Intermittent Fasting & Bowel Movements

[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript.’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] how does intermittent fasting affect your bowel movements let’s talk about that so this video might be too much information for some of you out there and that’s okay you can just go on to the next video but this is actually something I have been asked about a lot and it’s been so frequent that I thought you know it does it’s probably a good idea to make a video about this when it comes to intermittent fasting when I was at about a 16-8 I really didn’t notice any kind of differences at all but as I got into longer fasts and especially into oMAD I did start to notice some minor differences one thing I’ve noticed is that I poop less often when I was you know overweight or even when I was doing you know shorter fasting windows I did find it you know I was going you know twice a day or sometimes even more than that but now it’s generally once a day sometimes I go a couple of days in between the time but it’s really not an issue I still feel fine and everything comes out okay in the end some people in the comment section have asked about constipation which is not something that I have had to deal with I’ve never really been one to get constipated very frequently anyway and I also drink three cups of coffee a day which I think helps keep me regular I also tend to eat a lot of fiber like you know beans and things like that throughout the week and I think that helps as well I also try to drink plenty of water and I would encourage you if you are experiencing constipation be sure to ask your doctor about it and then you know get their take on it there is one thing that has been something that I’ve certainly never experienced until I started doing OMAD and that is a thing called dumping syndrome and I never have any kind of special food that I break the fast with or anything but there’s this one thing that has happened to me a couple of times now and apparently it has to do with chocolate and especially like a high-quality chocolate if I am currently in a very fasted state so what I’m calling that is like you know if I’ve eaten supper the night before and let’s say it’s in the afternoon the next day so not 24 hours but let’s say around 20 hours or so if I eat only a high-quality chocolate something you know that’s just really really good that causes dumping syndrome for me which is basically severe diarrhea and similarly a few months ago I kind of got the idea hey I wonder if I put you know like a tablespoon of cocoa into my coffee how how would that be you know would it make it taste good or something like that and sure enough I experienced dumping syndrome again so I’ve made it a rule to avoid those things when it comes to fasting so I if I’m going to have chocolate that’s fine I just have it with a meal and I don’t ever put cocoa powder into my coffee ever so that’s been my experience with bowel movements as it relates to intermittent fasting really overall not much change just those couple of things where I’m a bit more careful about what I eat in isolation and if you feel comfortable sharing about this in the comment section that would be great don’t let me be the only one talking about this I know it really can help people though if they see that other people are experiencing these things and be sure to put that in the comments below okay thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

Today’s video is all about how my bowel movements have been affected by intermittent fasting. I cover:

  • Constipation
  • Frequency
  • Keeping Regular

What have your experiences been with bowel movement while doing intermittent fasting? Let us know in the comments below.

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