweetened and flavored so there’s like bubly there’s clear American Perrier and there’s one other one I can’t remember it but anyway I don’t do artificial sweeteners just because like I said they don’t make me feel good so but the but those types of drinks I love a bubbly cold beverage like to me that’s such a treat and I really like them so I’ve always allowed myself however much of that I want I don’t have any kind of rules I have no rules on quantity or frequency of any kind of beverages during my fasting window I’m never have don’t plan to either so coffee with half-and-half I don’t don’t have a rule for myself like as far as like you’re only allowed to have three because if I tell myself that I immediately want four and if I said four I’d want five so I just say okay however many you want it generally turns out to be about two or three when I was losing weight it was three lately it’s been two because I started to notice that I was having trouble with my sleep at one point and so I kind of cut out any kind of afternoon coffee but my mother-in-law really likes coffee and I really like coffee and so now that we’re back down in Florida I may go back to 3 cups day we’ll see but but anyways coffee with half-and-half so again it’s just half-and-half there’s no sugar in my coffee let’s see what else gum and mints I allowed myself and I think back say in 2015-2016 I like wanted those more I kinda I wanted something in my mouth to be chewing on because I was fasting and you know just to kind of give my mouth something to do but nowadays I don’t really need that like I can’t remember the last time I like felt the urge to chew gum or to have a mint during my fasting window yeah so let’s see is there anything else I allow myself yeah I don’t take bites of food well back in the day never took a bite of food ever ever ever that was just like a hard and fast rule no no bites at all not even tasting of the food really like if I’m cooking nowadays if I’m sitting there and I’m you know making dinner I mean this for one thing it’s already close to my eating you know time so I’ll take a taste or something I’m not a strict as I used to be but again that’s because I’m maintaining right now which is a more loosey-goosey fluid time anyway let’s see yeah so that’s funny that Lorena and you say that sugar artificial sugar makes me crave more food and sugar – yeah yeah sugar – I noticed that as well so so yeah infusing your water with citrus or mint people do that and you know if I had any citrus or mint on hand I’d probably do that too but I don’t so so good tips I have a polar Seltzer’s I think I have tried a Polar seltzer and I liked it and there’s another brand – it’s like a it’s like a it’s one of those water bottled water brands man I can’t remember it ok and let’s see Lorena and you asked do you take any vitamins or supplements I don’t well see you asked me this question and like I just because we just moved and so I saw that I’ve got you know some vitamin d3 and like a super B super B vitamin and they’re sitting in there and I thought I should probably take those cuz I hate buying stuff and then not I mean and at this point they’re probably several years old but I really don’t like to waste money and I would feel really bad throwing them out so I’m just taking them not because I really think I have any kind of deficiency the reason I don’t take like a regular vitamin or supplement I did a lot of research just for myself and I saw some conflicting evidence and I kind of thought huh you know there are some studies I saw that said there’s us like a slight increase in cancer risk and I’m not a doctor or a scientist so I mean I’m just reading stuff and I’m trying to figure it all out and you know I saw other things you know doctors even saying like basically Americans have really expensive urine because that’s what happens like when you when you don’t need the vitamins you just you excrete them and so I wasn’t convinced enough to really get into that habit but you know I feel like you know if I ever do feel like I need I need something or I feel like I’m deficient then I’ll take action on that I haven’t felt that way I stay pretty healthy I don’t have a lot of I don’t get colds a lot or anything I feel like if I start to notice that about myself then I kind of think oh well maybe that’s you know a sign and somebody just said my hair look good so I guess I’m I guess I’m good so I think that’s like with horses that’s how you tell if there you know deficient or anything is their coat anyway okay so princess asked what would be your number one suggestion or tip for someone on day three of OMAD as far as being successful okay let me get a drink of water cuz that’s a really good question just one tip okay my number one tip would be be patiently consistent see what it did there it was really two tips in one be patient the temptation with OMAD I think is that people think if I go down to one meal a day the weights just gonna fall off and it’ll be you know like I’ll be I’ll be done with all this weight loss stuff really fast and then I won’t have to think about it again but even with OMAD I was losing on average about a pound a week when I had the most to lose and I’m just maybe a slow loser but it was about pound a week on average when I went from being obese down to almost a normal BMI and then when I got near the normal BMI and then decided to drop some more weight it was a third of a pound a week it takes a lot of patience like consistency and patience over time and those are two things like so just don’t get in a hurry basically yeah don’t get in hurry okay Jan asked hope this isn’t too personal but why is it the comments are off on your videos were the comments getting to be too rude and inconsiderate okay it’s a great question I’m glad you asked it cuz I’m happy to share I think I’wrote about this on my blog a while back but I’ll share it here too because here we are in YouTube so first of all I love love love hearing from subscribers I love doing these as far as like being able to answer people’s questions absolutely love it I love hearing when people are having victories and if I can help in some way sharing my experience that’s great so the thing about YouTube comments is so at first when I first got this channel the comments I mean you know you’re barely getting any comments right and so and it’s fun at first and then after a while you start to get negative ones and I get that that’s a part of life a part of life is learning how to deal with criticism and yes there were people who were critical of my food choices you know people that said oh it looks like you still need to lose weight that kind of thing but as my subscribership grew the number of comments becomes there’s a lot and I couldn’t continue to do the answering of the comments first of all when I’m going to answer somebody I J can attest to this like it takes me a while to sit there and craft the response like I want to be thorough I want to you know cover all the points and everything so so it became this difficult thing because I wanted to be able to answer people’s questions thoroughly but it was starting to take a lot of time so that was one thing it was taking alot of time but it was also the comments because there were so many more the number of negative ones became increasingly more and so the way the best way I can describe it and this is how I started hearing it in my head was I feel like I’m getting kicked in the gut every time I go into the comment section and you can only get picked in the gut for so long before I started to say either I’m going to stop making YouTube videos or I’m gonna change so I made a change my husband started answering comments and we would have him like sign it cuz I I didn’t want people to think oh you know it’s her when it’s really him oh you know did I say that right but basically I wanted it to be obvious like it’s not me answering it’s J but then there were also problems even with that because a lot of times you know you take the time to answer and you never hear back and so then it’s kind of hard to tell well am i helping people by you know taking my time to do this so so eventually I started to see well also you know J doesn’t like seeing the negative comments either and like it can start to kinda ruin his day too so we said okay we’re just going to turn ’em off so we turned ’em off and it was a way for me to continue to do the things that I do like because I knew that I wouldn’t otherwise so I turned off comments thinking well you know it it might hurt things but that was just it was like the only option that could really work for me in my life so yeah there you go so that’s why I hope that thoroughly answered it if you have any other questions I’m an open book as far as that goes so yeah so that’s why YouTube comments are off jeff heinzman asked do you plan to make an audiobook of your second book actually did it is available on audible hopefully J put the link he did that the link in the chat yeah so I’ve done the audiobook version of both of my books and that’s a fun experience so I’m always like I was so nervous the first time I did I wrote a blog about this about how impostor syndrome sets in you know and like I had I had to record my audio book because we were on the road so I’m in my RV I’m sitting on the bed I had the my my my comforter like draped over me so it creates this like recording studio makeshift recording studio and it’s a lot of fun I saw Mike Rowe do it one time on Dirty Jobs and I thought hey if he can do it then I can do that and if it’s good enough for the Discovery Network it’s probably good enough for audible so anyway so there we go well thank you guys it sounds like people understand about the YouTube comments and you know and that was another thing too like my own personal policy generally speaking is to stay out of the comments section it’s so hard to do but like on a YouTube video I usually just don’t even open up a little comments then cuz usually it’s something that will stress me out or like same thing with like you know if you’re reading a blog or something like that a lot of times to the comment section that’s where people argue and all that stuff so so I thought okay well if that’s my own kind of personal what do you call it philosophy so I’m glad you guys understand okay Sama Kamal maybe are carbs really bad for weight loss as you don’t do it well I do eat carbs so I think maybe what you mean because I’m not low carb right because I’m not and I think that’ll be the last question cuz we’re already at an hour man that hour flew by thank you guys for joining me um so carbs to me they’re fine I love carbs I’m probably higher carb than anything else to me the big thing is not eating too much food too many calories you can look at the Amish they eat a lot of carbs and they’re pretty healthy people they got good longevity and lower diabetes rates obesity rates are much much lower and so yeah so there you go so I love carbs I know not everybody does but I do I think it’s like you know for me I feel best when I’m eating carbs and protein and fat and that’s just how I feel best high high protein I don’t feel great if it’s like just protein nothing else I do not do well on that kind of thing so thank you all for joining I hope you enjoyed this now that I’m in a regular house with a regular kind of connection this I guess it I guess it did well then hopefully we can do these on a more regular basis I’ll try to get more of a schedule and we will see you next time I don’t know if you’re still here but if you [/spoiler]


Timestamps & Questions:
1:48 I’ve just started OMAD. I have been intermittent fasting since the end of January and I have lost 20 pounds. I just started my period on the 28th day. My normal cycle is 32 days. How does OMAD affect the balancing of female hormones?

4:45 I’m strictly following a 16:8 fast. I lost 8 pounds and now I have hit a plateau. How do I move out of it? Should I move to OMAD? Please help.

8:12 I only eat a meal once a day consisting of a pound to about a pound and a half of meat. Is this intermittent fasting?

10:20 How do your kids stay so quiet while you film?

11:34 Do you incorporate sweets into your OMAD schedule, and if so does it keep your weight the same or increase it?

17:30 What about eating fruit?

19:28 What about having a glass of wine with the meal?

21:11 How long is your eating window?

26:40 Do you generally stay at the same weight daily? Or does your weight fluctuate 2 to 5 pounds?

29:23 How long did your weight-loss journey take? I read your book. How do you continue to keep the weight off?

33:16 How do you get enough food in one meal? I always feel so stuffed. What did you eat in the beginning?

39:50 What’s the name of your book you and your husband wrote on marriage and how can I buy it? (Note: it’s called Keep Talking: Communication Habits For Getting Along All Marriage Long and it’s available here on Amazon.

40:48 Do you think putting Mio flavoring in your water causes sugar spikes?

46:07 Currently do you have any other exercise apart from walking?

47:25 What do you drink when you’re fasting?

51:10 Do you take any vitamins or supplements?

53:10 What would your number one suggestion be for someone who is just starting OMAD, for them to be successful?

54:40 Why are comments off on your videos on Youtube? Were the comments starting to get too rude or inconsiderate?

58:31 Do you plan to make an audiobook of your second book (Note: The name of the book is Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles: How To Keep Going When Things Get Difficult and it’s available as an audiobook on Audible at this link.)

1:00:21 Are carbs really bad for weight loss?

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