Intermittent Fasting: How Many Calories?

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] you’re intermittent fasting but how many calories can you eat let’s talk about that so I get this question a lot lately and that is how many calories are you eating they know that I’m eating once a day but they’re wondering how many calories and I have to give them the very unsatisfying answer I don’t know I only know that I eat once a day that’s my only rule I do that Monday through Saturday just one meal per day during that one meal per day I do not restrict calories I do not count my calories I do not track my calories now let me be clear there are some intermittent fasting people out there that will still tell you you need to track your calories everything it’s just not something I do so let me tell you about my experience with counting calories back in 2015 you know I’d start weighing myself and I was trying to figure out how to lose weight and I started in a minute fasting and but it was a really short window a fasting that I was doing and so I decided well I’m gonna also count calories and do macros and all this stuff and so what ended up happening was I drove myself crazy because I started out you know I would use my Fitbit whatever it was telling me I was burning in calorie count I would use that to say okay I need to be at a deficit and I would log all of my food and I saw no results so the next thing I did was I said well I must not be doing this right so I started measuring my food and tracking it still and it still wasn’t working now maybe it was just being impatient I don’t know but then I started really driving myself crazy I started weighing all my food it was absolutely driving me bonkers it made me feel completely deprived it really put me in a bad place because let me tell you like when you measure out a quarter cup of like shredded cheese and then you’re like sprinkling it on your taco I just I hated that I felt like it’s so unfair that I’m having to do this like you know measure my stuff and then everybody else to the table was just you know piling on as much as they wanted and the thing is is I love big portions and that’s really why I landed on this plan I did not want to have to sit there and weigh my food and track it the reason why intermittent fasting works for me eating one big meal a day I can still have those big portions that I really like without having to track my calories otherwise at least that’s what’s worked for me I’m the type of person who if I’m gonna put butter on my roll it’s gonna be a slathering of butter you know if I’m gonna put cheese on top of something it’s gonna be a whole lot of cheese it’s just how I like it so if you’re curious as to what I eat a couple of months ago I did post a video that was called intermittent fasting meal plan and in on my website on the actual blog post I listed everything that I ate for that previous week and so you can really get an idea and you can really see I do not restrict any kind of foods I will eat whatever I want for my meal some nights of spaghetti other nights it’s steak some nights it’s beans and rice it’s just all the different foods so I think the way this intermittent fasting plan works for me I am in some sort of caloric deficit I just don’t really know how many calories I’m burning or how many I’m consuming I just see the evidence of the caloric deficit when my weight is going down so I’m curious to know about your experiences with counting calories do you do intermittent fasting with counting calories I don’t but you know maybe you have had success with it let me know in the comments below I love to see all the different ways people are found to lose weight and be successful at it and I know there are people out there who have had tremendous success with counting calories so thanks for watching and be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

One of the questions people ask me the most often is, “How many calories are you eating when you are intermittent fasting?” And the plain and simple answer is: I don’t know.

I tried counting calories in 2015, and it drove me crazy.

  • It made me feel deprived
  • I made myself crazy
  • I even started weighing all my food

What has worked for me is simply eating once a day, Monday Through Saturday, cheat day on Sunday, and walk 6 miles every day. I do not limit my calories, or try to eat any particular way. Check out a random week of my eating here:  Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

I love big portions, and I have found that for me, I’m able to eat whatever and however much I want at my one meal. I do not restrict anything, and I’m able to still lose weight. I have no clue how many calories I’m eating, or how many I’m burning. As long as the scale shows the number creeping down, I figure I’m in a caloric deficit, but I don’t track calories, log my food, or restrict calories in any way. I only restrict the time period in which I eat.

Share your experience with counting calories below! Do you find it empowering, or does it drive you nuts?

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