Intermittent Fasting For Beginners

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] how do you intermittent fast let me count the ways when I tell people that the way I lost weight was through intermittent fasting usually their first question is how does that even work they’ve heard the term but they don’t really know how to do it and so I thought it would be helpful to just do a video on like all the different ways you get in a minute fast and and just kind of the general terminology like what it is and how to do it and also I’ll give you some tips that have helped me along the way so first let’s define what intermittent fasting is when we say fasting usually we think of those long fast like several weeks like Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness right so this is different though intermittent means from time to time and then fasting just means not eating so basically you’re just not eating from time to time so there are many many different diet plans out there that use intermittent fasting as their eating plan but the rules are just slightly different from plan to plan a few of the ones you may have heard of are warrior diet eat stop eat Omad which I had never heard of until I started making these YouTube videos there’s Leangains and that’s actually where I originally heard about intermittent fasting that was really the inspiration for me to stick with it I’d highly recommend you check out Martin’s blog there is some language in there just as a heads up but really good information on intermittent fasting there’s also five two alternate day fasting there’s upday downday and on some of these plans you have different even restrictions on the food that you can eat during your window and then there are others that you can do whatever you want to do now let’s define the term window because that’s when you’re gonna see a lot whenever you’re reading up on intermittent fasting your window basically refers to the period of time that you can eat every day and with the term window you’re also gonna start seeing numbers like 18/6 or 16/8 or 20/4 they usually add up to 24 because we’re talking about daily fasting my tip here would be really look at all the different plans find one that works for you if none of them really seem to fit then come up with your own plan but whatever you pick write it down write down your rules know exactly what your plan is that way you can keep track of whether it’s working or not the danger here is there are so many ways to do it that you can just end up never really doing it because you keep just kind of being too flexible so your window it’s just the period of time that you are eating in so if you are doing let’s say an 18-6 fasting then that means you are fasting for 18 hours you are eating for 6 hours and it’s just a pattern fast for 18 eat for 6 and depending on your plan you may be eating certain foods during that window or you may be eating whatever you want so let’s do a real-life example so that you can kind of because the numbers can be kind of confusing ok let’s say you start Monday at noon and that’s your first meal of the day ok so then you could eat until 6 p.m. and then you would have to stop eating until noon on Tuesday and that would be an 18-6 fast so every day you’re just eating noon to 6 is very straightforward and simple and with most plants you can pick whatever window you want so in other words you don’t have to make your window open at noon let’s say you would prefer to eat later in the day or maybe earlier the day you just get to pick whatever time and just so long as you stay consistent then you’re doing the plan my tip here would be aside from being consistent which is so important also optimize your window try to go off of what you already kind of do like maybe you’re the type of person who sometimes skips breakfast because it’s just not your thing then it would probably make the most sense to go ahead and put your window opening later in the day try to set yourself up for success so basically that’s all intermittent fasting is it’s just not eating during certain parts of the day it’s so easy but can turn into a really complex thing depending on which plan you pick and the rules that you choose for me personally I really started seeing more results when I started doing an 18-6 fast and then I really start seeing even better results when I just went to eating once a day which is like you know almost a as food restrictions go during your window I don’t have any but some people depending on their plan do have restrictions so you’ll want to you know if you pick the warrior diet there are some different things that you can’t eat during that time so just be sure to know what the rules are and stick with them so I hope that helps you understand intermittent fasting a little bit more basically the way it works is it’s just cutting your calories it just makes it so it’s really hard to overeat because you’re only eating in a small period of time so I hope that helps you understand what intermittent fasting is how to get started with it of course if you are you know if you have a medical situation you should certainly talk it over with your doctor really you should talk over with your doctor any kind of diet and exercise plan that you do I’m not a doctor don’t play one on the internet so now it’s your turn tell me in the comments below what plan have you chosen and what have you had success with what have you not had success with have you tried the warrior diet or eat stop eat I haven’t tried those plans I just know what worked for me which is eating once a day and having a cheat day once a week thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment subscribe down below [/spoiler]

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Tips to remember:

#1: Pick your plan and write it down!

#2: Be consistent! Don’t move your window around.

#3: Optimize your window so that you make it easiest on yourself

Further reading:

Martin Berkhan’s website LeanGains (CAUTION: ADULT LANGUAGE)


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