Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A 4-3-2019

Topics and time stamps:
2:25 Have you interviewed anyone who have had success with intermittent fasting for PCOS?
3:55 There might be a time where I’m going overseas and over there it’s a 12 hours difference from America how would I be able to adjust to the time difference because in the states I would eat in the morning and fast throughout the rest of the day
6:40 How do you maintain weight? Still OMAD but not as strict or a longer eating window?
10:05 I reached my goal by doing intermittent fasting 18-6 so if you please how to maintain without gaining weight
12:06 Been doing omad for a few months now, haven’t lost any weight. Do you think calorie counting for our one meal would benefit those of us whose weight loss has stalled or is nonexistent?
15:15 I went back to college last semester and even though I often skip breakfast no problem, when I’m at my 8 a.m. class my stomach growls so badly I sometimes have to leave and get a granola bar from the vending machine! It never happens at home! Any tips on how to avoid that without breaking my fast?
18:00 Do you think doing long fast ( like the 5 days you did) aid to a faster weight loss? Quite new to this OMAD. Have seen all your journey videos, blessings to you for the help.
21:15 Does it make a difference eating at 22 hours and 45 minutes? 15 mins early to the OMAD hour?
22:22 In one of you videos you stated that you wanted to lose a few more pounds to hold yourself accountable before you were going to do Utube videos. What exactly did you do to drop the few extra pounds?
24:40 When u started ur OMAD did u gain any weight ?
26:50 One can eat whatever they want doing Omad and still loose weight ? Is it possible and how long will it take to loose 50 pounds
30:45 My question is which one of the two, fasting or walking do you think really helped to take the weight off? Do you think you had such great success because you walked or were you losing weight while just fasting? I recently found that adding daily walking has helped me drop the weight so much better than fasting alone. Do you feel the walking every day is why you were able to keep the weight off?
39:20 Does the cheat day have to be the same day every week?
40:30 I really crave sweets the hours after my OMAD-meal. Do you have some advice on how to handle this, what to do about this? Sometimes I eat candy, cookies, and or icecream the hours after my meal.
43:58 How long does it typically take for your body to adjust to OMAD and for hunger to ease up
47:50 what about weight loss if u dont workout?
50:40 i have been on OMAD for 2 weeks. I do fine until time to eat. I eat then feel sick and I don’t overeat, any ideas why?
52:20 what’s the best time to fast for perrimenopause at 40yrs old
53:25 My cuz was telling me a great way to start keto is by having nothing but bacon and eggs for the first three weeks to get your body off of sugar and carbs…What are your thoughts on this to go along IF
56:03 I was curious what you fill your free time with?
57:25 I’m having a difficult time with snacking while I’m making dinner. I’m so hungry so I snack while I cook. Do you have any ideas to not snack while cooking your OMAD?
58:50 Hi Kayla, have you ever experienced hair loss during IF or OMAD? Because I experienced hair loss after practicing 16/8 in Keto for two months. I want to try OMAD but worry to have hair loss again.
1:00:20 Do you exercise?
1:00:55 How do I fast without the temptation to eat
1:01:05 do you make breakfast and lunch for your family? I just started today by skipping breakfast.
1:04:00 ​​I’m finding that I can’t resist the urge to midnight snack at the stroke of midnight on my cheat day. Is it ok to do this?
1:05:10 should I be cautious if the weight is dropping fasting than what I originally planned for?
1:06:10 My eating window starts at different times, between 12:30 pm or 1:30 pm… but I always end at about 7:30pm. is the varied time to start going to hinder weight loss?
1:06:55 Can you do OMAD on weekdays and 16:8 on weekends and have the same effect in regards to weight loss ?

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

All Access Pass to The Slow and Steady Success Academy

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101 Course

Weight Loss Success Mindset 101 Course

Weight Tracking 101 Course


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