Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A 4-24-2019

Topics and timestamps:
2:03 How do you cope the day after cheat day??
3:33 I’d like to hear you talk about your splurge days. Are they a free for all or more of a controlled splurge? And how wide is your window on those days?
6:52 How long did it take you to choose IF but no eating plan? What did you try along your journey?
9:40 Do you use a pedometer to measure your 6 miles of daily walking?
10:50 Have you experienced acid refluX during fast? How did you address it?
11:40 I did three “cheat days” last weekend, and then had diarrhea when I got back to fasting on Monday.
When you take a break from IF for holidays, do you experience gut issues as you hop back on plan? Any ideas on what causes it?
14:32 I have been doing 16:4 for 3 months. Felt it was too easy and didn’t see a drop in weight. I’ve been doing 20:4 for 4 weeks and lost 8 lbs. I’ve really enjoy it. I don’t get terribly hungry during fasting. Well, today I am super stressed because think I might be pregnant. I have 5 children already and I was SO done having kids. This stress tipped me over the edge and I went to the pantry and ate. I wasn’t due to eat for another 6 hours. Do you ever get so stressed that you break your fast early. I’m trying not to beat myself up about it though.
17:58 when I first break my fast, I get SUPER tired and need a nap. Is that normal?
18:50 As a beginner that needs to lose a lot of weight, would you recommend fasting every day and doing the omad plan, or fasting with no meal twice a week? Or another plan to help lose weight?
20:45 is it necessary to move onto OMAD or is success achievable on 16/8 long term?
22:25 do we eat what ever what we want on omad. do the quantity or calories count is not observe when follow omad?
24:35 We all know there are tons of amazing benefits to OMAD but besides weight loss what is the one thing that stands out the most?
26:23 Have you ever tried 2mad? How do you feel about it?
27:18 been doing OMAD for a month. Losing 1-2 pounds a week, but body fat % isn’t going down. Idea y?
28:20 On one of your videos for beginners you said you would IF for five days and cheat Saturday or Sunday. On those five days did you eat nothing or just cut your hours are eating?
30:10 ​Is a 13- hour fast useful? I’m a morning person & I like eating breakfast earlier. So I fast about 7pm-8am.
31:25 how long does it take for hunger to diminish. new to IF and waking up hungry every day. Doing 16/8
32:50 will omad help me lose my beer belly
33:20 It seems like 12 to 8 is a very long time open to eat. Do people really lose weight?
34:05 Have you ever been told you shouldn’t be doing IF for health reasons, if so, how did you handle it? I have lost 12 lbs since Christmas. 18/6 here
35:48 Did you feel full more quickly in the beginning of IF? I feel full but feel like I need to eat all the food to get enough calories.
37:43 Have you ever tried alternate daily fasting?
38:30 Omad like Keto worked for a few weeks and then nothing, now juicing once a day, water in between, have you heard of this happening, is my metabolism dead?
40:45 When and how intense do u workout on OMAD?
43:50 did you feel more control after you started?
46:36 Have you had any issues with your monthly? I am currently trying to regulate mine. Does OMAD help?
49:05 doing 24 hour fast and am on day 2. drinking water, tea,black coffee. can I take my meds. feeling exhausted all the time.
51:30 ​I had success on 12 hour fast for a few months. Now I’m on a plateau for the last 3 months. Going to start walking and see if that gets things going. Also, going to try a longer fast too.
53:42 Can you please tell me how do you do weekly average weight
54:45 What do you do for leg cramps?
56:30 Do you consume alcohol?
58:05 Do stretch marks go away after weight loss?
59:35 Should I count calories?
1:01:01 Would it mess up my fast if I change my fasting window while on vacation? I’m doing 16/8 fast

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

The Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting. In that book I share the way I practice intermittent fasting, and what my overall journey looked like. (To view all the retailers this book is available at, click this link.)

The Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting Workbook. This workbook is the companion to The Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting. I walk with you on your weight loss journey, from setting your goal weight, all the way to the day you see that magic number on the scale, to what to do to keep it off for the rest of your life in maintenance. The activities in this workbook are based on my lived experience of my 80-pound weight loss journey with intermittent fasting.

Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles: How to Keep Going When Things Get Difficult. That book goes into more depth about the difficult parts of weight loss, such as facing the fears associated with losing weight, how to handle self-sabotage, and dealing with body image issues.

The Laid Back Guide to Weight Loss Maintenance. This book takes you through the weight loss maintenance journey, step by step.

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