Intermittent Fasting And Walking Weight Loss Live Q&A August 8, 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] all right I think we’re live now I know it’s a couple minutes early I just want to make sure we’ve got all of our streaming stuff in order and hopefully my husband will be able to moderate comments this time okay but I already got some comments on here so I’ll go ahead and read them Aloha from Hawaii such an inspiration well thanks Julie you started in let’s see OMAD in June that is awesome oh my gosh like that’s that’s like two months and you’ve lost cool I’ve heard you say you lost 2 pounds a month the heavier you are the faster you lose so Julie that is amazing first of all I lost from when I went from 207-205 down to like 157 I lost about a pound a little over a pound a week like lose weight slowly yeah I don’t know cuz I mean at that point I had a good bit to lose still and then nowadays I think since I started this YouTube channel it’s about a third a pound a week so you know yeah about two pounds a month it’s kind of my goal I don’t always hit it but sometimes I hit it and I exceed it so let’s see and so cool that you’re from Hawaii I would love to visit Hawaii one day okay sherry oh you’re thank you guys you’re so sweet with your kind comments did you work your way up to OMAD you’re trying to do keto but don’t know if you’ll be able to continue very restrictive and time consuming so yeah sherry thank you so much for your kind words um so yes I worked my way up very slowly to OMAD I mean probably much more slowly than most people do like I was so paranoid about being able to like I was afraid that fasting was gonna like screw up my metabolism or it’s gonna mess up my hormones so I was always like ooh you know maybe I could squeeze it out look you know this make the fasting window a little bit a little bit longer and so yeah it took me a long time and actually the getting to the one meal a day thing was kind of accidental we had the stomach bug go through our house and even though I didn’t get sick it was like all day long that I just didn’t eat and by that time I was probably already at like an 18 hour fast maybe even a little bit longing that maybe like more like 20 hour fast and then that just made it so that I just went to one meal a day and I did that for a couple days I was like wow you know I’m okay with this and I was feeling good and and my weight dropped better that week and so then I just kept at it cuz then I didn’t even have to worry about windows it was just I had to deal with one meal a day so I was very gradual I always wanted to feel very easy too like I didn’t want it to feel hard and keto uh I don’t do keto but I think I mean a lot of people have really good success and I think you know if it’s working for you great but you know I’m all about being sustainable and that’s why I don’t do keto cuz I know that I won’t stick with it let’s see Cristina big shout out from Utah Cristina Morgan thank you Cristina oh thank you I’m glad you find it encouraging I I get a lot of encouragement from you guys on this channel so thank you mutual encouragement beating obesity says hey and you guys check out beating obesity he’s got an amazing story I’m on a long car ride so this is my first chance to catch one of your live Q&A s no question I’d just like to say hey and keep up the great work okay well thank you beating obesity I don’t know your real name so but that’s awesome that you get to catch one of these lives I hope this is a good time for people like to like I don’t know three o’clock on Wednesday was very arbitrary there’s no like it’s not necessarily the best time for me or anything is my schedule is pretty flexible so let me know if you would prefer these to be a different time all of you out there and you know and then we’ll see but maybe maybe through a clocks on Wednesday or a good time oh yeah so I’m here live from my sister’s winery it’s Sweet Acre Farms Winery it’s in Alto Georgia which is in Northeast Georgia some people ask me like what’s on my shirt it says country wine for the country kind and it’s their shirts that they have they make their own fruit wines here so it’s amazing if you’re ever in alto georgia come by and check them out let’s see albert you say hi dropping off your preschool grandson be back soon love your videos well thanks Albert have fun with the grandkid and I look forward to hearing back from you let’s see Katherine hi from England hi from America I’m new to OMAD one week in your channel is the main way I would want to integrate this new lifestyle in mine and I am tired though to do the six miles did you get tired also so Katherine when I started doing six miles I mean I had I got my Fitbit in like the end of the end of 2014 it was for Christmas and so then you know all of a million different things and you know I wasn’t really being consistent and then with anything and it that kind of still trying to like work in intermittent fasting and everything so you know there were there would be times where I would get like 12,000 steps and then I would you know and then but I wasn’t consistent all there be days I get you know a thousand steps and then you know when I finally said in 2016 here’s my plan here’s what I’m gonna do I just said I’m gonna do six miles I’m gonna do intermittent fasting six days a week cheat day on Sunday at that point there were still days where it was hard to get my six miles and I would say like um it’s one of those unfair things you know it’s just harder when you have more weight that you’re carrying around it’s just harder to get six miles in and then the more success you have the easier it gets so now you know six miles really isn’t anything I mean you know it’s still I mean I feel like it’s an accomplishment but it takes time it takes effort but I don’t feel tired after I do my six miles I feel really good so but in the beginning it was harder I was more tired I had to especially in the beginning I had to like just sit down and rest a lot like I would just say okay I’m gonna get up and walk for like 15 minutes I’m gonna sit down or I’m gonna walk for 30 and sit down and I just rested whenever I was tired I tried being it very easy on myself so I hope that helps Catherine mr. bb you’re watching a baseball game in New York I wonder Yankees or Mets maybe you’ll let me know hi lovely Sandra gay said I just started two days ago intermittent fasting and keto wow you’re down 4.6 already well that’s awesome I never lose weight that fast I usually lose about a pound or when I was losing as the fastest I lost is about mean that’s week after week after week on average so you know there would be times where I’d lose more but that’s that’s fantastic I hope you have continued success Sandra that’s great let’s see green know how to pronounce that last part Coqui did you work your way up to 6 miles a day it seems a bit daunting getting six miles from being a couch potato yeah so again like I was saying it was gradual for me and and I found like looking back it was really more of a mental game like physically I think I could have just said you know in that first day that I got my Fitbit I could have said I’m walking six miles every day and if I had been really committed to it and known that like you can do this I would have done it and I probably would’ve been fine but it did take me mentally a long time to work up to it and one thing that helped me with that too was to continually every month I would say I’m gonna beat my personal best for the month I did that in 2016 actually I think so I was already committed to walk into six miles but it just made it seem easier and easier because there would be days where I would get like you know I can’t remember my my best day ever was like I think 40,000 steps but regardless you know it was it was just a mental thing more than anything but that’s valid still you know it’s like you still have to come over the mental hurdles too so yeah I like the idea of just gradually getting there but that’s just me let’s see let’s see mr. BBI thought you started 3 p.m. on Wednesdays isn’t that what time it is I don’t know I think it is yeah 3 o’clock on Wednesdays I think I think we’re right maybe maybe you’re and we’re in the same time zone Eastern Daylight Time so hopefully hopefully I didn’t get mixed up Linda says hi Kayla thank you for the chat and encouragement to keep walking well you’re welcome Linda I love that people find it encouraging lovely says I’ve been doing OMAD and my weight is fluctuating a lot I feel like I’m going more flabby for some reason at first I was losing weight okay so um lovely like what I do and I don’t know how you track your weight but what has always worked for me since I started doing it this way and I will never do it any other way now is to do my seven-day average so I weigh every single day and I put that into my spreadsheet and my spreadsheet calculates my 7-day average so it’s a seven-day running average it just takes the previous numbers for the past seven days and it averages them for me and so that helps me understand you know the daily fluctuations if I tried to keep up with all those I would never really know if I’m making progress because my weight fluctuates a lot and especially like with salty foods or if I happen to have a lot of sugar on one day it really does mess with the actual weight numbers so but it’s not what I would call a true gain or or you know even true loss like I like to just say the average is how are the averages trending so so to your question about you know like your I think you said you’re feeling flabby or I don’t know I haven’t really experienced that like um I’m trying to think of how like I don’t know I what I’ve noticed is you know as my weight goes down you know my stomach’s getting smaller my clothes fit better you know like the idea of like just feeling flabby that’s kind of hard for me to quantify so I always like to try to say okay like let’s measure it you know like you know measuring my waist I don’t really like to do that because it’s so hard for me to be really consistent and accurate and like you know only suck it in as much as I sucked it in last time and all that stuff I just found this too easy like be too loosey-goosey with that so hopefully that helps let’s see hey Cheryl I’m glad you made it let’s see can you explain how you started your walking program Jackie is asking can you explain how you started your walking program and how far you walk how fast and etc okay for weight loss okay so first of all I don’t know how much it helps me lose weight all I know is because you know I think the argument is well you know if you’re walking if you’re doing physical activity then that’s gonna you know increase your appetite so then it might just be that because I’m walking six miles a day I’m eating more at my one meal than I would otherwise so but I really really like to walk six miles a day because it keeps my head in the right place it keeps me I mean in the beginning it was like this reinforcing thing it was like because I was walking then I didn’t want to eat during my fasting window and then you know during my fasting window it said well I can go get steps and so it just kind of reinforced the other habit but I will tell you about you know like I’ve already talked about how i just–can gradually increased my steps until I get to six miles a day um as far as pace I’m a slow Walker I mean I probably walk three miles an hour in the beginning I walked probably even slower than that I was I just wanted it to be easy and it’s like no matter how tired I am even if I’m really really tired I can get up you know and walk you know even if it’s really really slow and it just kind of excuse proofed my workout in that way so I hope that answers your question let’s see how fast and how far so I walk six miles for me that’s 14,000 steps on my Fitbit and as long and I counted it as long as my Fitbit said times of it’s like walking around right before midnight and getting my last steps and and and I didn’t care how much I had to break it up during the day just as long as it had it at by the end of the day okay let’s see Cheryl just came back a bit ago from lunch with my sister she treated to an early birthday lunch today that was nice oh well a happy birthday on Sunday to you Cheryl and isn’t that nice you she gave you lunch that’s awesome I hope you really enjoyed it let’s see how gray and white says I love your videos well thanks Angie I appreciate that oh and beating obesity your name is Jim well I will try to remember that Jim I’m really bad with names but I’m trying really hard to be better about it so but thanks for telling me your name let’s see um Mets mr. bb awesome better than the Yankees I think I’m Braves fan because I’m from Georgia so okay white and gray boutique says did you count calories okay I don’t count calories I did count calories in was really trying to figure out how to lose weight because I wanted it to be sustainable I was trying to figure out like what’s gonna work for me and you know counting calories that was something my mom had had success with in the past and so I thought okay well that’s the key I just gotta count calories but I drove myself crazy I I felt so deprived it was like you know like you having to count those little sauce packs from from like chick-fil-a or something it just killed me like it made me just it just made me crazy basically I even started like because I would take my Fitbit like the the calories that said I was burning which I figured would be really really accurate because I had my weight in there and it was tracking all of my activity so I thought okay I’m gonna go by what it says and then I’m gonna have like a big deficit so I tried really hard to have a really big deficit I think I was trying for like a 500 I think at least 500 calorie deficit because I thought okay I really want to get this weight off and the weight just wouldn’t come off and as quick as I thought it should based on those numbers and it was just driving me crazy I started like like getting more and more obsessive about like weighing and measuring and and yeah it just drove me nuts I said no more counting calories so when I when I finished doing that I said well one thing I did in 2015 I said okay I’m just gonna from now on instead counting calories I’m just gonna go on really trying to focus on stopping when I’m full and that helped I mean like my results actually we’re pretty similar like I compared in my spreadsheet because I track everything like how much weight did I lose tracking my calories versus not tracking my calories and it ended up being about the same and I thought hey I’m driving myself crazy the other way so I just never went back to counting calories let’s see hello from Alabama oh hi Brady glad to hear you from Alabama good afternoon good afternoon Sonya okay Phillip said or Phyllis sorry did you ever have problems with sleeping when you first started intermittent fasting some nights I don’t sleep at all or I wake up in a few hours of sleep so after a few hours of sleep okay so that’s a great question and it’s an interesting topic with intermittent fasting and sleep requirements because there are times now it’s not it’s a weird thing because I pretty much don’t I mean I really don’t vary how much I’m eating I’m pretty consistent I mean I would say I’m eating about the same amount but I go through times where I just don’t require that much sleep like I will wake up at 3 o’clock in the morning or I’ll wake up at four with no alarm and I’ll be awake and and not tired and I will just and and what I do is I just wake up and I start my day and I just get a whole lot accomplished that day now that doesn’t happen all the time but I was curious about it because I thought you know that’s kind of odd am I the only one and I went on to I think reddit and I looked and a lot of people have this experience like it’s just almost like your body doesn’t need as much I don’t know as much sleep sometimes now but there’s there’s another thing that can happen which is I can’t go to sleep and that was only usually in the beginning that’s when I was first trying to figure out how much to actually eat in that eating window because if I don’t eat enough then I will have trouble sleeping which to me is different than not requiring as much sleep because on those days like where I’m talking about like I didn’t eat enough at those times like I couldn’t really fall asleep or I would wake up a lot during the night and I would just feel exhausted the next day two different kind of ends of the spectrum there so I always took it as a sign like that if I was not sleeping well I need to increase the food intake I don’t worry about it if I just wake up early and I’m ready to start my day so I hope that answers your question Phyllis thank you for asking James I just had the goal of 10,000 steps and now try to get a twelve thousand a day that’s awesome yeah so that’s really good to kind of you know push your goal out a little bit as long as it feels comfortable for you like you know 14,000 steps you know six miles that is so arbitrary you know for me it was just something I picked and once I got to six miles is like alright that’s that’s plenty any more than that and I would feel like okay I mean I’m sure I could do it but I just you know that’s where I feel good so but that’s great James it seems like you started a little before 3:00 I I did start a couple minutes before 3:00 I just want to make sure the streaming and everything was set up and then there were already some comments so how would ahead start answering comments so sorry about that Albert you asked are you experimenting yet let’s see not right yet I’m pretty much just sticking with what I’m what I’m doing cuz I’m really curious to see how far will this plan take me like how low I mean and my weight loss at this point is pretty slow like I’m at I don’t know it I mean my seven-day average I’m not sure exactly where it’s at right now I don’t have that number right in front of me but in the low one 40s I would say like 143 or so um and so I’m not yet experimenting I have a lot of experiments that I want to do um but I really want to kind of wait to really experiment with stuff until I’m actually in a place where I’m kind of done with this experiment cuz I look at this as one big experiment I want to be able to say this is how far it took me before I really go on to do other things I’m very interested for example in extended fasting for like cancer prevention purposes and stuff like that or you know wine and and how that might affect I mean I have like some my own experience of things but I’m not really experimented experimented or like you know every other day intermittent fasting and then just going with more of a regular kind of eating schedule I don’t know we’ll see there’s all sorts of stuff and then I’m sure other people are you guys could give me good good ideas for how to experiment graceful sky you say have you ever experienced metallic taste in your mouth I fasted one day for 29 hours not intentionally and noticed a metallic taste hmm no I’ve never noticed a metallic taste um seems like um I’ve read about that for like keto so your body basically is my understanding I’m not a doctor so this is not medical advice but I think what happens a lot of times is you’re going into ketosis and different people experience different symptoms my understanding is ketosis is perfectly fine it’s not the same thing as what diabetics have to worry about with ketoacidosis that’s a totally separate thing but anyway sometimes people get like a bad taste in their mouth so I think it’s just ketosis that you’re experiencing that again ask your doctor just to be safe let’s see here Beverly says I’m gonna try one meal a day but I’m starting off slowly I’m taking a shake around 1:15 then every week I’m going to add another 15 minutes until you get it to 5 o’clock I think that’s a fantastic plan um I always want it to feel easy so I would say yeah just you know gradual slow and steady wins the race I think every time I mean I really do um let’s see here sorry I think it’s scrolled down yeah it’s a graceful sky agrees sounds like a great plan let’s see walking produces endorphins so I’m not surprised it helped with the eating healthy part of the plan yeah yeah I think it really is a big thing that keeps me feeling really good like I think the the intermittent fasting does and just you know the the walking is just it’s a mood booster for me uh ok Beverly says when you get to the point of not counting calories it’s scary how do you get there so so here’s what I said to myself Beverly I said okay what’s the worst that could happen so I’m just gonna do this experiment I think I said six weeks six weeks not counting any calories I’m just gonna go on just how I feel and like just stopping to you know when I’m full and you know and and I agreed with myself or I made this agreement my head like okay if I blow up like a balloon like it if I gain like let’s say 10 pounds 10 pounds is the moment where I say okay we’re stopping this experiment um and you know what it didn’t happen I continue to lose weight and I had a better overall kind of feeling about it so that’s what worked for me so let’s see so hopefully that helps you let’s see because ultimately to me counting calories I just can’t see myself doing that for forever you know like I will eventually stop counting calories let’s see and you’ll go like Cheryl you’re gonna go light at dinnertime yeah good for you I never go light at dinnertime very rarely okay Beverley I mean I don’t I don’t try to make myself miserable but okay Beverley do I need a dessert every night no this is such a funny topic to me when I tell or what you know my fear around I always had a lot of fear around food I think like I thought you know if I just to let myself eat whatever I want then I’m just gonna you know eat dessert all the time eat nothing but junk food or whatever what I found it took all the fun out of it like it like junk food now it’s just like I mean I will eat you know a Twinkie if offered you know but like we’ll you know walk around the grocery store because we do date night every week and sometimes what we’ll do is just grab food from the grocery store and we usually do a dessert and I’ll walk around the store thinking none of this sounds good now not to say that I don’t enjoy sweets cuz you know I do still enjoy them but it really changed my relationship with food having no forbidden foods it was a process too like that’s another thing it wasn’t just like overnight it was like okay well I just don’t crave stuff it’s just think over time it’s like they’re not a big deal it’s kind of like the way I think most people who maybe don’t struggle with weight interact with desserts and things like that you know I don’t know it’s just one of those I’ve learned how to trust myself too around food because of that because I feel like oh I can do this you know and it’s because you know it’s that whole thing when it’s not forbidden it’s just not as enticing I think let’s see Cheryl actually try to stop myself before I feel full because otherwise it could be a non stop eating machine most days I can do that but sometimes I still eat till I feel stuffed yeah Cheryl you know that’s something that up until I would say very recently I would I mean I and I would say there are still times where like I’ll just have a day I’m like oh man you know I ate too much of that meal but I’m pretty good about stopping now like I I’m you know it took a long time to get there but it just happens less and less and less often now which is fantastic I love that just rarely happens anymore but because I can eat with the best of them people make comments about it so okay Julie says you’ve been waking up feeling a bit nauseous even though you eat a big meal for your OMAD it goes away after water and coffee yeah um nausea was something and certainly I felt like after after I had my kids uh I never experienced nausea ever but after I had kids but like when I would when I would not eat soon enough and I certainly started noticing that like when when I was breastfeeding like if I didn’t eat right when I you know started to feel hungry I would feel nauseous and then it just continued even after even after that but I always took nausea as a sign I needed to eat more at my meal or I need to eat more during my window but again I went so gradually with OMAD I didn’t notice it specifically OMAD by that time I had been doing fasting so much that I really didn’t notice it I mean it’ll it’ll occasionally happen I did notice the other day and like I said like I’ve said on one of the videos you know I don’t do sugary drinks like I cut sugar drinks out just because my fasting window to be easier I don’t do it just to cut carbs or anything um but the other day for date night we got Sonic and my husband brought me a cherry limeade which I used to love okay it used to be my favorite absolute drink I loved it and he brought it and it was so sweet and I really didn’t enjoy it and it kind of made me sad that I didn’t enjoy it but um but the next day oh man I had some nausea so but I I had noticed that previously even before we started intermittent fasting and stuff um like coke if I had a coke one day and I didn’t the next oh man I’d feel so nauseous but so hopefully the nausea goes away especially like yeah and I’m glad to hear that it goes away after water and coffee hey Darlene I hope I’m saying your name right I hope it’s Darlene but tell me if I’m saying it wrong let’s see mr. BB I know you hit a milestone last week eighty pounds are you even lower now no I’m hanging out right around that mark what I’ve noticed is that generally and I’m always playing this game with myself like it’s a little you know like personal best thing okay I hit that now let’s see you know when that weights gonna show up again and to me I mean my weight fluctuates a lot okay so I’ve learned to just accept it and I used to not even tell people when I would earn like a badge cuz I would think oh but the weights gonna go up tomorrow I’m just like I’m lying if I say you know that I lost 80 pounds cuz now I’m at you know whatever you know one pound heavier or whatever cuz it fluctuates um but let’s see I think I had a day or two where it was a little bit below that and I’ve had a few days where he’s been a little above that I had I mean I’ve had in the past this we’ve been here in Georgia people keep treating us out to eat and stuff and we’ve eaten like Chinese food and Mexican food all the things that make my weight like go but it really hasn’t been that bad so I’m interested to see once we are away from family again and we’re just eating like more of a normal kind of thing like where does my weight go like it will it drop will it be about the same I don’t know it’s always interesting to see okay let’s see Carlene hey Carlene I’m glad that you find these chats helpful uh back I wonder let’s see back I wonder if I missed my comment Oh lovely I can’t remember but I will have this on replay so and my husband’s making notes and we try to like on the last video we were able to do the time stamps with the topics and everything I’m gonna try to do that for every video and including the ones back before I didn’t realize that I could do that where it actually linked automatically into the video so you can just you know skip around really easily but based on the topic and the question but hopefully you’ll be able to find it it’ll take me a few days there probably to get it and get it done okay Beverly I would like to not count calories so how do you keep from being so scared to stop counting okay I think I answered this but what I would do if I were you Beverly and what worked for me was just to say this is an experiment this is just an experiment there’s no pressure on me I’m just gonna see how I actually do if I really just say I’m not gonna count calories for the next six weeks I’m not gonna count calories I’m gonna weigh myself every day and if my weight goes above you know a ten pound gain because ten pounds is like you know okay you need to stop the experiment probably um then you know and then just see what your results are and see if see if it’s really as horrible because you know I got like I said I found that it was just the same and it really helped me I think that really helped me psychologically to realize like I can do this you know even though at that point I wasn’t losing a whole lot of weight and it wasn’t being really consistent with intermittent fasting at all at that point um it gave me like this like okay you know just just listening to my body and just eating you know at that point you know just pretty much eating what I wanted and just listening to okay am i full am I not it worked and so and I know it takes it you got to not be afraid of it and that that’s so so key to not be afraid let’s see let’s see white and gray boutique I have been eating whatever I want and so far I’ve been losing awesome I love it when when people add like what they’re doing you know results that you’re having that’s great I’m glad to hear that you’re eating whatever you want you’re still losing okay and 2 weeks and six pounds Wow you’re killing it that’s great three pounds a week let’s see what weight did you start and how long have you been working at this love how you’re doing this gradually okay so Jackie okay I did not weigh my like so the Facebook photo that started all that happened in like March of 2014 I did not weigh myself until February of 2015 so I really don’t know if I lost anything I don’t really think I did because my clothes didn’t really fit any different but when I stepped on the scales February I think 20th 2015 that was 222 pounds and now I’m at about loss badge but I got to get my seven-day average down there okay let’s see so yeah so so 2014 was kind of my year to just I was saying I’ve got to figure this out but it didn’t really do a whole I was kind of trying but not really got on the scales in 2015 then 2016 this and I said alright here’s what I’m doing and that formed my like simplified and really formed my plan by that time I was at by November of 2016 and then I maintained until September of 2017 that’s when I started this channel and I said you know what it bugged me that I was like just have like three or four pounds in the overweight BMI zone so I said I at least want to get into the normal zone and and like I said I’m down like how long it’s taken me so it’s been a journey basically taken a while uh thanks okay let’s see good to hear that so eventually I’ll be able to do that yeah Cheryl you will hi from Alaska so jealous that you’re in Alaska I I’m gonna visit there at some point I just don’t know when probably next year I really enjoy your enthusiasm so motivating oh thanks really wish you’d consider making a Facebook group for your followers to interact with you and each other in that fun forum yeah so Diana I I know it’s a couple of people asked me about a Facebook page and then a few people chimed in said well I don’t use Facebook so I wouldn’t really like that so I did create some forums over on my website I think it’s um and so I’m still thinking about a Facebook page not a lot of people have requested it and the you know the forums was something I could install pretty quickly it takes time and I have to kind of be mindful of you know the time but you know but I’ll still consider it but the the forums are a good place for people people have been interacting over there you know talking about you know maybe victories they’ve had certainly which I always love to see and you know questions and and people are discussing over there so maybe that’ll hold you over until maybe if I decided to do a Facebook page let’s see but thanks for that Diana let’s see dawn yeah you keep me motivated Thanks let’s see oh my husband hopefully okay yeah good I’m glad that he was able to get the timestamp on there penny hello Kayla my mother-in-law always tells me and my husband to come eat yeah come eat yeah I don’t know if you’re from the south but that that it is certainly a thing it is like that’s how I mean and that was something that I think somebody had a comment I think I can’t remember now who who’s comment it was but they were talking about the social aspect of it and kind of like they were doing keto but they’ve realized you know with keto it kind of messes with their social life but and and I heard about that on a podcast too where its like some people because they’re trying really hard and they’re being really really strict with themselves they’re cutting their social life out which can then actually make it harder to lose weight because then you’re not feeling good cuz you’re not around your friends and stuff so trying to find that balance of what works for you what’s giving you results you know what’s healthy for you it’s you know it’s a balancing act but I think it’s certainly important to enjoy life I’m all about enjoying life uh let’s see hello from California oh hi I started you started Yolanda you started 16 20 intermittent fasting thank you let’s see 16 – wait I think probably you’re saying like sometimes you fast 16 hours and sometimes it’s 20 and that’s great yeah I think most people that’s where they have results when they get to like at least a 16 hour fast yeah I think you can have results before that I mean I did because it’s all about boundaries time to time boundaries with food but that’s great I’m glad you’re having success and I’m glad you find it inspiring okay oh let’s see Jackie you said you’re starting the exact same point as you did with the goal of 140 well I’m almost there to 140 like I I what I really would like to like at least see a 130s number pop up this month I don’t know if it’ll happen but I do like to play those kind of like little it’s like a fun little game to make me you know look forward to to weighing every morning it’s like will this be the day okay so far not yet let’s see uh sterling you asked how tall am I five six so according to the BMI charts I know not everybody says that those are you know the most accurate things to look at but it says I should be like from 115 to 154 I think so a pretty big spread as far as like what’s my normal weight range I feel really good where I’m at right now which is around 143 but yeah so let’s see plain-jane day could you give me some advice to stay motivated to not slip back into old habits so sure I’ll tell you what works for me first of all motivation so I don’t know like it depends on the habits too that you’re talking about you don’t want to slip back in so as far as eating the things that help me were I think to keep reminding myself you know how good I feel and and how it felt when I wasn’t where I wanted you know that’s a good little reminder like I would you know I I think of things sometimes like you know it used to feel really taxing to walk across the Walmart parking lot I used to get in a bad mood when we had to walk around the store because I was tired like I was lugging around 80 additional pounds so and then also keeping my life really full too replacing bad habits with good like so whereas I used to eat I replace that with walking in a lot of places but then I also took up new hobbies or learned new things like learn sign language I I took I allowed myself to sit there and just do some reading you know let’s see what else just just a you know drawing just doing a lot of different things adding more into my life because a lot of my stuff I think had to do with stress and boredom and then learning how to deal with stress so that it wasn’t stress eating so and then you know like other things that motivate me the badges on fitbit really motivate me you know breaking a personal best that motivates me let’s see and then you know streaks too like like I’ve at this point maintained my weight loss for you know a couple years not quite two years down but still those kinds of things motivate me too so hopefully that helps I have a video called like how to stay motivated and that might help too let’s see Kim says can you address thank you for your kind comments uh can you address energy levels and motivation okay so I just address motivation hopefully that answered it if I didn’t quite answer your question then please let me know um but energy levels I feel fantastic I don’t know like maybe not everybody okay here’s the thing though if your body weight I mean your body fat percentage is low then you probably will not feel that great on when you’re intermittent fasting but I still have body fat to burn basically so I feel really good um I in a I’m always really diligent about eating a good big meal for my OMAD so and then the walking I think helps with my energy levels too so I just feel great I mean most every day I’m like firing on all cylinders all day long and then you know when it’s time for bed I’m I’m tired I’m ready to go to bed but I can just I don’t know I I stay I have I think that’s the thing that has made intermittent fasting easy for me why I’ve been able to stick with it cuz I feel so good while I’m doing it do it you know walking the six miles a day and then eating the once a day I just feel really good have really good energy levels so but not everybody might feel like that like you know it might be that you need your window to be longer you know some some people don’t do great on carbs some people don’t do great on high-protein I don’t know I mean I just say do what feels best for you and then oh and then energy levels also I think one thing that really did help was to try to fill up my life with things I enjoyed and and and also trying to think of like what would sound fun like what are some things that I do want to do like one thing which I still have not done and I really need to do this was ziplining that was actually it’s funny because it was a big motivator for me at first but um I wanted to go ziplining and I read the requirements because at that point I don’t I think I think I had weighed I had weighed and I was at 222 but I looked at the requirements on the thing cuz I thought maybe I’m too heavy and they said well your your leg circumference your thigh circumference has to be this certain circumference and mine was too big and I was like wow so now I’m knocking myself out of experiences and so that was pretty big motivation and yet I have still not gone ziplining so okay so hopefully that helps so but you know getting you know getting interested in stuff if you’re if you’re just finding you’re just kind of blah all day try to figure out why that is like are you just bored I mean you know or you know who knows like and of course if you’re actually depressed seek help let’s see penny hit send by accident how you avoid to eat if somebody oh I don’t want to be rude or make her sad you have any advice okay right okay right cuz you were saying yeah okay I see now so basically oh how to handle in laws that are telling you to eat and you don’t want to hurt your feelings okay so it depends if something is coming up in my life less than 10 percent of the time so in other words like that’s less than once a week if it’s happening once a week then I would need to change something but in my life I say I’ll eat so so like you know if it’s a family lunch and they’re like come over and have lunch then I’m gonna go have that family lunch cuz it doesn’t happen that often that way I don’t have to have the conversation if it’s something where you’re seeing them a lot though and it’s like you know you know maybe maybe it’s like daily or maybe it’s several times a week you know you could just try and it’s hard I know having a very open and honest conversation saying you know look you know here here are my goals and here’s what I’m doing and so I can’t I are you can’t say can’t or you shouldn’t say you should say so I don’t eat during this time you know and try to put up some boundaries there if it’s something where you feel like okay this is gonna be happening so much that it’s gonna really derail me but like I said less than ten percent of the time I say no family comes first and I’m not gonna you know I choose my battles basically um also try and be strategic with the times like if it’s a thing where you’re going to see this person pretty often maybe then try to see them during supper time you know maybe I don’t know how often is happening so maybe you can give me some more details and maybe I can try to try to help if it is that’s to me that’s still the hardest part we’ve been this time it’s worked out really well because we’ve just been eating supper with people so I haven’t really had to go off plan much here but yeah but but the thing is though eating food isn’t just about eating of the food it’s also about socializing so some people have found that if they’ll just have coffee with the person it’s like they stop saying oh you know eat eat eat they’ll they’ll they’ll accept that coffee is almost like a meal but I don’t know oh hi Helga from Germany thanks for joining us let’s see orange chicken I can’t stay on because work but on first full day fast is 3 p.m. brain fog go away ok so I have noticed now your results might be different but I have found that overall I am much more focused throughout the day I I mean I think usually I’m ready for coffee about 2 o’clock sometimes sometimes starts that general like ok I’ve been working a lot you know on different things and I just need that break and I’m trying to be better because I tend to be the type that once I sit down to work I will just work all day on stuff but yeah I think it has helped with that because I used to feel like exhausted by 3 o’clock I was just beat down and exhausted but intermittent fasting I feel like I have more energy but again it could be the weight loss too – so Melissa you said the last five or so stubborn yeah I can see that I certainly the lower you get the slower it gets and you know I was telling somebody that the other day like the seven-day average keeping track of that has been really helpful because if I had just tried to figure out you know where’s my weight going because now it’s so slow I think I would have thought a long time ago well I’ve lost as much as I can lose but I think going down by like a third of a pound a week and so you know over time that does add up you know I’ve lost probably what would that be like mmm 10 let’s see 10 channel so I think that’s right around in there and and which is still a considerable to me a considerable considerable amount of weight so let’s see here did you find you had to eat all the foods at first when Sunday would come around Steph Steph says yes yeah there were times especially in the beginning where it was just like I just I was so craving all the food I was like you know and it and it would be weird stuff too like sandwiches and just things that would kind of miss through the week and and just more like ooh you know you know I get to just eat whatever I want all day long so in the beginning cheat days were a lot different than what they are now like now it’s just like I mean I do it and I do it I do it right you know but I yeah in the beginning there were a lot more of my ooh now I can have you know chocolate chips and I just you know eat chocolate chips and you know whatever you know like I would if there was like a chocolate bar or something that was maybe we had there was part of it leftover from something you know I would save it for cheat day because usually by at the one meal I just wasn’t I would be like stuffed from the regular food so but yeah it just kind of evened out over time let’s see Karen at the pace you walk how long does it take to get in your steps if you did it at one time about two hours um yeah about two hours because it’s about three miles an hour six miles two hours let’s see Sharon brown just found your videos this morning oh cool thank you so much oh I think oh well thank you Sharon you think I was sent by God well I look I just I started the channel cuz I thought you know I just want other people to know this is what worked for me I found it to be you know something that finally worked for me that felt easy and I wanted to share it and and gosh you know if if it is that then I’m I feel very honored and and also I wanted to document you know this is how I did it so that I could remember too plain-jane thanks thank you for the advice well I’m glad it helped let’s see design extremely knowledgeable and inspire thank you a month and a half and a fasting and weightlifting and now you’ve plateaued you’re upping your water in take how much water do you drink daily uh-hmm it depends on the day I drink to thirst I don’t I don’t walk around with a water bottle and try to like measure it I just if I’m thirsty I drink and and you know it depends on how much I’m outside where I’m at like we’re when we were down in Florida it was a lot hotter up here it’s a bit cooler I just drank to thirst I just figure you know there’s instinct there if I’m thirsty I’ll drink I know oh and I also not not for this to be TMI but you know if the urine looks too dark I say okay you need to be drinking more water but it never gets way out of bounds as far as that goes but design girl plateaus they happen to everybody I think I say just keep pressing on just be stubborn with it just feel like it’ll go away and it will like so the way I deal with with the plateau is first I check myself I say okay are you sticking to your plan are you being like super duper consistent or have you had a lot of off days nine times out of ten I’ve had a lot of off days you know I’ve just been a little bit too loosey-goosey or there or there’s just been life happening you know like birthday parties and you know all this stuff and then I say okay well we just need to get back on plan if if the answer is you’ve not been consistent if I’ve been really really consistent though I just say I’m gonna give it like six weeks and I know that’s a long time for people to hang on that’s what works for me every time I’ve done that it eventually comes off it just hey I mean just weight is weird it’ll just like sometimes it’ll just hang on and be stubborn and then it’s just like it’ll drop and then it’s like okay and then you know I’ll do this so it’ll be gradual for a while and then it’ll drop you know it just you got to be stubborn with it and be patient with it maybe patience is a better way to say it Susanna thanks for your inspiring videos on thanks you’re at a 12 to 16 hour fasting for a few weeks you’ve lost 1.5 kilograms so far that’s great you’re feeling good try not to be obsessive but aware when I’m eating being social yeah because I’m an introvert I tend to really like because I feel you know in big groups I tend to feel you know uncomfortable so what do I do I like sit there and just you know stuff my face cuz if you’re if you’re you know if you’re eating then you don’t have to like talk I guess it’s just part of the pressure of like you know the social pressure so yeah so that’s but that congratulations on your weight loss 1.5 kilograms I think that’s like three pounds maybe a little bit more I think it’s like 2.2 you multiply by two point two or something like that Julie oh great your energy is good too you your your house has never been so clean and organized yeah that can happen isn’t that great um nat mnat yeah you caught me live awesome your has husband lost 25 pounds doing that that is great I love your videos and was thinking about blogging your progress is it worth it is it worth blogging your progress I think that’s your question I think it is um it can get time-consuming but to me it’s worth it um and it has been super rewarding well okay let me say this it’s been super rewarding to do what I’ve done which is you know I waited until I was like successful at it first because I think like looking back I think I would have been in too much of a hurry I would have never given myself the time that I needed if I had that public spotlight but that’s just my personality um I’m the type that’s like I don’t want people to know like I don’t want people watching me I mean I know that’s weird thing to say because now I’m on Facebook or YouTube live but at that time I wasn’t confident enough in my plan I had no idea it was just kind of like I don’t know if this is gonna work and so it was just it wouldn’t have been good for me to start a blog let me say it that way like looking back because I’ve changed too like now I’m more confident now I know that it works for me now I I have the benefit of hindsight to see like oh yeah that works and I can you know so I hope that makes sense like I I think if you if you can look at yourself and say yeah I’m gonna be able to sit there and you know not rush myself because you know that’s always the temptation I think is to rush yourself or just you know compare yourself like well they’re losing three pounds a week and they’re doing this and then you know going off and doing that other thing yeah so I think if you do decide to do it I wish you the best of success and a lot of people I think find that to be like it motivates themselves to stick to the plan you know if they’re having to check in but I can tell you like from my own experience there are times because I have this channel and because I do the monthly progress reports where there is a temptation there that I see to be like well maybe I should you know up my protein intake for the next few days and not eat as many carbs that way the weight will go down by the end of the month because it’s that arbitrary like the weight at the you know the last day of the month so uh so yeah I hope that helps you that those are just kind of my thoughts but good luck did you find weight oh my gosh we we’ve been live for almost an hour I’m sorry you guys I didn’t realize how long we’ve been on here did you find weight loss slow at first I started OMAD June 18th I’ve only lost about 6 pounds only six pounds I think that’s fantastic um did it get faster longer you did OMAD ok so no when I went from so in January 2016 so I started about 205 there that first year I lost about 15 pounds just doing various and sundry things mostly it was from intermittent fasting but I wasn’t consistent but in that’s when I got very consistent I started doing OMAD at about April of that year but it really didn’t affect my rate of loss too much my rate of loss in that year was about 1.18 pounds per week which you know it a lot of people to be oh that’s way too slow you know but it’s like well the time passes anyway so so yeah so I think I’m probably just the type of person that loses weight more slowly but I think you know there are others of us out there who don’t lose weight that fast but you know it’s not that bad I mean even if you’re only losing a pound a week if you do that if you’re averaging a pound a week in a year you’ll dropped 50 pounds 52 pounds can you have beer at all on this diet um blaze and beats I don’t drink beer that often I mean maybe like a Mike’s Hard Lemonade which i think is technically kind of like beer I’ll have occasionally wine though I’ve had whenever I want it I mean I don’t really I don’t overdo it on wine Although I have a very low tolerance for wine as well so like I can only you know especially I will say when you’re fasting eat something first because if you like have wine before your meal it’s gonna affect you a lot harder so just yeah blazin beats for me everything’s on the menu all the time I don’t restrict anything so all right Helga how do you handle one meal with your family did your kids eat nothing at lunch no they do um they eat a regular like whatever call a regular diet like they’ll eat you know breakfast lunch dinner I just eat supper with them we homeschool and our schedules are all kind of different like we’re not all sitting down to breakfast we’re not all sitting down for lunch so they don’t like miss that you know like we never just all sat down for breakfast and all sat down for lunch now we do all sit down for supper all at the same time no device is on no TV on we sit down we eat supper together so yeah so that’s what we do okay let’s see uh white and gray how long is your eating window so I sit down and I eat supper and then when I stand up from the table I’m done and I start fasting again so that’s probably like a 23 hour fast one hour eating or maybe even like 23 and a half hour fast 30 minutes of eating I don’t time my dinners wth my family we just sit there and we talk and we eat and it’s relaxed so I don’t stress about it it’s just I eat supper and then I’m done let’s see when the open your eating window okay so since we’re almost an hour we’ll start wrapping up let’s see when I opened my eating window I’m very cold for approximately minutes well or immediately after I finished eating is this normal I’ve never had that happen Judy um very cold huh I don’t know I think I have always experienced kind of opposite I don’t know if you’re concerned about it or you know I always say if you ever have weird symptoms talk to your doctor about it but I’ve never experienced that so uh let’s see MNAT NAT love all your videos thank you for taking the time out for doing this oh well thank you for telling your friends I appreciate that did you see you Natalie did you say you’ve started with intermittent fasting six days a week okay so that’s what I do Natalie like my plan is i intermittent fast or I do OMAD rather which is a specific type of intermittent fasting so I just eat one meal a day and that’s Monday through Saturday that’s how I’m eating Sunday I take the day off from fasting I just eat breakfast lunch dinner whatever I want however much I want snacks everything and so and that’s how I’ve been doing it when I’ve been losing weight so January 2016 to November 2016 that’s when I lost down from like 205 down to like 155 157 or so and then and then I started again doing Oh mad in September of 2017 up until this point so all right hi from France oh hi from America you’ve been on a low-carb diet since January first OMAD since May all all in all have you lost 50 pounds wow that’s awesome you’re loving OMAD you know some I’ve noticed some up and down scheme lately and any advice I think you mean your weight is kind of like going up and down and yeah that that happens to me all the time like my weight fluctuates and I always do the seven day average so I take my I’ve got it in a spreadsheet that calculates it automatically and you can like I have that on my website and you just all you have to do is put in your weights and so that calculates my seven-day average and that keeps me on a more even keel it really shows me am i trending down or you know am I really plateauing or am i trending up and to me that tells me more so let’s see funny normally at 3 I’m ravenous watching your vids I’m glad it helps distract you anything anything to keep yourself busy right yeah stuffing yourself Susanna when it’s social situations I’m so glad I’m not the only one uh do you get hungry in your fasting window when you’re exercising I don’t crafty crafter um I tend to not feel hungry all I mean there are times where I will feel hungry and that’s actually the video recorded today all about hunger and intermittent fasting kind of my experiences with it but um yeah I I don’t feel hunger on a day-to-day basis as far as like oh I’m so hungry right now usually I’m pretty hot and sweaty so I’m not I’m not that hungry afterwards uh oh hi let’s see all right Albert gosh man we had so many questions okay Albert I think you’ll be the last one since your weight loss is so slow right now do you think if you were to go back to eating three meals a day healthy of course would you start to gain weight again that’s a good question something I’ve wondered about too like at this point if I just went back to eating three meals a day because my relationships with food are better now and because I’m not a stress eater anymore but see that’s the thing would I return to being a stress eater that does kind of question for me it’s always so easy for me to justify my head you know like oh well you know one Apple that won’t hurt you know that one little bite that won’t hurt uh so I don’t know I mean it’s one of those things I’ll probably experiment with it just to kind of see but I don’t know okay Oh Jackie a real quick typical meal and portion sizes oh gosh I eat everything um portion sizes I do try to keep it on a I think it’s called it like it’s a nine inch plate I think that’s right anyway it’s a smaller plate I do you do that just because I noticed when I had a huge plate I would tend to just eat until I felt stuffed and and uncomfortable so oh and congratulations on being down 25 pounds crafty crafter okay all right I wish I had time to answer all these questions but you know what an hour I think we should probably stop it here because you guys have been great and we actually have dinner plans with some people so anyway thank you for joining me I’m sorry if I didn’t get to your question I’ll try to either answer in the next video or respond in the comments I think I’ll be able to see them in the little backend of YouTube so anyway thank you for watching you can also [/spoiler]

0:50 – The heavier you are the faster you lose?
1:30 – Did you work your way up to OMAD?
4:35 – Current location: Sweet Acre Farms Winery in Alto, GA. It’s my sister’s winery, where they make their own fruit wines. Check them out here:
5:10 – Did you get tired during 6 miles?
7:30 – Did you work your way up to 6 miles a day?
9:20 – Going flabby? Weight tracking?
11:14 – How did you start your walking program? How long to walk 6 miles? How long in the beginning?
13:46 – Did you count calories?
16:00 – Ever have problems with sleeping when you started intermittent fasting?
18:34 – Are you experimenting yet?
19:58 – Ever experienced a metallic taste in your mouth during fasting?
21:55 – How do you get to not counting calories?
23:00 – Do you need a dessert every day?
25:15 – Nausea after waking up?
27:06 – Lost more than 80 pounds now?
30:54 – What weight did you start at and how long have you been working at this?
32:48 – Will you consider starting a Facebook fan page or group? Note: check out the forums over at my website for more group interaction:
34:00 – Social eating? Social pressure?
36:20 – How tall are you?
36:55 – Advice to stay motivated? How do you stay motivated when you feel low energy? Note: Here’s the link to the video I mentioned:
41:50 – How not to hurt the feelings of other people who are offering you food?
44:30 – Does the 3 pm brain fog go away?
45:18 – Stubborn last 5 pounds?
46:10 – Did you find that you wanted to eat all the foods at first when your Sunday would come around?
47:24 – How long to get 14,000 steps?
48:15 – How much water do you drink daily?
51:30 – Is blogging about my progress worth it?
53:50 – Slow weight loss at first? Get faster the longer you did OMAD?
55:08 – Can you have beer at all on this diet?
55:50 – How do you handle one meal a day with a family? Did your kids eat nothing at lunch?
56:20 – How long is your eating window?
57:01 – Very cold for about 30 minutes while eating or right after. Is this normal?
57:34 – DId you start with intermittent fasting 6 days a week?
58:30 – I’ve noticed ups and downs lately. Any advice? Note: here’s the link to the weight tracking spreadsheet.
59:40 – Do you get hungry in your fasting window during exercise?
60:05 – If you went back to 3 meals a day, would you start to gain weight?
60:30 – Typical meal / portion size?

Unanswered question:
What shoes do you wear?
These are my current shoes: I love them because they are lightweight, have a nice grippy bottom, and fit my feet well. They’ve also got this stuff called fresh foam in them, and it seems to really keep them smelling fresh, despite the hot weather I’ve been walking in every day.

Be my friend on fitbit:

This is the fitbit I have (an Alta):

If you’d like to catch my next Youtube live, just bookmark this link and catch me there every Wednesday at 3pm.

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