Intermittent Fasting: Getting to One Meal A Day (OMAD)

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] if you’re currently intermittent fasting how quickly can you get to 1 meal a day I wanted to answer this question that I get a lot and it’s about pushing out your fasting window further and further so that you eventually get to one meal a day first of all let me say I don’t know that one meal a day should be your goal like you have to decide that for yourself my thing was I didn’t necessarily start out this journey to try to get to one meal a day it was just something that kind of accidentally happened and once it did I had really good results and I really preferred that way of eating so there’s no right or wrong way to lengthen your window you can do it as aggressively or as easily as you want but I’ll tell you what I’ve experienced my journey to one meal a day like I started out when I was overweight I was eating five six times a day like I was eating a lot but you know when I first started hearing about intermittent fasting I just started out with it was barely a fast okay it was like maybe eight hours you know just to say okay I’m not gonna eat for this eight hour period which I basically slept through you know if I was trying to make it easy on myself and I lengthened it out very very gradually I’m talking you know I would try to push it like thirty minutes out sometimes I would push it a whole hour but it really just depended on where I felt comfortable I always wanted this to feel effortless and really it took me about eight or nine months to get to the point where I was eating one meal a day I was really afraid to get to one meal a day but pretty much every intermittent fasting article I had seen up until that point was saying like oh well you know women shouldn’t do anything longer than a for myself and so I just kept gradually pushing it out always with the thought that if you know hormonally things started to happen or any kind of weird side effects I would stop but what happened for me was I was feeling better and better and better and I was losing weight and feeling good so it gave me the courage to keep pushing my window out further and further and the thing that got me to one meal a day was the stomach virus went through our house and I was terrified to eat because I was afraid I was gonna get sick so there was one day where I actually didn’t eat until supper and when I looked back and I was like huh that wasn’t so hard then I did it another time and another time and I had really great results I think I dropped like three pounds that week compared to before you know I was lucky to drop maybe a half a pound and overall you know I think my average weight loss was like a pound a week when I was doing one meal a day but it was a consistent weight loss and I was happy with that and okay but I get it not everybody wants to wait eight or nine months since every week I do a cheat day on Sunday you know technically I’m going from eating all day to the very next day going to just back to one meal a day and I got to say it’s really easy but that might be because I’ve practiced intermittent fasting so much that I realize you know a little bit of hunger it’s not gonna kill me there have been other times where I’ve gone for like a week or so like on a vacation or something where I’ve been just eating a regular you know standard American diet standard American eating times right after vacation the very first day I go right back to you know 24-hour fasting basically is what that is one meal a day and and it’s fine like I don’t really you know maybe I experience a little bit of hunger in the morning but it’s not that big of an adjustment and certainly by the next day I’m completely back to normal but I also talk to other people too because I’m always trying to ask people like well you know how fast did you do it and how quickly did you adapt because I did it one way and I know other people want to do it another way and there are some people that do it the drastic way which is like they’re just eating their standard American diet five six times a day and then BAM they go to one meal a day from what I’ve heard it’s about a two-week adjustment period I mean some people adjust like the very next day and they’re fine some symptoms you might experience feeling hungry headaches maybe and maybe trouble sleeping too and so I have this hesitation when people are like how quickly can I do it I always try to encourage the very slow and steady method I know physically most people most healthy people can just go out there the next day and start doing this but there’s the perceived level of effort that it takes when the perceived level of effort is higher which it is if you’re doing something more drastic then you expect really big results and so then what happens is if you don’t see really big results really fast then you might give up too easily so you know I’m gonna continue to advocate for very slow very steady make it feel effortless for yourself but that’s just me so I hope that helps if you have any tips on how you’ve lengthened your window out leave it in the comments below and also if you did it really aggressively like really pushed out your window fast let me know in the comments below how long did it take you to it just what kind of symptoms did you have or did you have any symptoms okay thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

  • There’s really no right or wrong way to lengthen your window to one meal a day, if one meal a day is your goal
  • I did it super slowly and gradually and it felt very easy. It took me about 8 or 9 months to get to OMAD
  • Some people choose to be more aggressive
  • If you are aggressively shortening your window, you might experience some negative symptoms such as:
    • Feeling Hungry
    • Headaches
    • Nausea
    • Trouble Sleeping

Did you push your window out aggressively? Did you experience any negative side effects? Share it in the comments below!

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