Intermittent Fasting: Maintenance

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] If you’ve lost a lot of weight with intermittent fasting how do you maintain that weight loss so this is a super important topic I’ve talked about maintenance a little bit before in the past but I wanted to specifically talk about how it relates to intermittent fasting because this is something that I did wonder about in the beginning you know in the beginning I thought well I’ll lose the weight with intermittent fasting but I’m gonna go back to eating three times a day or however much I want during the day but that was my original plan but eventually I realized you know I can’t go back to eating the way I used to eat because I will gain all the way back if I do that so I had to figure out like what am I gonna do so when I got down to 157 that was back in like November of 2016 I decided okay I’m really happy here and I was I was really happy with the way like I was really curious like is it gonna be really hard to maintain this loss from that time all the way until September 2017 I maintained that loss and then at that point I decided I want to lose a few more pounds and that’s what I’m doing right now but when I was maintaining I wanted to experiment and that’s what I did I was constantly experimenting with different you know eating patterns and stuff what I was really looking for was how loosey-goosey can I be with this and still keep the weight off and so I had a couple of ground rules for myself the first one was I’m gonna continue to weigh every single day I’m gonna keep up with my seven-day average and just see where I’m at and also gave myself the five-pound leeway I told myself I’m not gonna worry unless I started to see my seven-day average get above 162 at that point I knew I needed to say okay we need to tweak it back down a little bit because I’m getting too far out so one thing I do regret is I didn’t keep really good records of exactly what I did and exactly how it affected my weight I do know it was very easy overall to maintain my loss within that five pound range so here’s what I found the first thing I found was I really enjoyed intermittent fasting just as a way of life I really get a lot accomplished I feel mentally sharper and I just feel more energetic on those days where I’m doing intermittent fasting as opposed to if I just wake up I have breakfast and then lunch and you know snacks a pretty consistent thing with me during that period of maintenance was skipping breakfast on purpose because again I like big meals and that’s just something I you know I can’t have three big meals a day and still keep the weight off that’s just not gonna happen for me so as far as meals go what generally worked for me was either having lunch and then supper but no snacks afterwards or having my first meal being supper and then eating until you know whenever I went to bed and having snacks and things like that with my husband after the kids went to bed which I really preferred to me that was like it felt so indulgent to be able to you know do that and again I really enjoy having my first meal be in the evening so what really worked for me was continuing to have some sort of boundaries with food and for me what worked was the time boundaries and what I would encourage you to do is experiment for yourself figure out you know what do you prefer what is your preferred way of eating is it having three meals a day or is it eating once a day or is it eating you know twice a day a lot of people I’ve talked to, once they’ve gotten down to one meal a day they really prefer it you know it’s like you find out how productive you can be so once I get down to you know my goal weight now my plan is to probably go to eating you know have my first meal be supper and then snack around maybe I might also experiment with lunch or maybe even a later lunch and supper I’ll just continue to track to see where I’m at and go from there so that’s what worked for me if you have lost weight with intermittent fasting and then you’ve maintained that loss did you go back to eating three meals a day did you continue intermittent fasting what did you do if you don’t mind leave it in the comments below I love it because people you know will share what they’ve done what works for them what they found and we all learn from that so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

  • Learning how to maintain your weight loss is absolutely key.
  • I always thought after I lost the weight, I would just go back to a normal pattern of eating, but I realized, I can’t go back to how I used to eat.
  • I maintained my loss from November 2016-September 2017 before I decided to lose a few more pounds
  • It felt pretty effortless
  • I continued to skip breakfast on purpose
  • I found I could easily maintain by either:
    • Eating lunch and supper, but no snacks
    • Eating supper, then snacks before bed
    • I never restricted what I ate, or worried about macros
  • Very important: I kept weighing every day, and watching my 7 day average
  • I gave myself a 5 pound leeway. If my 7 day average went above 162, I took that as a signal that I was being too loosey goosey, and needed to tweak my plan.

Have you lost weight with intermittent fasting, and then maintained your loss? How did you do it?




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