Intermittent Fasting Around Others – Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A

12:00 Recently started omad, I get super hungry so when I eat I feel like I binge, not sure how much to have?

15:40 Yes! Husbands just want us to be happy. Even though my husband never focused on my weight, he loves it now that I am much happier and confident after I have lost weight.

16:30 ​Has there ever been a time when you didn’t want to fast?

17:45 ​My husband doesn’t care about my weight but if i bug him about losing hes like either lose weight or don’t just stop talking about it and do it.

18:35 My main issue is not overeating in the shorter eating window. I’m giving myself a few weeks to settle. Not binging- but definitely eating more than I need.

20:25 ​My struggle lately has been with pain from surgery and pain from my dog dying. I’ve let myself be a little lax, but I know it’s just a momentary thing. I’ll be back on track soon, so no guilt.

21:15 ​My husband was amazed how well IF worked, he has joined in with me. He is 6 ‘3 was at 280lbs now down to 255. He said he feels so much better now.

22:20 Because my weight loss if very noticeable now, I’ve had someone start OMAD because of my influence and information I gave her. I wonder if she will stick with it. Do you ever feel disappointment when people don’t stick with OMAD after they have been inspired by you?

25:04 ​I will start Omad in January 2019

25:20 Thats true I feel like it’s taking to long. Im gaining patience though. Thank you.

26:43 ​Will you continue to do OMAD even as you are in maintenance?

30:25 ​I know this question is off of your subject just out of curiosity me being a mother myself how do you do these videos with three children? my children would be interrupting me constantly.

31:56 I was doing it for 5 mo. before he joined in, it only took him 3 mo. for him to lose his weight.

32:31 Ive decide to stay in maintenance for month of December

33:40 I certainly agree! I don’t advise unless people ask. it’s just emotionally hard for me to watch when they aren’t consistent and have lots of excuses. I want them to succeed!

35:20 Hi Kayla, did you ever fall back like have days you do 2 meals a day?

38:30 I’m not at goal – quite a way to go – but I imagine I will always do at least 16hrs fasted since I know I feel better when I do that. If I didn’t just stick with OMAD.

39:20 John Piper talks a lot about the benefits of fasting for other reasons besides weight you feel like fasting has helped you grow in other ways besides weight loss?

42:55 ​2 meals a day salad veggie protein coffee 2 gallon of water a day I have lots of energy thank God

43:10 thanks for the encouragement. my husband and i are also in the middle of moving to fort benning Ga. and we live in Arizona. we have to be there by next week?.i love your take on Easy. this has helped

43:45 I lost 40 lbs in six months doing IF and keto but then I plateaued. I switched to OMAD and didn’t have enough patience to persist. Gaines 25 if the original 40. Gonna get back on the horse and ride

45:20 Did you think you’d get to the weight you are now or did you take it day by day?

49:20 When did you start your journey?

51:13 Can I have coffee in the morning and my meal at dinner?

54:00 The ‘easy access to food’ makes so much sense. I’m still grocery shopping like a 3-meal-a-dayer… I need to make some changes there for sure! Lol

55:00 IFing homeschooling mom to 3. Hardest part of going beyond OMAD (48 hr or 72 hr) is missing “family dinner.” Worried about message I am sending to my impressionable girls. Any ideas on this?

58:20 ​I tend to think of each new low weight as a maintenance weight. If my weight bumps up a pound or two, I watch for it to go back. If it goes lower, I feel excited and that becomes my new maintenance.

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