Intermittent Fasting And Walking 6 Miles A Day Live Q&A: August 22, 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] we’re live hey everybody I was just trying to find a good spot to land I was hoping that you could see the river behind me but I’m here in Missouri right now and the Mississippi River is just right back there hey Joann let’s see and my husband’s in here moderating comments as CoffeeCoffeeCoffee so if anybody has any questions at all about intermittent fasting or weight loss or walking six miles every day anything let me know just to give you a little background my name is Kayla I have lost 80 pounds so far using intermittent fasting and walking six miles every day hi Katherine oh it’s grey and cloudy in England ah but you’re in England and I just think that’s so cool I would love to visit there sometime hey Tracy and Emily or well EmValentine I wonder if are you the are you EmKay on the forums just wondering you don’t have to answer if that’s not something you wanna share hey Vicki glad to see you’re here I bet it’s hot in Florida it is cooler up here it was like 60 degrees this morning hi Cynthia from Germany oh man I just I love that there are so many people from different countries watching that’s just the coolest thing hey Carol Oh Joanne you’re up to six miles on the elliptical my hat is off to you that is that’s fantastic I remember I remember the elliptical used to just kill me I haven’t been on an elliptical since I was over 200 pounds but oh man they’re so hard but but easier on the knees I think hey John hey Albert hey Mel from Wisconsin hey I’m closer to you than I normally have been in the past Christina oh you’re from Utah yeah and I remember you Christina you’ve commented before and I’m glad you find it inspiring it’s noon in California oh but smokey yeah lots of wildfires out there right now right we’re having to like we’re trying to make our way up to Glacier National Park and there’s some fires up there so stay safe over there Susan Vickie yeah no so hot down there okay oh and you’re from France okay well thank you for joining us EmValentine let’s see Tracy you asked have you ever read eat stop eat I have not read it I have heard good things about it and it was one of those things that kind of intrigued me because I believe at that point I can’t remember what year it came out but if my memory serves me correctly it was one of those things where I thought huh like don’t eat for I think a day right like it’s like you eat like oh now I can’t even remember the plan but I remember it intrigued me because it was so different than any other kind of diet plan I’d ever heard of like I’ve been on a diet my entire life it feels like but I had never really thought of the concept of just not eating for a period of time and so then that was kind of one of those things where I thought that sounds like something I could do so it intrigued me and I think that’s probably why I even looked into intermittent fasting in the beginning I believe my brother-in-law Roger Cox was the first one to ever tell me about eat stop eat but I could be wrong on that Oh Mary you’re from South Wales in the United Kingdom oh well hello Mary let’s see Tracy you said in Eat Stop Eat he recommends two 24-hour fast a week and not daily okay yeah so um and that would certainly be easier right I mean because it’s basically a 24-hour fast that I’m doing every day but then I take Sunday completely off I I wonder in eat stop eat if you can answer this do they like tell you to count calories I can’t remember if that’s a thing or not in that one oh yeah Mel you’re talking about how freeing it is to say you can eat whatever I want between these hours you have to refine your diet more soon but you feel good well good I’m glad Mel I that was very freeing to me too just the idea I can eat anything I want right now like and in the beginning like I’ve talked about before it was kind of one of those things where I was like oh you know I can eat anything so you know there were all those foods that I normally wouldn’t allow myself that I’d allow myself but then my eating did get better just because it was like you’re really starting to focus on how does this taste how do I feel after I eat this you know and yeah it’s very freeing so I’m glad you’ve had that experience too hey Linda I’m so glad you made it from Greece ah I’m gonna visit one day not maybe not you but I will visit Greece one day I really want to hey birdy Tracy okay so no calorie counting so eat stop eat I’m wondering Tracy have you ever done it and what were your results because I know that’s a question people have a lot with okay so Tracy you said two 24-hour fast so that’s like two days of OMAD and then just the rest of the time and so for five days out of the week you’re just eating whatever you want no counting calories required that’s interesting never tried that are those cicadas let me listen yes I believe they are cicadas Kayohim man they’re they’re not nearly as loud as the ones we heard in Illinois oh my goodness you could be driving down the roads there at night and it’s just you can hear it through the windows it was crazy loud and I’ve lived in Florida and it was way louder than Florida okay Mel just cannot count calories and points with five kids and home schooling and life at this time it makes it simple yes and hey yay for homeschooling I’m a home schooler also I’ve got three not five so wow you you you’ve got your hands full and yeah that was another thing too with me is like I just I can’t focus on all the things right like I’ve gotta simplify and that’s why I went so simple like I did and it worked but it was very freeing to be like okay I’ve got this I know what I’m doing cuz that was another thing too in 2015 half the time I didn’t even really know what plan I was doing you know it’s kind of like what I’m counting calories but I’m also trying to work out CrossFit three times a week and then you know it helped me to simplify so I’m glad that it’s simple for you too – okay let’s see Tracy you’re eating OMAD currently and it’s just easy I think you’ll stick to this plan yeah yeah I like this plan too – like it’s so easy it’s just it’s become second nature to me it’s just I remember the beginning it didn’t feel like second nature it was easy but it was kind of like I didn’t feel like normal like this is like I can do this while I’m losing weight but don’t I want to get back to like normal life with three meals a day and now it’s like no I like this I like this better let’s see yes love the OMAD diet ate lunch at 12pm so Joanne do you you just eat lunch every day is that right at noon because I’ve never done that I’ve never done that like my meal has always been supper time but I’ve often wondered you know what would it be like to do it at a different time of day let’s see birdie you’re doing one meal a day on weekdays when my meal time comes you’re very hungry yeah so birdie um do you feel like that that’s always the case like how long have you been doing it I wonder and I mean I think a lot of people tend to find I mean by one meal I’m hungry like I’m ready to eat and it depends on the time of month and everything sometimes that’s a little bit more intense but I would be curious to know how long you been doing it and if you’ve noticed it getting any easier or not or if you’re just saying like by the time your meal comes you’re hungry let’s see hi Henrietta okay clotted cream from from Devon England which is where clotted cream comes from well that’s very interesting now clotted cream you’re gonna have to help me with that one because is that like a really thick cream I know I it’s okay English you know things from England and then things from America our dairy is just so confusing like trying to explain to people like you trying to explain to people from Great Britain what is half and half like over here half and half is a thing but over there not a thing so much so if you could explain to me Henrietta what exactly is clotted cream okay Vicki you’re five pounds from your goal but the thought of eating whatever I want in my eating window still scares me but I love how you teach to experiment love your attitude well thank you Vicki yeah it is so freeing to just say it’s an experiment like in life with anything if you just say you know I’m just gonna experiment here it it kind of takes the pressure off and you can just kind of step outside of it you know like instead of saying like it’s all my fault if I fail just like that experiment failed you’re just the subject you know the test subject you know I really do try to do that like when I weigh myself in the morning I try to just think of myself as like the scientist who’s just noting what is the weight today you know trying to take all the emotion out of it as best I can but that has been freeing to me to do that so and congratulations on being five pounds from your goal that’s awesome Michelle I want to graze all day how did you get past that or did you not have that issue Michelle yes I had that issue I was the type of person I think I’m part Hobbit I mean I would just you know want to eat all day long like breakfast then second breakfast and elevensies you know it was the whole thing and it would you know like any time my kids left something on their plate it was just you know I I don’t like to waste food so I would you know eat that stuff so yeah I was a grazer and we worked from home that’s another thing we homeschool we work from home my husband works from home so we’re all at home all the time and there’s plenty of opportunities for snacking so how did I get over that well that was the good thing about intermittent fasting to me was there was a clear line a clear boundary that said no eating during this time and that really helped me because before I could always justify in my head oh it’s just a bite oh I don’t want food to go to waste oh you know I’m a little hungry I’m a little you know need a little snack and so so then if I had that boundary it was a clear violation if I ate anything you know so it kept me from grazing and then that really helped me to start to see those things like oh you know you’re eating cuz you’re stressed or you know you’re eating cuz you’re bored and I started to realize all these things like I’m not really hungry during those times and so help me to put those boundaries up so that’s that’s how it helped me it took a while for it to start but it took me a while to realize true hunger what what does it look and feel like versus what are these other things that other reasons I’m eating okay also dr. Fung Tracy you say dr. Fung says that people who eat all night will lose weight slower than those who earlier but because that’s when I eat more I think you mean responsibly it says irresponsibly irresponsibly let’s see I think that’s what you’re saying like you eat more let’s see you love your dinner I think you’re saying I think what you’re saying is you prefer to eat dinner because you can be more responsible at that time and yeah I mean and that’s certainly I mean I don’t know what the research says and certainly he’s probably studied it a whole lot more than I have I tended to keep my windows open like later like when I was when I had a eating window now I just do OMAD so it’s always just suppertime probably around 6:30 but in the in the past what I would do is I mean I would push my window later in the evening because I found it easier to stick with fasting the next morning light so in other words I found my willpower was best in the morning and the worst late at night so I just tried to work with my strengths there like okay well you know you you just can stay fuller longer did I say that right I think so in other words it was easier for me to you know go off plan if my window would have been closed at 8pm but since it was still open at 8:00 p.m. sometimes then that was helpful so I was always willing to sacrifice speed as long as it made it easier so in other words like I just wanted it to work I didn’t really care how fast it worked I just wanted it to work and be and feel really easy okay yes so Joanne you just eat at noon you go to bed about there for three hours Oh hats off to you man you are disciplined goodness gracious let’s see Carla you asked have your food choices on your free day changed over time yeah it has in the beginning cheat day was it was on you know like it’s like okay all this food that I have waited all week for and it was sometimes it was dumb stuff like you know turkey sandwiches you know these things that just seemed so tempting during the week there was like when I had it like why why did I care about this but which is instructive too like once you realize like oh this seemed so so tempting but um but in the beginning it was like oh man peanut butter ramen that was something I mean I still love my peanut butter ramen but it was just something in the beginning it felt like it is just my my all out day and then now it’s just like no big deal I mean I I eat a pancake breakfast a lot of times we do donuts on Sunday morning if we don’t do pancakes but it’s not like a thing anymore like I gotta do it I just keep it because it’s like this is super easy so why change it and then overtime too – it’s like before it used to be like I would feel like yay I get to have breakfast and lunch and dinner and snacks and now it’s just like I mean normally what’ll happen now is like I’ll have breakfast and I’ll have supper I mean I’ll have snacks it’s just not a big deal you know what I mean so and then the food choices you know they’re I don’t know it varies week to week it really just depends on what I’m craving too – but it’s it’s less of the oh gotta have ice cream now type thing if that makes sense alright okay so Henrietta you call half-and-half double cream clotted cream is heavy cream until it forms a crust is really thick with scones oh whoa so you put it on scones yeah so Devon cream tea that’s something I need to try I want that in my life oh man that sounds really good so thank you for sharing that Henrietta very cool alright so clotted cream and so you guys are responsible for that well thank you hey mr. BB from NYC okay Mel you said intermittent fasting helps me to not Center my life around food as much yeah on Weight Watchers I felt like that’s all I could think about because you’re always planning meals and points this seems more like healthy for your mental health yeah that is what I found and and I know people that have had great success on Weight Watchers and really I think it’s all about what what works for you and you know everybody’s so different as far as personality types and the things you know some people are like they think a lot and they kind of get on in their own head and they overanalyze and all that stuff and some people love to plan out things so yeah I I certainly found intermittent fasting showed me how obsessed I was with food before you know like just how much I let it kind of control my mood and you know it was really too important in my life I mean I do still have food but it’s in a healthier I’m in a healthier place now Oh Lindsay you live in Devon too – oh how neat that you two live in the same area so I don’t know how big it is but maybe it’s a small world after all let’s see Birdy you’ve been doing one meal for a few months love eating this way I think my body just says okay food time yeah yeah yeah I have definitely found food tastes so much better now like because if you’ve been fasting all day you know it’s it’s just I think you enjoy it more I enjoy food more and I’m less picky you know as far as like vegetables and you know things like that like beans and rice is like wow I can really taste how this tastes you know instead of it just being food if that makes sense um let’s see Tracey I just tell myself that whatever I want in the moment can be eaten later yeah learning about glucose levels and all the other benefits of fasting helps you fast easily yeah I think so too like the it’s funny I really didn’t research too much into the benefits of it like autophagy and all that kind of thing I just you know I researched a lot in beginning to try to figure out how but I didn’t really understand the scientific aspect and I’m still you know it’s most of it’s way over my head but there are some really cool things that that fasting does and certainly I just felt better doing it so I didn’t really even look at you know I’m certainly not one to monitor you know glucose levels and all that stuff because that would drive me crazy but yeah I think it is and it is good you know to occasionally like try to find reasons you know like why I’m sticking with it and stuff like that especially if you’re if you’re hitting a plateau or something it’s good even though I’m at a plateau right now this is good for my you know you know whatever you found out about it okay yeah oh yeah I’m impressed by that three hours of exercise too you let’s see Mel asks did you ever rotate your open window a few times I’ve started eating later and stopped later normally I try to keep it the same um yes so Mel it was kind of trial and error in the beginning for me trying to figure out you know when does this make most sense I try to work with what is the easiest time for me to not eat you know like so breakfast and lunch that made sense and so as I was working it up you know it started out I was just pushing my breakfast later and then I said okay well I can also get rid of lunch pretty easily and then you know like I was talking about earlier it kind of seemed easier to me to say okay well I feel like I’ve got good control in the earlier part of the day so if I but I have worse control say like around you know 8 p.m. or whatever so let me keep my window open a little later so I can have a snack and I can still be obeying the rules and it all feels very easy um I’ve been really pretty consistent though since doing Oh mad as far as keeping that at supper yeah I haven’t really moved that I haven’t I have not experimented with like say lunch only or breakfast only just because that’s not what works for my family too I mean we love a good family supper you know we all sit down no devices we sit there and we talk about our day we don’t watch TV and if I had to just sit there and not eat that would really cramp everybody’s style so I just don’t do it let’s see ok Carlene oh you’re frustrated you’ve been doing intermittent fasting for four months you’ve lost 22 pounds you’re doing fantastic but not but now nothing you’ve been stuck for so long no carbs two meals no carbs all you’re gonna be fine okay plateaus are a mental game okay you have got to be stubborn you have got to say I am not giving up I’m not giving up now I didn’t do the no carb thing so I’m not gonna tell you to eat carbs because I love carbs but you don’t want carbs so I will say this though I have experienced plateaus so basically what I’m saying is I’m glad to hear actually that people who do no carb still occasionally you know experience plateaus because I think it’s just a universal thing okay the weight and on the forums and maybe I can link this in the description for the video I in the forums I shared a spreadsheet that shows what my weight has done every single day since 2015 when I started weighing so February 2015 all the way up until this morning what you know what are my daily weights what is my seven-day average look like and that way you guys can see it’s like this okay and then sometimes it’s just like oh when is this ever gonna and then it drops and it I wish I could say you know I know that your Plateau will break after X number of days of staying on plan all I can say is you just gotta be more stubborn you got to be more stubborn than the scale and just say I’m not giving up so you know take your time scale but you know I’m doing this that’s what worked for me but yeah Carlene just hang in there you’re gonna and and and I should have pointed out 22 pounds in four months I think is fantastic I mean look when I was when I had the most weight to lose or you know like when I went from 205 or 207 down to 155 one point one six pounds a week on average which meant there were some weeks that it was better but some weeks were worse some weeks you know it goes up a little so just be stubborn keep your chin up all that good stuff okay sansan I usually OMAD at dinner hour but sometimes I have a late lunch and that’s it does it matter when we OMAD as long as it’s one meal a day let’s see coffee twice a day with half-and-half and might slow down success for me but I love it I love your program Kayla well thank SanSan thank you for joining us too – okay so does it matter when you’re OMAD is I’m pretty loosey-goosey okay like like I mean generally speaking we at 6:30 but if it’s at 6:00 or if it’s just like as long as I’m eating once it really depends on our schedule and you know are we traveling that day and that kind of thing I don’t think it affects anything enough to say like don’t do it or or do it this way like I’m more of the opinion like just relax and don’t worry and don’t stress because stress you know if you’re stressed too much then that can cause your body to you know be all crazy and produce cortisol and all that stuff so I’m all about being relaxed again but being relaxed and letting it take time with the weight like the scale might slow down a little bit you know if because what what some am not saying that you do this sansan but I think what what I could see is you know if it’s a thing where you have supper supper and then you have a late lunch well then that next day if you’re gonna try to wait all the time all the way till supper there’s gonna be a little bit longer but fast so then you might find that it’s a little bit harder that’s the only thing that I would say might be kind of a concern okay but I love my coffee with half and half too hey Nonna Grace glad you could make it today Oh Joanne you guys are so sweet let’s see Tracy you drink half and half as well with coffee still losing inches weight etc but maybe I’m losing slower but I’m happy Yeah right yeah that was the thing with me I just really I was in a place where I felt like I could do this forever so if it takes a year or two years or three years I can wait I can do this like whereas every other thing I’ve ever ever tried it’s like when will I ever get this weight off so I can go back to eating the way I want to eat you know which is totally the wrong thing to do because you’re gonna gain it back but if you if you go back to eating how you used to eat which was my you know the thing that I was constantly doing uh Carlene yeah cuz Carlene – lets see for let’s see four weeks I mean sorry four months times four weeks that’s sixteen so you’re over a pound a week that’s what I’m saying let’s see what the show about everything didn’t you do a video on that scale not sure if you’re talking to me about like the I did do a video about weighing every day also this past week did one about your seven-day average I use a Health-o-meter that I got at Walmart let’s see Mel asked are you familiar with Heather and half-size me podcast I’m not you know it’s funny because I’ve got a YouTube channel all about weight loss and everything I never even when I was losing weight you know like I’m still losing very very slowly and everything but I didn’t ever listen to any podcast just because I got to the point where I felt like information overwhelm like I need to just focus on you know my plan and just do it and try to not have these things saying oh well you should try keto and you should try paleo and all that so so like I kind of on purpose limited you know that but I’m curious to know who is she and what is the podcast about um sounds interesting half size me I’m assuming it’s like weight loss success stories which I think are very motivating and that is something I did do is seek out you know the same kind of like people who had success kind of starting where I was and kind of same age same kind of background type thing like they’ve had kids and all that and seeking out those success stories was really helpful let’s see SanSan at four months if I’ve lost 22 pounds I’ll do a cartwheel yes yes exactly yeah I you know I but I understand it is tough though when when you’re going along and it’s liek everything’s great it’s like Oh why did it stop working it’s still gonna work I think that’s been my experience I mean I keep I keep thinking one of these days this plan is just you know it’s gonna completely stall out but it hasn’t okay when on a plateau Tracy you say on a plateau just think of how frustrated you would be if you just gave up also fasting is a healthy way to live so stick with it yeah yeah that was a thing a lot of times I had to ask myself like okay if I quit right now I’m gonna go back you know to being 222 pounds so I guess you know I’m okay with being stuck for now being stuck is better than the weight going up and then you know the weight going down is slightly better than being stuck I get that but yeah it’s all it’s a mind it’s a mind game you gotta just win it okay Carlene you’re gonna be more stubborn good give it another round Oh Thank You Carlene let’s see Henrietta I think Carlene should do greens and a few berries not starchy carbs for the keto limited carbs find the weight goes off steady with that and one snack and one meal finish yeah I mean Henrietta I think that’s great if that’s a plan that people can stick with I just can’t I I can’t do that plan I like carbs and I’m gonna have carbs and and I understand that it will probably be a bumpier ride you know as far as like you know it although didn’t somebody right now I can’t remember Carlene if you said that you were low carb no carb but you know that but I get it you know a lot of people do say Keto but then you know I’ve seen people that are on keto that are stalling out too so yeah that’s just I I think better to it always helped me to just say what can I stick with I never made a change that I felt like I could not stick with over the long term which is why I just kept my plan the same and waited out the plateaus but that said are you doing any weight training and do you find and do you exercise in a fasted state okay so I don’t weight train anymore at this point I’m a full-timer RVer now before I just didn’t have a gym membership and so it’s just kind of a I mean I thought about maybe like doing push-ups and stuff or I don’t know it’s not something I do right now but yes when I walk I am usually in a fasted state most of the time at least mmm for the past several months now I’ve been getting my steps in in the morning and so I’ve been fasting at that point for probably at least 12 hours you know and generally my steps are in a more fasted state than a fed state it’s all kind of a you know at what point are you fasted and what point are you you know fed at what point do you go from being in a fed state to the fasted state it’s all kind of a spectrum that’s at least my kind of understanding of it so so hopefully that answers your question let’s see yes it was your video this week I think we’re talking about the scale about the seven-day average yeah now I can’t sorry what the show about everything now I can’t remember I think you said something about the scale that I was using anyway if you got a question just let me know sorry Edwige hi from France oh hi you’re one let’s see after being one pound away from Onderland I had my cheat day and put on four haha you already lost 2 though yeah I love this lifestyle now I’ll learn to be moderate on cheat day well Edwige I tell ya my weight you know I can I don’t know if every woman I don’t think every woman experiences this but like I can eat Mexican food one night and the weight goes up by 3 or 4 pounds over night and we all know that’s not real weight you know it will come off it’s just water weight you know because you can I mean our I can tell you know I eat the food and then I’m like I’m so thirsty you know so I’m drinking the water and then it eventually goes away it takes a few days usually to come off but yeah I don’t despair you’re gonna be fine your you’re close you’ll get there I know how that is but you know as far as cheat day cheat day was always my free day I didn’t ever try to be good on cheat day what I found about trying to be good on cheat day was then I felt like I could cheat through the week I just had that I mean not that I did that that often but I started to notice that like because I was wanting to try to speed up results you know everybody gets in a hurry or I do so I would sit there and think hmm but this cheat day if I’ll just be good then then you know my weight loss will quicken well then of course what would happen I’d be good on cheat day and the next day you know maybe I wouldn’t have lost any weight and I’d think you know it didn’t work and so then I would think well you know since I was good on cheat day then maybe I could have this bite of something or whatever and then when I started to notice that pattern of thinking I said no I’m gonna do do cheat day right I’m gonna not withhold but that was just for me Oh Carlene you have lots of friends here so good let’s see let’s see okay so that the the Half I think it was called half size me success stories that advocates doing what works yeah so she started so the guest talks about where when they started having weight issues and she’s a homeschool mom well I’ll have to check that out that’s great yeah I think listening to success stories so so key protecting yourself like protecting like your mindset that was something I had to learn in those early days because your brain has a tendency to seek out information that confirms what it believes right so in beginning I was kind of seeking information to show me like well it’s really hard to lose you know the weight and so probably you just won’t lose the weight after three kids and all this stuff and so I would find myself following these blogs of women who either you know lost the weight and regained it or were just struggling not having success and then when I realized that’s what I was feeding my brain I thought I’m gonna I’m not gonna do very well with my weight loss if I continue to listen to that so I would I turn you know I stopped reading those blogs I tried to focus on finding success stories like leangains was one that I loved because it was specifically intermittent fasting success stories which watch the language on that site it’s pretty rough but let’s see Sansan I’d have to say I did pop around for a while seeking out OMAD success in other places but now oh just me you guys are so sweet hey Adele love your videos hi from South Africa oh that’s awesome do I eat 23:1 or 19:5 OMAD I eat OMAD so you know what that works out to be on I’d say most days is like 23 and 1/2 hour fast 1/2 hour to eat supper I don’t set a clock I don’t watch the clock it’s just like around 6:30 we sit down we eat we talk about our day we you know we laugh and everything and then when we’re all done eating I stand up and I start fasting again so I mean I’m not like ok kids it’s been 30 minutes I got to stop eating I just eat you know I mean we don’t sit there for an exceptionally long period of time though so I would guesstimate most days it’s a 23 and a half hour fast 30 minutes of eating but basically just say OMAD for the sake of clarity Tracy I was a homeschool mom now my daughter is in her last year at nursing school oh and your son is a college freshman aviation student so man you raised them right that’s awesome I love to hear homeschool parents who have raised these kids and they’re doing they’re gonna do awesome things in life that’s great Cristina weighing everyday is the best advice and on this journey weight does fluctuate so much yes amen averaging out each week is much more accurate yeah I think that really really saved me in the beginning of you know just seeing it inch down ever so slowly you know like because because like I was talking about you know my weight would just like would jump up by 3 pounds then it’s down and then it’s up and then it’s down then it’s up but when I had that average going it’s like ok it’s coming down and then it just kind of kept me on an even keel and it kept me from celebrating too early too you let’s see you’re vegan so my carbs are very high I’ve lost 20 pounds awesome eating OMAD I’m also also walking six or seven miles day it’s working like a dream that’s awesome 93 that I mean yeah so vegan see that’s always so interesting to me so many people eat so many different ways you know here we have a vegan who’s lost weight and we have somebody’s eating keto or no carb and lost weight you know I think and and I’m I’m eating everything you know so it can be really interesting I think to see like and that’s why I try to be try to remember to not ever be dogmatic with any of this I try to tell you like here’s my experience but I think you can work a lot of different ways I met somebody heck um it’s probably been a year ago now but she had lost like a hundred pounds and she ate six small meals a day I mean like complete opposite from me but the point is she was able to stick to that plan I would not be able to I would eat six or seven large meals a day Mel yeah I’m a full time RVer for about four months now okay so let’s see yeah one meal yes one meal can totally put the pounds on and again that’s why I love the seven-day average so much the running seven-day average everyday I know my seven-day average so I don’t only just do it week to week either I’m doing it so everyday I have a new seven-day average and keeping track of that man it just keep keeps me sane I’m telling you okay so what are my thoughts on the new study about low carb diets shortening lifespan so funny that you asked that because someone sent me a link to an article Evie I don’t know if she’s I don’t know that she’s on here but I thought was very interesting the Columbia was from Columbia University I believe and it was about just some some tools you know to and tips you know like according to research and one of the things was you know high carb or higher carb isn’t necessarily bad or you know low carb isn’t necessarily the only healthy way to eat and it mentioned lifespans we’re slightly better I think when you were higher carb again the thing about studies is you can pretty much find one to back up your opinion that’s what that’s what I found I mean it makes your head spin so I try to take it all kind of with a grain of salt think it’s kind of interesting but I think it’s better to just say how can I eat you know maintain a healthy weight you know that’s that’s kind of where I’m at it’s like I try to do the best I can but I just I don’t I can’t do the low carb thing and feel very good yeah so another thing that it was talking about I believe in that same article was weighing everyday which was super important to keep the weight off oh yeah Cox Family travels thank you SanSan my husband’s probably over there like why didn’t you say the name of the channel Cox family travels we also have a Coffee channel called coffee coffee coffee where we do coffee reviews let’s see Henrietta I find limiting carbs helps because your body runs on fat instead of carbs and sugar makes your brain clear and energy levels are amazing coming off sugars is like coming off heroin and well you know I’m sure like if and if that’s how you feel like I think that’s great like if you feel better when you’re low carb I say do it just not how I feel when I’m low carb SanSan I wouldn’t be able to eat for a whole hour though the way you wolf down food yeah I’m telling you I can I can put away food with the best of them but but yeah and although that is something I have become better about just because I’m more relaxed around food I do find I can sit there and take my time with it more and just have it be kind of low you know low key and like and I find that I can stop before I get miserable it’s like oh yeah I’m starting to feel full now and it’s just nice to be more relaxed about it okay Sasha hi I’m new subscriber from Jamaica thanks for the good content well thank you Sasha for joining us and thanks for subscribing Lisa hi from California new to intermittent fasting love hearing your journey oh well thank you so glad that people can like get get something out of it you know I it just makes me happy hope yes yeah I remember being there like thinking you know like I’m just not gonna be able to do it I mean I struggled my whole life with weight so this wasn’t just like I put on some pounds when I got pregnant with my third it was like it’s been a lifelong thing so there is hope is that a fitbit I’m wearing yes Joanne it is it is a fitbit Alta I also have a video about a video review my fitbit alta and overall I love it I love Fitbits I love the community be my friends on Fitbit it’s in the description here I’ve got a lot of friends on here and I’m sorry to anyone out there who’s asking me to be in a challenge I can only be in ten at a time and fitbit says you can you know can’t join that one because you’re already in ten so let’s see exactly it was a garbage study yeah love your park background yeah so that yeah that said and thanks the mississippi’s right over there you really can’t see it but there is a beautiful overlook but there were people there so I don’t want to do the I’m an introvert so I just had to find my little picnic table and there was a group of kids that walked by that kinda made me nervous but okay yeah let’s see okay so everyone get on Kayla’s forum oh yeah yeah you guys share your experiences on the forum it’s great people are sharing over there you know it’s a good way to for it to be able to you know discuss things you know in a forum setting which can be a little bit easier than YouTube comments YouTube comments are really hard to keep up with so I do try to always answer YouTube comments I’m sure some fall through the cracks and I’m apologizing right now if it happens to you but okay so and I try to be really active on the forums this past like month I’ve been visiting family and we just visited one of my husband’s Marine Corps buddies and so it like this past month has been a crazy month but hopefully I can be even more active over there now okay Debra thanks for being my Fitbit pal oh you’re welcome thank you for being mine I’m ahead oh you’re ahead of me today alright well right now I’ve got like walk a pretty long way back to my car so I’ll have to come after you okay LJ are you saying you should weigh every day it helps me stay accountable yes in my opinion what has worked for me is to weigh every single day and to kind of almost ignore the single day weight but pay attention to my seven-day average which is just the past seven days of weight I add them up and divide by seven so every day I have a new you know seven day average and I have a spreadsheet that calculates it for me automatically that has really kept me kept me accountable you know while I’m losing weight it helps me stay encouraged when I’m hitting a plateau because a lot of times the plateau isn’t like a true true plateau it’s moving but it’s just so slow that otherwise if I wasn’t keeping track of my seven-day average I would think that I was in a plateau but the other thing that I like about weighing every day is when you’re in maintenance mode it keeps you accountable it keeps you from getting too far out in left-field that’s what I found so yes I probably said it wrong didn’t I sorry let’s see it takes me about an hour to eat my one meal because I eat wow 3,000 calories 23:1 for me that’s awesome like I don’t count calories so I have no idea how many I’m eating I ate a lot of Taco John’s food the other day and it was amazing but that we haven’t been to Taco Johns in so long and we found one in Tennessee I can’t even remember where we were let’s see hi just got on you might get a Fitbit for your birthday well I think you’ll love it um so many people I’ve talked to you I mean they’re occasionally you know if you don’t use it you’re gonna say well it didn’t work or if you you know I think the thing is a lot of times people will wear a Fitbit and then not really do anything with their eating and it’s just can’t outrun your fork I have found that to be true so but Trudy if you get one I hope you’ll be my friend on Fitbit Mel do you live let’s see do you do lives on your RV channel we are gonna start doing lives on our RV Channel I think this week we’re gonna do like just you know talk about what we’ve been doing the past week where we’ve traveled to you know things we’ve learned things like that we’ve done some campground reviews but we’re gonna try to do more of like lives and stuff now Nicole hi you inspired me to keep trying and your encouragement to mix it up until you find what works for you has been key oh good Nichole I’m glad that it’s working for you yeah I I really want people to always figure out like what works for you like figure it out like customize your plans specifically to you and then then then you can really take ownership of it I think cuz that’s that’s been key for me to be like I don’t care what anybody else says about half and half in your coffee I’m having that half and half in my coffee so yeah let’s see diet studies are funded by the food companies so be wary yeah you’ve tried it all and OMAD works exactly like there’s always money involved in gosh I think everything right and and you know I don’t know that it’s all nefarious but really you know you can Google you know why is the vegan diet bad you know and get plenty of really really high you know high quality studies that have been done to prove that and then you say why is it the most optimal diet and you can get plenty of evidence you know so I feel like it’s um mostly about like what do you feel best on how do you feel best what are you you know eating or what you know paying attention to what you’re eating and then and how you’re feeling uh let’s see yeah Carlene you asked I know you drink a lot of coffee but do you drink of water a lot of water also I drink I drink to thirst so it just depends like I do not sit there with a water bottle and like try to gorge myself with water just cuz I don’t like the way I feel when I do that um I feel like we have an instinct right thirst and so that tells us to drink so that’s what I do if I start to notice that you know I’m feeling light-headed or anything like that especially because in the Florida heat you know especially when I was getting my steps in in the Florida heat I had to be a bit more cautious of like okay make sure to get enough because you are sweating and stuff but I like that Lacroix unsweetened tea I I wouldn’t say that I drink a lot you know I just drink to thirst what would you eat for your one meal like protein to carb fats Henrietta I just eat whatever I want so it just depends it’s never a set amount of anything I try to keep some fat in there and I try to keep some protein in there just because I’ve found like if it’s only carbs I’m gonna be hungry the next day probably feel a little nauseous too like if I just had let’s say a stack of pancakes and just syrup on them not gonna feel good the next day I’ve done that and it’s like oh man I felt full but I did not feel good afterwards but if I say like I’m gonna have eggs with that and some turkey bacon and butter then yeah I feel better so that’s like one one example but I don’t do any ratios okay so one meal it might be pretty high carb and another meal be pretty high protein another meal might be pretty high everything I just you know go on what we’ve got around and eat that let’s see Lisa I do walking videos from Leslie Sansone I’m gonna butcher her name Sansone I hope this counts for walking Lisa I think everything counts and so you know like your steps like you know one thing and I just remembered this the other day like for a while there I would do when I had a step goal I would do um it was not dance dance revolution the little uh salsa thingy not salsa man Zumba that’s it Zumba like I had a Wii Zumba game thingy and I would do that and that would get me I don’t know like 6,000 steps it was higher pace like harder harder to do like more challenging I think than just regular walking I count everything like I just strap my Fitbit on I count it you know whatever whatever that thing is but but that’s been a long time since I was doing that and so that was like in 2015 maybe the beginning of 2016 Deborah my friend Barb is here with me watching you oh hi Barb she is stepping on stepping and doing OMAD with me she lost Barb lost so much she had to buy a new Fitbit band Oh congratulations Barb that is awesome your Fitbit band was falling off that’s fantastic that happened to me too like like with when I first got to Fitbit I needed the large band and now or yeah and now I’m down to a small band and it’s actually I’m gonna have to tighten it a little bit but it’s nice it’s nice that is awesome congratulations let’s see em just friended you on fitbit will help to get those six well I hope so I find it really motivating it’s neat to be able to kind of have that community there there’s also a little feed I sometimes post in there I’m not the best posting all the time though Catherine do you walk six miles at once or do you break it up in the day I break it up sometimes sometimes I like lately it’s been all six miles all at once generally speaking because it was so hot in Florida so so hot it was like we better get like we had to wake up at 5:00 and try to be done really really early in the morning or it was just so incredibly hot like the feels like was 90 and it was five o’clock in the morning down in Sarasota so but I always said it counts so like in the very beginning it was like this for me for whatever reason I could just not get going some days like I would wake up and I would just think well I’ll get my steps in eventually eventually and it would be nine ten o’clock at night it’s like well I’ve got to walk quite straight for the next two hours in order to get my steps in and I would do it I was very disciplined about getting my steps in but you know it was all about like what how it fit in my day and it took me a while to really realize I had plenty of time it was just I was not being consist- not being good about saying I can get up and get some in so it doesn’t matter mean break them up break them up into I would just do it however I could hi everybody Kayla Evie you’re asking can I have cheat weekends you can do whatever you want to do Evie I think I I think that’s a very interesting idea I’ve never done more than one cheat day a week I didn’t I didn’t feel like I needed it but I do have you know rules in place for going off plan like I have these rules that I just say okay like you know I’ve talked about it before like if we’re gonna have a family lunch and it’s gonna be you know right in the middle of the day and all that I will go off plan for that day or not sorry not for that day but I’ll say okay I’m gonna eat lunch and then I’ll eat my one meal or you know go on vacation and I won’t be on plan you know that kind of thing so I I think some people do it probably differently probably some people say well I’m never gonna go you know off plan for for those things I’m always gonna be on plan but instead it just worked for me to say occasionally I mean I’m always intentional about it whenever I decide to go off plan but but look I say you know I would try it as an experiment and see you know what’s your results that’s what I’m always like yeah go ahead do that and you tell me how it goes for you like so Evie why don’t you be our guinea pig and you have a cheat you know consistent cheat weekends and you tell me what your results are okay SanSan love you live talks I’m so glad like I’m wondering you know do people it seems like people like these so you always pick up something new like the seven-day average you start an average new every day that’s interesting so yeah so it’s a running average so like the way fitbit does it if you’ve got a Fitbit I can’t remember if you do or not um what it looks like is it just takes each week like it starts on Sunday so and it will show you like one number that’s your seven-day average for that week okay so like say from August 1st to August 7th it’ll take those seven days it’ll add it up and show you that one number and then it’ll say ok from August 8th to the 15th I think I’m doing this right or the 14th whatever it’ll be another average so but what I’m saying is I’m doing every single day so the spreadsheet calculates just the previous seven days so you’re constantly getting that seven day average there’s just more data I like data okay anima I’m gonna do a video just on the seven day average spreadsheet because I want people to be able to see like how to do it because I think sometimes it’s a little confusing I probably didn’t set it up the best so OMAD let’s see Deborah you say OMAD is freedom from being obsessed with eating lost forty two pounds but now I’m a your underwear keeps falling off that’s great oh man 42 pounds down congratulations that is awesome that is awesome that’s a good place to be go get yourself some more underwear though let’s see that said my Fitbit calculates my calories burned at so eating 3,000 keeps me in a deficit I eat three hours before bed so my body can rebuild after fasted weight training earlier in the day that’s great um I always got so frustrated with the Fitbit and the calorie count because I would do that like I would use I had an accurate weight in there and I would strap the thing to my wrist first thing in the morning and it would say okay you you’ve burned this many calories so I used that and I tried to be in a deficit and I don’t know I don’t know if my problem was that I just didn’t give it enough time or if I was just like if it was just inaccurate for me or what but it was so frustrating cuz I would think that I’d be at a certain deficit you know five seven hundred calories and still not losing like I thought I would so yeah but I’m glad that you it works for you and that’s the thing that matters if it works for you awesome let’s see yeah Debra everybod’s wantin to know how long that took I know this sounds stupid but how does Fitbit track your steps it’s magic no I think there’s like a little something like a little motion sensor in here and then it just knows like when you are when you’re walking it kind of picks up on that that bouncy thing it will just so you know like you can fool it okay so like my husband when he’s driving the RV and he’s doing this it will count his steps like yeah he’ll look down and it’s like oh it looks like I you know I walked about six miles but he didn’t but I would say overall I’ve found it to be very accurate just as accurate as a pedometer with your phone you know if you use your phone as a pedometer I found them to be very accurate oh but like it won’t count if you’re like pushing a cart in Walmart I found that out too you because that was really frustrating the beginning when I was you know it felt like a lot of effort to get my steps in and I would go to Walmart and be pushing around that cart and then I’d be at the end of you know checking out and I’d think oh man I didn’t get any steps in that’s got to be wrong let’s see Seema do you find if you eat a lot of carbs in your one meal does it stall you again I eat I would say I eat a lot of carbs a lot at the time so I’m probably higher carb than anything else carbs are cheap so with a family of five on a budget it’s just you know how it is like we ate like last night spaghetti you know with jarred spaghetti sauce and that was really high carb actually I didn’t have any protein last night now that I think about it well the Parmesan cheese on top but I’ve not noticed that eating one way stalls me because I really don’t eat one certain way enough to be like oh you know that that’s stalled me out because I just eat whatever I want so and I try not to pay too much attention to that because ultimately for me what’s important is can I stick with this over the long term and this is what I can stick with over the long term I can do OMAD I can eat whatever I want so I’m not gonna change my eating to try to get quicker results and then try to figure out maintenance by going back and adding in foods I would just rather always eat all the foods and then figure out how I can lose weight doing that so and which is what it did okay hopefully that answers your question Henrietta I can’t exercise due to a tear in my knee still losing weight might not be as fit but hey yeah that’s awesome Henrietta um yeah I think that is so important the eating side of the equation I think so okay let’s see okay good you love the live talks Mel awesome okay aw you asked how long did it take for you to lose the 65 pounds okay so 2015 I lost about 15 I kind of lost 20 but then I started gaining back so I think I started 2016 at about 207 fasting six days a week cheat day on Sunday six miles of walking every single day when I did that so from January 2016 to November of 2016 that’s when I lost about 50 pounds and then I’ve lost an additional you know 12 to 15 since starting this channel so I wish I could say it was you know it took me this long if I had been doing that plan I don’t know how long it would have took me if I had realized that in 2015 that all I needed to do was just intermittent fasting and walking but I didn’t know that I was just doing you know just not being consistent that was mainly my problem in 2015 yeah Christina the beauty of OMAD is not having to count measure omit food I agree like I just it drives me crazy so I’m just the type of person though that will just overanalyze everything so I think that’s one reason why it helps me it works well with my personality okay Deborah I started stepping in March and OMAD in June I was really stalled at off awesome I’m telling you that mean at that time I just didn’t know you know like I was that’s around the time I had my back injury with deadlifting and all that stuff and I got so stalled for so long and it was so frustrating but I’m so glad I stuck with it so congratulations Debra that’s awesome okay Victoria eating one meal a day is about the only weight loss technique that I haven’t tried I guess I’m going to have to give it a go yeah I’ve been there Victoria it was like I’ve tried every other thing and I just couldn’t stick with stuff over the long term I always ended up going back to eating cake and popcorn and you know you know bread you know all the things so it’s what’s worked for me Thank You Joanne have a wonderful evening too let’s see that said have you calculated your lean mass gains example my whoops lean mass gain was 40 pounds body fat was 54 net loss of 14 pounds let’s see no I haven’t ever calculated that like so I think you’re saying probably that you oh okay okay okay I get what you’re saying now sorry I didn’t I think I’ve misread something so okay so you’re saying in the process you’ve gained muscle and you lost fat so really the scale looked like you only lost 14 right but so no I haven’t done that I can look at my body and be like yeah I’ve compared to what I was I would say that I probably gained muscle cuz now I’m active before I was sedentary and now I’m walking you know consistently and definitely lost fat so yeah but I don’t know the actual numbers on that because I just didn’t have a thing that would measure that Henrietta I can’t believe yo were ever overweight oh well thank you Henrietta you’re so sweet no but I was quite overweight aw you said you deadlift how many times a week do you deadlift I used to deadlift to be clear I in 2015 I was going to the gym everyday I was really into powerlifting for a while there didn’t have a coach that was probably a mistake because I was doing the deadlift one day and something snapped I don’t know what happened I didn’t go to the doctor but like I was seeing stars like when I looked up and I was I mean I was hurting I took I mean I I took Aleeve and stuff and eventually got better but I just had to rest a lot and and I couldn’t after that I mean I tried to go back to it but I was so nervous about hurting myself again or hurting myself worse and it took a long time to get over that injury just like sitting would hurt and stuff so that’s really why I had to figure out like okay what can I do that’s not deadlifting because I love to lift heavy weights oh man like one of these days would I ever consider getting back into that with a coach yeah maybe if I had a totally different life because right now it just wouldn’t work with my lifestyle but I really did enjoy weightlifting though a lot ah Debra says if she can do it anybody can that’s right she had a heart attack she’s had she has diabetes OMAD and moving has saved her life Thank You Debra for sharing that that is that is a good testimony right here Evie guinea pigs have it good yeah your problem is really unpredictable hunger 3 miles a day eating a balanced OMAD every day plus a hundred calorie of a something around noon and a can of v8 why hunger only on some days that’s a great question I have found for me I think a lot of it has to do with hormones I certainly notice more hunger around around period time yes I mean in a big way it can be pretty like whoa why am I so hungry right now but then also you know I feel more hunger when I’m stressed or if I’m bored or you know I’m not bored very often but if I am stressed bored tired that’s another thing like if I didn’t get enough sleep the night before and then you know like then there’s so many other factors too right like there’s the weather and the you know are you getting over a cold or you know did you walk in more elevation or you know it’s just there’s so many so many different factors that for me it was just about staying consistent saying well I’m just not gonna eat right now those are just my you know observations okay Christina I’ve read to get an idea of actual fat loss is to measure your middle hips and stomach and keep track of it yeah and I and I have those numbers somewhere I can’t remember now it was pretty substantial I think my waist I’m gonna say a number and then it’ll probably be wrong 44 inch waist I think now it’s like 30ish something like that dependsthe thing about the measuring is like I can cheat that so easy you know like suck in you can really suck it in and have different measurements but that was me the other the other week somebody asked me specifically like well how how big are your around your waist and I’m pretty sure that was the measurement but I tried to just be relaxed I tried not to suck it in but okay let’s see Victoria do you drink wine with OMAD I do I’ve never told myself you can’t have wine now here are some observations about wine first of all if you’re fasting and you have wine and nothing else that wine will hit you like a freight train or at least it does me like I’m I’m not one to be able to hold my I don’t have a very high alcohol tolerance okay so like a small glass of wine and I’m done usually but the thing is like it makes me hungrier if I because I’ve done it I’ve not been scientific with this okay so this is all just kind of like my observations if I have it with my meal then it’s not bad it doesn’t it doesn’t affect my hunger levels the next day however if I have supper and then later on my husband’s like hey you want to have a glass of wine I’m gonna say yes but the next day I probably will feel hunger and maybe even some nausea so so I try if I’m gonna have wine I try to have it with my meal I actually had a glass of wine yesterday with my meal and I’m trying to think today if I felt hungry I’ve been busy today so I really don’t have time to be hungry yeah I didn’t really maybe early in the morning I kind of felt kind of hungry nothing too unbearable obviously how much did I lift oh mr. BB you would ask that uh I cannot remember now isn’t that horrible because I was really proud of myself I’m sure people would laugh at whatever my deadlift was I have it in a spreadsheet somewhere J if you’re still listening you can find my uh my deadlift I search in my Google Drive for deadlift but it you know I enjoyed it basically let’s say that I really enjoyed dead lifting it was my favorite lift too- oh man I just hate that I messed up okay crafty crafter says my PA told me being tired does in fact make you eat more yeah oh and you’ve walked almost eight miles today that’s awesome crafty crafter um yeah that’s certainly true I think when you’re tired it’s like you just can’t figure out that you’re full or and that was my experience like I’m so hungry it’s still eating what why am I not getting full right now Debra if you’re overweight or diabetic check out Jason Fung’s video uh yeah on intermittent fasting at OMAD he is a spectacular resource love that man I want to say that he was the reason why I realized it was okay for women to do longer fasts than like cuz everything I had seen before that was like 14-hour don’t do longer than a 14-hour fast and I’m pretty sure he was the first one was like you’re gonna be fine so I mean he didn’t tell me that like it was just something I read that he had written so Henrietta you asked how many coffees do you drink in a day usually about three that’s not something I’m like really super strict on myself on it’s just generally that’s how it ends up happening if if it’s more than that that’s okay if it’s less than that that’s okay most time three though uh Wow you want crafter don’t know what got into you well what did get into you that’s pretty crazy that’s a long way to walk okay Evie says Kayla and crafty thanks for the thought about being tired causing the increased eating hadn’t thought that but it fits yeah yeah certainly it hungry is such a funny thing too it’s like you know you can feel really hungry and it’s just you’re not really hungry I mean you know you feel it but sometimes you’re just really not so it can be a deceptive little feeling but anyway well we’ve been live for over an hour now so probably time to let you guys go but thanks for joining me be sure to head on over to the forums if you want to get in on the conversation over there hey crafty you’re gonna walk a half marathon go for it I say ah there we go PR of 230 on my deadlift Thank You J and then shortly after that I hurt myself so thanks for watching I will see you guys next week live Wednesday 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time thanks aw I I am just thrilled and shocked at the amount of subscribers that I have so thank you yes Deborah you reward yourself you have done some good work uh so bye Evie thank you for joining us and and if you guys have any topics you want me to cover in videos always let me know always let me know what kind of content you’re wanting to see and I’m happy to oblige okay well thanks for watching be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already and I appreciate it thank you guys very much bye Dori [/spoiler]


2:35 Have you ever read eat stop eat?
9:45 I want to graze all day…how did you get past that or did you ever have that issue?
13:15 Have your food choices on your free day changed over time?
18:10 Did you ever rotate your “open window”? Sometimes later…sometimes sooner?
19:52 I’ve been stuck at the same weight for a long time. Any advice? NOTE: Here’s the link to the spreadsheet I mentioned in the video, which has my daily weights sinceFebruary 2015. 
22:15 Does it matter when the OMAD is?
25:20 Are you familiar with Heather and Half Size Me podcast?
28:39 Are you doing any weight training and do you exercise in a fasted state?
30:03 Moderation on cheat day?
33:29 Do you eat 23:1, 19:5 or OMAD?
36:42 What are your thoughts on the new study about low carb diets shortening life span?
38:20 Carbs, sugars, energy levels?
39:47 Is that a fitbit you’re wearing? NOTE: Yes! It’s an Alta, just like this one here: My Fitbit
41:51 Are you saying you should weigh every day?
43:54 Do you do Lives on your RV channel? Note: here’s a link to our Cox Family Travels (full time RVing) channel
45:34 Do you drink a lot of water in addition to coffee?
46:27 What do you eat for your one meal? Protein to carb…fats?
49:16 Do you walk 6 miles at once or break it up in the day?
50:33 Can I have cheat weekends?
54:27 How does fitbit track your steps?
55:30 Do you find if you eat a lot of carbs in your one meal does it stall you?
57:10 How long did it take for you to lose 65 pounds?
59:35 Have you calculated your lean mass gains?
1:00:50 You said deadlift..How many times a week do you do deadlifting?
1:02:21 Why am I hungry on some days and not others?
1:03:34 Measuring for actual fat loss?
1:04:27 Do you drink wine with OMAD?
1:05:46 How much did you deadlift? Note: My PR for deadlifts was 230 before my injury.
1:06:25 Being tired = eating more?
1:07:16 How many coffees do you drink a day? Check out the coffee review channel I do with my husband.


Be sure to catch the live Q&A session, every Wednesday at 3pm EDT. Click here to bookmark the Youtube live url for my channel.

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