Intermittent Fasting, OMAD, Walking 6 Miles Youtube Live Q&A: August 1, 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] all right I think we’re live now hopefully the signal is good I’m trying to look and see hopefully everything is gonna come through okay we’re in a new location and we just got here so so hopefully the internet will stay good and welcome to the YouTube live I don’t know if anybody’s here yet looks like maybe one person’s here but um so today we drove for like three hours so hopefully and hopefully the rain will not be too loud let me know if you at any point you have trouble hearing me and I’ll either talk louder or maybe I’ll have to go inside let’s see J if you are in here if you could comment so that I could make you a moderator so and if you have any questions at all you can pop them in the comments to introduce myself my name is Kayla and I’ve lost 80 pounds as of this morning with intermittent fasting and walking I walk six miles every day and I eat one today basically to sum up and I also have a cheat day every Sunday so any questions you have it all about intermittent fasting about walking six miles a day about cheat day or anything like that just let me know okay are you a real estate agent I thought I remember hearing that in one of your videos Amy asked um I was but I ended up not really enjoying it as much as I wanted to I just didn’t fit really with you know my life and and what I enjoy doing so yeah I ended up just saying I’m done but my husband is still one but we’ve started full-time RVing so we’re kind of transitioning out of that okay let’s see and you like watching the videos and they’re helpful well thank you Amy I appreciate that I always try to make them as helpful as I can I try to be as transparent and everything is possible so thank you for that that’s really nice so I’ll go ahead if nobody has other questions ah there’s my husband is signed in as coffee coffee coffee show so hopefully I can set him as the moderator I still can’t figure it out so oh well hopefully ha I can put somebody in a timeout but I won’t put him in a timeout okay so let’s see Phyllis I love your videos also I was wondering do you really eat a lot of different things on your cheat day it depends on the cheat day um some cheat days it’s been like oh man I mean especially in the beginning in the beginning cheat day was like wow you know I get to eat you know all the things in it and I really didn’t overdo it but I did eat a lot more you know things I’ve been craving and it because at that point I had a lot more cravings in general um now you know that my relationships with food and everything have have just become a lot better I don’t crave as many of those you know you know forbidden foods I don’t have any forbidden foods anymore so um so yeah it ends up being less you know variety and stuff I mean I just eat whatever I want so some days it just kind of depends on the week and it kind of depends on you know my monthly cycle and everything as far as you know far as hormonally speaking I’ve definitely noticed you know I crave more sugar and sweets and stuff during that time of the month then in just regular you know regular times okay so hopefully that answers your question Phyllis thank you for asking Meat Is Murder only okay all right so let’s see just five weeks in for intermittent fasting and seven pounds lost that is awesome Joe so much easier for you than tracking points so I guess that would be Weight Watchers I think right so um yeah not having to track anything as far as points keep keeping up with points that was something I really wanted to avoid because I know historically with me I can I can do it for a while like the Zone diet you have to keep up with like percentages and stuff and for a while I can do that but eventually it just gets to be too confusing and go back to eating however I ate so so I’m glad that you’re having success – that’s awesome seven pounds that is great let’s see Deborah says hi started watching you a few days ago thanks so much for your inspiration oh thank you I’m honored that you were inspired um today is day one trying a that goes for you I’m always interested to see you know because some people do this really aggressively like they’ll go from you know and I think I would call an 18:6 pretty aggressive like I was a wuss okay like I I was like okay I’ll just not eat for an eight-hour stretch in the beginning and then I just you know pushed out breakfast a little later or so mine was very very gradual but you know other people will be more aggressive with it and I think I mean a lot of people have said you know some people say they they go straight from one way of eating to the other and it doesn’t even affect them and then other people say you know it took them like a week or two to just so I would love it if you update me and let me know how it goes for you too let’s see let’s see Carlene hey Carlene wanted to ask you if you’ve noticed any muscle loss do you still have good muscle tone doing IF okay so I have not noticed any muscle loss okay I don’t know how one measures that you know like I can still pick up my kids and you know in the process of RVing and stuff we’re doing a lot of things I you know I did the monkey bars the other day which I couldn’t do before I lost the weight but I don’t know I’ll flex that’s I don’t know that’s that’s that’s my muscle so but I have not noticed any kind of like wasting away or anything like that Jason Fung has a really good video about why intermittent fasting does not cause muscle loss he can maybe google that or hopefully I’ll remember to put that J can you make a note to put that my husband’s taking notes of the questions that we get so that we can put that in the description with the start times and everything that way hopefully it’s a really easy video to kind of go through and find your questions okay Jo yeah it is raining here I’m in Georgia now and which is where I was born and raised so it’s raining it looks like it’s gonna like rain all week long so we’ll see let’s see Lady Desa greetings from Bulgaria oh wow you love my channel well thank you so much well hi from America and I just man all these people from different countries that is just so cool to me thank you for watching I appreciate that um your video is really helping Yris I hope I’m pronouncing your name right Yris Dell I’m trying to adapt your what would this look like if it were easy it is not what comes naturally to me but I’m trying to thank you okay thank you for telling me that Yris uh yeah that is hard for me as well it it’s like the opposite of how I tend to be I tend to be pretty driven I would say really stubborn and I a lot of times I will make things harder on myself than they need to be but then what I’ve realized is nobody’s gonna give you a medal you know if you make this hard on yourself you know and you’re just like you know miserable like nobody’s gonna know it’s only you so trying to make things easy it goes against you know everything in my nature to do that but it has been so important I think for continued success and maintenance so because today I can’t read if I said that on the video but I earned my 80 pound weight loss badge on Fitbit so that was huge for me I was I’m just really excited now that’s not my seven-day average but it is my single day like that’s my record first single day weight so I’m like super excited okay that’s it Carlene looking good thanks Carlene helga says greetings from Germany oh thank you Helga thank you for watching all the way from Germany and Kim well thanks for watching appreciate that G says hi how important do you think it is to track your walking with a fitness watch you think I can get away with only using a smartphone I’m trying to work up to 6 miles a day awesome uh I hope you enjoy it as much as I do because I really really love my six miles everyday it is like it’s just almost impossible to be in a bad mood when you walked six mile so um uh so fitness trackers I’ve got a Fitbit I’ve got an Alta I love my Fitbit I’ll uh I had a Flex before but for a long stretch there I did use my smartphone because my Flex broke and then I just said you know what I can use my smartphone it’s a pedometer and you know what it was just as accurate and there’s a lot of pros to it because then you don’t have another device to have to deal with in charge and all that stuff it can be I would say just as that you can have success either way like the main thing is you’re committed to the miles you don’t have to buy any additional equipment I mean heck you can get one as little cheapo things if you really just want a pedometer you know it’s like you know it’s like I don’t know a couple dollars from Walmart but yeah smart phones worked fantastically the problems I had with the smart phone just for my own convenience where they didn’t fit in my pocket really well so I had to either have pockets I did end up like sticking in my waistband with athletic shorts just little annoyances like that that’s you know and then fitbit has the badges and I just love badges I’m so motivated by them it’s ridiculous okay so I hope that answers your question G Jo it’s kind of funny five weeks ago I said to myself no eating for three hours yeah yeah it’s um it’s one of those things boundaries right just boundaries having some sort of boundaries with food and that’s what pretty much any diet plan is it’s just you know whatever you can figure out to put some sort of boundaries up and you know for me at first eight hours was tough it was like okay I’m just not gonna because that was a stress eater so it was like just how I dealt with stress was like pop something in my mouth you know so yeah but now here I am doing OMAD who’d a thunk right okay Hyat says hi youre nearly three weeks nearly three weeks in and you switched from intermittent fasting to OMAD halfway and you’ve lost 9.5 pounds that is awesome wow that is excellent you’re so inspirational and easy to relate to thanks for videos and really appreciate your channel well thank you Hyat um I hope I’m pronouncing your name correctly that that is fantastic like I mean I never I never had that fast of a weight loss as far as like you know week after week after week you know my average is about a pound but that is that it’s fantastic congratulations okay let’s see what you got here now they say three hours till I eat so I yeah right yeah isn’t that funny because you get used to it too like now I don’t even use it like I mean occasionally I’ll have a day where I’m hungry but most of the time it’s like oh wow it’s already 6 o’clock it’s time start thinking about eating you know so it gets very easy yeah it yeah you said going longer it gets easier yeah and it definitely that’s definitely what I’ve found Jeanine says thanks so much for inspirational channell I’m honored you think it’s inspirational it is so much more my style than tracking everything in calorie counting anything so much yeah Jeanine I’m right there with you out like I just I can’t it well for one counting counting my calories just made me feel so deprived but now try like tracking I don’t track calories either because that drives me nuts too and points or whatever but tracking my weight is the only thing that I really have found is really useful but let’s see let’s see Linda hey Linda from Greece I remember you I remembered your name from last week still OMADing it’s so easy not him to think of food for most of the day amen I mean that has been when I was thinking like about why I why I prefer OMAD because a lot of people are like well you know are you still doing that did you go back to eating two meals a day and I mean right now I’m still losing some more so I’m at OMAD but you know I’ve been thinking about you know do I really want to go back to the other way and I just really love not having to think about food until suppertime so um so yeah let’s see all right let’s see hi this is my first okay Roxanna hi this is my first week of IF’ I’ve read about all the positives have you seen negative side effects okay negative side effects I’m trying to like because I’ve been doing it for so long I try to think in terms of over those years any kind of negative side effects okay so one thing you have to learn how to deal with is the social aspect and this is something that it really depends on your life I think I happen to have a life that OMAD is really easy I mean homeschool my kids and we’re full-time RVers so the social aspect of like constantly being asked to lunch or doing playdates with other people’s kids and stuff that doesn’t happen to me so I would say the lifestyle that you live you want to look at your life and see will this fit and and then customize your plan based on your life because then that is a serious thing you know you don’t want to cut people out of your life you know just to be able to do this certain kind of eating so you have to figure out how to you know navigate those waters what else um in the beginning when I was learning how to fast like as far as you know dealing with hunger there were occasionally times where like I wouldn’t eat enough during my window and then I’d feel some nausea but I always take that like anytime I experience any kind of negative symptoms so let me list a couple like a headache or nausea or if I’m not sleeping well I think that pretty much covers it those things always told me you need to eat more during your window so that’s what I would do and then the those symptoms would go away I don’t think there’s been any other negative well you know my husband would tell me I would get hangry especially around that time of the month like he would say you need to eat something and so I would have my emergency chocolate but I think that’s all I can think of on the negatives if if there’s something negative that you’ve read and you’d like me to you know tell you whether I’ve experienced it pop it in the comments and I’ll answer it okay Amy for the ones not losing weight they may need to cut back calories a bit I count my calories along with IF’ and with success and was successful after trying and failing at weight loss once I reached 49 right so yeah so Amy what I’ve found what I would say is because the thing that really appeals to me about intermittent fasting is that I don’t have to count or track calories now but I do have a very short window I mean at this point it’s one meal you know it’s just sit down for the one meal and eat so so yeah I would say right if you want to have a longer eating window and you’re not having results and you’ve been very very consistent with your fasting window because a lot of times it’s just you’re not sticking with the fasting window but if you’re being super consistent with a fasting window and you really tried it for you know a good stretch of time I would say three or four weeks and you’re not having any results then you might want to shorten your window or you know if you’re good with counting and tracking and go for it I just hate it it’s just that’s my hang-up not anybody else’s let’s see hey love your videos can you tell us how tall you are yeah I am five six just like my husband said so now I am in alright so I started out at 222 and five six and that was severely obese and then and now I am as of this morning 142 and that’s in the normal weight range I think at 154 that’s when I hit normal weight for BMI hopefully that answers your question let’s see hey I love your videos can you write sorry who is we Agnes you asked I don’t know what that refers to so if you could tell me some context sorry Joni I started averaging my daily weight like you suggested and it’s so encouraging oh yay down a pound this week on average but it wasn’t that much if you don’t average yeah so the seven-day average keeps me sane it keeps me on a much more even keel because my weight a lot of people ask me does your weight fluctuate like yes like if you watch my monthly progress reports I do those because I want people to see like the weight doesn’t do this you know it’s like this you know over time so my weight and like I think I look back and most of those months where I’ve done that because I always post how much did my weight fluctuate the most my weight fluctuated within a single week so within a seven day period the highest number and the lowest number as far as single day weight how much does it you know vary by and it can be five or six pounds easy most months so so yeah mine definitely fluctuates a lot and it would drive me crazy if I tried to figure out like well have I lost or not you know so and I actually the reason I started doing it that way I read a study that said people women who or I mean maybe it’s just people in general who were just told their 7-day average so they would they would weigh them and they would just tell him their 7-day average they wouldn’t tell him the actual number they lost more weight and were just successful overall with with weight loss though so that I tried it and I loved it so good glad you like it too Joni okay all day mom took an antibiotic for illness and it’s throwing me off fasting today is the last day of the meds yay have you ever had troubles with meds no um I I never go to the doctor or hardly ever um and you know that’s I know people were very you need to go and I know I will but I just don’t take that much medicine in general like I what the way I was raised really was like we were self-pay so like we had to be like really sick to go and so that’s kind of why I do it myself I come if I’m really sick I will go to the doctor but I’m just rarely sick I mean I just I don’t know I don’t know what to tell you so um but yeah but I will say medicines will definitely mess with your hunger with your hormones and everything like I remember when I was probably a teenager I think I was around a teenager maybe a preteen or so I had to take steroids cuz a hornet bit me or stung me and my arm just swelled up really bad and so I had to go to the doctor and they gave me steroids to take and I remember being so hungry all the time so yeah I can totally tell how that would messwith you and probably also I would guess that it could cause some like nausea and stuff too I mean I don’t know I guess it depends on the medication so glad though that it’s working out for you let’s see good for Graceful Sky i need to walk more oh I missed your comment graceful sky I don’t know if it’s maybe I missed it okay so Albert says Hi I enjoy your videos hi Albert thanks for watching I agree I hate count Darlyne says I hate counting calories even though it works it does like people who count like I heard somebody I think it was actually Jason Fung the other day saying like that it doesn’t work and I think I’d probably disagree with him on that I think the thing about counting calories is you have to be so consistent with it and in the real world it’s just really hard to be consistent over time with counting calories you know weighing measuring food you know over time that’s just my opinion or at least that was my experience with it and but I’m not a doctor and I’m not a scientist so I’ll leave that the doctors and scientists to figure it out let’s see dawn oh you’re homeschooling Mom too all right awesome yeah we homeschool our kids use the Robinson curriculum so I love all these home schoolers I’ve met on here okay Hayat says I’m really keen to be more intuitive eater so I try to listen to my body for clues on how to feel full is this something you do or do you go about what portions look like Hayat I go by how I’m feeling so and that’s been a journey like that was that was my big struggle I think um a lot of times I was just eating you know eat you know a lot of times it was stress eating so it’s just eating and eating and eating and then you end up being miserable and so intermittent fasting put that boundary around food that said okay you can’t eat right now so then I started to learn okay I’m actually hungry or I’m not and then that kind of helped me to get to the point where I could really start to tell okay am I really full right now or am I just eating because the foods here but that’s been a very long process but yeah and okay so here’s another one of just my observations it depends on the time of month is as far as how much I need to eat or what like when I feel full okay so like during my period for example I tend to want more food I just do like I’m just hungrier I need bigger portions and I’ve learned to just listen to that and I do and so I just sit there I’m like okay I’m not gonna freak out because I really need this food right now and then there will be other times in the month where it’s like man I really don’t need as much food so I really try to be intuitive as well I don’t just arbitrarily say portions because it’s such a complex thing too because it’s not just about like that time of the month and everything for us ladies out there but it’s also about like how active you were too like and you know the body is so complex I think really going on intuition is probably the best idea that’s just my opinion okay let’s see here um okay dawn yes do you eat a lot of carbs during your one meal yeah I do um I would say I’m probably higher carb than anything else and you know carbs are cheap you know that I mean ultimately that’s the thing like I’ve got a family to feed and so um our meals tend to be you know higher carb and I mean we do like we try to eat as healthy as we possibly can you know but I’m certainly not gonna sit here and pretend like our eating is really really great by any means I think it’s you know more like a average family or kinda food like pasta you know spaghetti beans and rice which I’ve heard is a complete protein if you do beans and rice but yeah so I don’t count carbs I don’t limit carbs I don’t I don’t try to eat any particular way it’s just like whatever like you know there might be some other nights where it’s like man pleasing chicken with roasted vegetables I mean it just it just depends but yeah I don’t limit carbs let’s see let’s see thanks Jo hall okay graceful sky I’m sorry I missed your comment is I think it’s not showing it on here for me do you worry about not getting enough fruits and vegetables on your diet with OMAD Darlyne no I don’t because here’s why I wasn’t eating any differently like you know like that the I think a lot of people ask this question as if like I used to eat you know the right amount of fruits and vegetables in the right amount of whatever and you know like now I mean I eat them when I crave them and I try to get as many vegetables in as possible but you know like before the way I was eating wasn’t like a bunch of fruits and vegetables for breakfast and lunch it was more like you know bread and eggs and stuff like that so um I would say I’ve probably made overall overall that’s ate my diet has improved because I eat a lot well I just eat a lot less in general I eat a lot less junk food type things when I do have the junk food you know cuz occasionally I will I just don’t need to eat as much of it but yeah like and then you know people change their minds every five seconds as far as how many fruits and vegetables I mean I heard something other day is basically like fruit’s for you well you know like I think just everything kind of in moderation so and I also go with how I’m feeling too and so in so many other cultures see that’s another thing that so many other cultures eat so many different ways you know so I just kind of say well I’ll do the best I can okay also with you with counting calories you have you have to be honest must log everything and I agree that’s exhausting yeah it’s exhausting but it’s a good practice I think as far as like just from that standpoint of having to be honest with yourself and that because that I think you know like I track my weight and that’s an exercise in being honest with yourself every day about where you are and so yeah counting calories same thing okay let’s see let’s see family of seven completely understand yeah no I guess that’s about carbs are cheap what weight do you want to stop at um I don’t know yet it’s really to me more about when does my plan stop working like at this point I still have belly fat so I’m thinking I’d like to lose a little bit more but I’m really happy where I’m at too – so okay carbs are good home-cooked food is always best yeah whatever maybe cost has Mama’s and Papa’s love put into it food that’s right yeah like um yeah I kind of feel that way like home-cooked meals and we do I cook from I cook all of our meals pretty much I mean people’s definition of from scratch are different but I cook you know the actual food I don’t buy a lot of boxed things or prepackaged like the Stouffer’s whatever you know I just you know make the stuff from scratch generally speaking but I don’t like make my own pasta from scratch so can you make a speed video of how you walk six miles a day Sophia asked well I have a video about how I walk six I’ve made two videos on how I walk six miles a day like one I did was frequently asked questions about walking six miles a day and another one was just about how I do it like that was the first video I think but basically just I get out there and walk six miles so 14,000 steps but alI I care about is that my Fitbit has 14,000 steps at the end of the day I don’t try to say well it’s gotta be all at one stretch or you know it’s got to be in the morning it’s gotta be at night nope just as long as my Fitbit says 14,000 steps by midnight it counts and there were times I was getting my 14,000th step at midnight okay let’s see graceful sky it’s okay I just said hi and that today you went for a walk for an hour and 15 minutes awesome I’m not good at the going for walks thing yeah yeah but you’re trying to improve and I you know I had to bribe myself at first to get out there and walk I was like okay well you can watch you know netflix or Amazon Prime or whatever like you watch movies the entire time if you’ll just get out there or you can be on Facebook guilt-free you know as long as you just get out there and and it doesn’t matter how slow you’re out there just as long as you you know and that’s what I told myself and you know and now I love my walks like I just I love them and so you know it’s it’s something I think you’ll you’ll find that you enjoy over time let’s see hi Kayla this is Christina from Utah hi Christina I have to say you’re amazing oh and an inspiration to those you help well thank you Christina I you know I appreciate that I I just I’m trying to put my experience out there for people so that you know my hope is you know my hope with starting the whole channel was just like maybe like one other person will see the video and be like hey she did it I can do it you know and so I’m touched so thank you Albert okay lets see Linda says that’s what’s so good you can eat what you like whatever is on the table I’m 65 lifetime dieter first time I’m losing and no problems no deprivation four months 10 kilos 22 pounds yes I remember the kilos from last time that is awesome thank you for sharing that Linda yeah lifetime dieter yeah that’s pretty much been me like I was an overweight kid like when I was probably one of the reasons I have a hang-up about going to the doctor is when I was like I think about six years old you know the doctor said that I was overweight and in my mind the way I remember it is he was really mean and he put me on a diet and you know I just like I get really nervous at doctor’s appointments from then on but it but yes but now when I just allow myself whatever I want it’s just has completely changed my life around food and just in general changed my life okay lets see how let’s see how to boost up energy levels during fasting Kurat I hope I’m pronouncing your name right Kurat so I have found with intermittent fasting my energy levels are awesome however I will say you know I had I mean I still have body fat on me so that’s probably part of the reason because you know I’ve actually got fat stores to to burn and that you know causes me to have more energy maybe if I ever felt low-energy I always said to myself okay I need to eat more at my meal or during my window and so that’s what I did so I think if you’re feeling tired you should probably eat more but and also okay I will also add feeling good like filling up your life with things other than eating has been important to me too like I was thinking the other day because I was listening to the radio and there was like a song on there from one of my first playlists that I made on Spotify because I made some playlists like back in I think 2015 or maybe even 2014 I think 2015 though I was like okay I’ve got to change my attitude and so I just started like making songs like the craziest songs you know that you’re like ashamed that you love them but you love them and they make you feel good and make you sing and dance like I had to get myself like out of my own funk you know so so that was a big part of it so like so feeling Low Energy if it’s like a thing where you’re just kind of feeling like I just don’t want to do anything you know like I say seek out things like seek out new hobbies and interests and you know get interested in something um pretty much anything can be interesting if you just take an interest in it so I read that book I didn’t make that up sorry I hope I put I hope no one got put in a timeout just now I’m trying to scroll up on this screen but okay Albert do you ever think of doing OMAD every other day or having two cheat days in a row yes I think about or is it scary to go off OMAD so first of all no it’s not scary to get off OMAD to me it’s like the easiest thing ever like especially now that I’ve documented all of this so well because that was like another reason I start the channel I thought I want to remember this is exactly what I was doing this is exactly how I was losing weight and everything so that if in the future anything ever you know threw me way out uh you know way out in left field or something I could remember and I could say no this is how I did it because so many times in the past it’s hard to remember like what does that doing back then you know like well how did I lose that weight um so OMAD every other day or 2 cheat days in a row yeah I when I finish losing weight now I’m gonna experiment a lot I’m gonna like just see what works what doesn’t oh man I read about this one guy the other day that what’s-his-name somebody sent me the link to the article Nolan Shaheed I think it’s that I think that’s his name but anyway he is a runner he OMADs but when he is not like training he only eats one meal every other day I thought man will forget that never well I don’t think I would ever do that but yeah but yeah I plan on doing tons of experiments when I get down to where I wanna be but it’s not scary to go on to go off of OMAD like I do it every week you know with my cheat day and so like when I go on vacation sometimes I’ll just go completely off and it’s now that I know how easy it is to get back on it’s not scary it was scary at first but it’s not scary anymore helga can you eat chewing gum in the fasting time and drink coffee with a little milk Helga I drink coffee with half-and-half three times a day I do it first thing when I wake up a little bit later and then in the afternoon and half and half because you’re from Germany so basically cream Iike cream in my coffee I think that’ll translate the right way because a lot of English people of British people rather like when I say half and half they’re like what in the world is that so um it’s basically half cream half milk that you buy in the store already mixed like that um so as far as chewing gum like so in the beginning I had gum I had mints any anything that I like felt like oh just need something to kind of chew on or whatever now I don’t need that anymore maybe occasionally I need it’s just for my breath or something but cuz I get a lot of questions now that people are saying that their breath stinks or you know whatever because I guess yes a lot of people are doing keto along with this and and I I haven’t noticed but hopefully my breath does not stink let’s see so I Helga my philosophy is allow yourself what you need during that time even if it’s like kind of a crutch to get yourself to you know being really consistent in the fasting window you know like I said that those were kind of crutches for me I kept the coffee because I love coffee and I want it you know life and I wanted during my fasting window and I was able to have results and that was the main thing having results for me let’s see let’s see I want to work up to OMAD but I give in every day and eat early you’re a stay-at-home mom I’m very picky okay mommy tiff yeah um you know here’s the thing though OMAD there’s nothing special about it I don’t think I mean unless you know unless you’re type like me cuz I think I’m kind of an outlier as far as how much food I can eat at one sitting but a lot of people were like well I can’t eat enough on OMAD like I can’t eat enough to stay full and I would say well you don’t why are you trying to get – OMAD then like just stay where you’re at like as long as you’re having results so um you know if you’re having results on a longer eating window I say go for it but but maybe there’s a reason you’re trying to get to OMAD so but you’ll get there it just takes time I mean I was just very gradual with it so uh Stuart says do you feel that walking so much has helped her metabolism hard to say you know I did things like that are supposed to be really great for your metabolism before I started doing you know OMAD and walking like I did power lifting like deadlifts really heavy well for me heavy deadlifts and you know squats and all that stuff and I just didn’t lose a lot of weight with it and but now when I’m doing OMAD and you know walking it’s hard to say you know is it though is it the OMAD is it the walking or you know how’s my how has my metabolism done I think it’s much better now I feel like it is but I haven’t been tested there what makes me think that is my energy levels are great I stay you know warm like I don’t feel cold all the time and I’m sleeping really well but you know again it’s kind of a hard thing to measure I think like I’m I was looking into it because I just was curious like how any studies been done as far as metabolism rates you know you know I was looking more intermittent fasting versus regular kind of eating but it’s kind of hard to measure it I think let’s see okay let’s see well man let’s see a lot of comments so I’m trying to can you show before photo you look so good oh thank you Lisa um I I don’t have that ability on this Facebook live but if you go to my website you can see my before photos like all all different angles because that’s how I did it in the beginning because like I’m not gonna be in denial anymore about how I look like um and if you click on the one that says my story you’ll see the Facebook photo that started it all where I got tagged in the Facebook photo and I was just mortified you know I was like I did not recognize myself so you can check it out there let’s see Tracy I’m new fan just started watching more on an empty stomach and Wow feel great thank you for you’re such an inspiration oh well thank you Tracy thanks for watching yeah I feel really good when I compare cheat day versus just a regular day I really feel a lot better on the non or on the non cheat days it’s like so when I’m doing OMADI just feel more energy and everything I keep the cheat day because it’s just so darn easy and I really don’t want to change anything like anything at all while I’m doing this once I get down to where I want to be where I feel like okay that’s enough weight loss I’m gonna experiment a lot with you know different kinds of patterns and stuff and just kind of see what works for me alright let’s see okay Melissa says is it defeating my purpose to 18:6 Monday through Friday and OMAD Saturday and Sunday no I don’t think so I think that’s fantastic that’s much better than whatever what I do because I take Sunday completely off um I think it’s great I think whatever whatever works for you like the best thing I can say is be consistent like right now what you’re doing say okay today I started doing it this way okay and here you know I like to track my weight I do it every day and then you know I try it as a six-week experiment now I would say okay that’s been that and it you know pay attention to how are you feeling how easy is this feeling and then you know if you’re having results and its feeling easy do it you know like if you can keep track of it I think that’s fantastic let’s pattycake I’m ashamed to say my favorite exercise song is ice ice baby hey Ice Ice Baby it is an awesome song well that’s not there’s some bad language in it and stuff I guess but I love that song it is in it is probably on my playlist and if it’s not it would it would go on there today for sure yeah like any songs anything with a good beat like that Meghan Trainor song all about that bass I mean at I put everyone on that playlist like that I could you know pump myself up to so let’s see how long is your eating window or time do I give it for a meal okay so John I sit so because I’m at OMAD now when I’m when I say OMAD one meal a day I mean literally one meal a day we sit down as a family we eat our meal and then when I stand up I start fasting again so my window is probably 30 minutes to 45 minutes I would say like I don’t time my meals I don’t say hey kids you know it’s been 30 minutes so mommy’s got to get up from the table we sit there if we talk we laugh at me sometimes it might be an hour just I’m really laid-back about it and just sitting there at the table eat till I’m full get up start fasting again let’s see alright Don says are you are your servings are your servings of coffees eight ounces two to three servings a day my servings are topping twelve ounces yeah twelve ounces I actually measured it the other day for somebody I can’t remember who asked me that yeah 12 ounces it’s a contigo travel mug and I fill that thing up so yeah okay lets see autumn I am doing 12:6 window with Weight Watchers loving it awesome autumn that is great I have known a lot of people that that have had really good success with Weight Watchers so that’s awesome I say whatever works for you that is fantastic so congratulations too funny I went to the doctor around age 10 and went home with a diet book oh yeah now at 51 I have the proper tools to keep this weight off it’s very exciting for the first time yeah I I tell you what it’s so funny like so now I got thing that was kind of silly of me to to feel like you know weight loss is luck like I just you know maybe it’ll work maybe it won’t or like you know that you couldn’t figure it out but I’d just made up my mind like I’m gonna figure it out like I’m gonna keep track of my results and just be stubborn until I you know figure out what works for me and I figured out what works for me so I’m pretty excited about that it somehow is really empowering I think so Richard you’re doing a 23:1 feel super fantastic yes pretty much what I’m doing favorite OMAD meal Darlyne asked you know my now we’re gonna start talking about food and that’s kind of mean for these people that are fasting right now and I don’t know what time it is right now it’s 3:34 I had a three-hour drive today so let’s see one of my favorite meals is man pleasing chicken with the thigh skin on like bone in thighs it’s like with maple syrup and Dijon mustard that you mix up and a little bit of vinegar and you like put that in a really hot oven you roast it it’s really good and then roasted vegetables or steak cuz I love steak I love a good steak so okay well we have been live you guys for about 43 minutes so and I’m in Georgia now near my family sounds like a visit them San San 80 pounds yes just came in Congrats thank you so much SanSan I am super super excited about dropping 80 pounds like I’m not like I’ve got to get my seven-day average to be down at 80 pounds loss that’s my makes little goal but I’m super excited so did I get headaches on OMAD no whenever I get a headache well sometimes coffee will do that to me like if I have more coffee than normal the day before I’m very sensitive to caffeine like that but if I ever get a headache I always take it a sign as a sign that I need to eat more at my one meal it doesn’t happen very often though does my stomach growl during fasting time um occasionally yeah like my stomach actually growled just a minute ago but I looked at my watch just like I wonder is it time to eat right now cuz I kind of lost track of time on here um but no not generally um and usually if it growls it stops you know within a little while but yeah in general it’s like not true hunger whenever I kind of like if I feel kind of hungry it’s usually just boredom that kind of thing not that I’m bored very often anymore but has it affected your period so as a medical question I mean I can’t answer as a doctor or a scientist I can tell you I have not noticed any kind of difference with my hormones actually I’m very regular as far as all that goes I did a video about intermittent fasting and how it has affected in my period so and basically it hasn’t so hopefully that helps you out let’s see but you can certainly talk to your doctor about it okay so thank you guys so much for watching oh um be sure to go over to the forums if you want to you know kind of get together over there I try to be pretty active on there and there are a lot of people that are you know supporting each other and you know talking about you know different topics and everything so um alright well I appreciate all you guys watching and if I didn’t get your question I’m sorry but we’ll try to get to it next time try to do these live videos every Wednesday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time Eastern Daylight Time so so again thank you guys so much I really appreciate every one of you [/spoiler]

Timestamps & Topics/Questions:
1:14- Are you a real estate agent?
2:23- Do you eat a lot of different things on your cheat day?
3:44- Jo’s 7 pound loss with intermittent fasting in 5 weeks
4:32-Starting with 18:6 fasting
5:28- Have you noticed any muscle loss with Intermittent fasting? Dr. Jason Fung’s video here
6:56 – What would this look like if it were easy?
8:30- Do I need a fitness watch or can I use my phone as a pedometer?
10:00- Time boundaries with food
10:45- Hayat’s 9.5 pound loss in 3 weeks
11:22- Getting used to fasting
11:51- Counting calories
12:28- OMADing/not thinking about food
13:08- Negative side effects of IF
15:15- What to do if you are not having results
16:27- How tall are you?
17:06 – Success with 7 Day Average Weight
18:33- Medication and Intermittent fasting
20:18- Counting calories
20:55- How we homeschool
21:10- Do you go by how full you feel or portion sizes?
22:58-Do you eat a lot of carbs?
24:11- Do you worry about not getting enough fruits and vegetables?
25:37-Counting calories
26:20- What weight do you want to stop at?
26:36- Carbs/home cooked meals
27:18- How do you walk 6 miles a day?
28:57- Why I started this channel
29:18- Linda’s 22 pound success in 4 months
30:10- How do you boost energy levels during intermittent fasting?
32:12- Do you ever think of doing OMAD every other day or having 2 cheat days in a row? Is it scary to go off OMAD?
33:58- Can you chew chewing gum during your fasting window? What about coffee with milk?
35:29- Getting to OMAD
36:22- Do you think walking so much has helped your metabolism?
37:47- Can you show a before photo?
38:21- How I feel on an empty stomach
39:09- Is it okay to have different fasting windows during the week (M-F 18:6, OMAD Saturday Sunday?)
40:35- How long is your eating window or is it just long enough to eat your one meal?
41:20- How much coffee are you drinking?
42:04- Learning how to lose weight
42:50- My favorite OMAD meal
43:56- Did you get headaches on OMAD?
44:21- Does your stomach growl during the fasting window?
44:51- Has intermittent fasting affected your period?

Be my friend on Fitbit

This is the Fitbit I have: Fitbit Alta

My Contigo Coffee Mug on Amazon.

I’m doing this Youtube live Q&A sessions every Wednesday at 3PM Eastern Daylight Time. Please let me know if you have suggestions for a more convenient time!

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