Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A 3-6-2019

Topics and time stamps:
3:50 do you think by still eating 2 meals a day I should be able to maintain @ not lose ? ?? Should I up my intake of… say bread (which I keep to a minimum on a diet plan) ? What are your thoughts ?thanks for all you do for us keeping us motivated
7:25 Will my stomach always growl? Been OMAD for 9 days.
9:20 Has the urge to eat diminished after some time w/ intermittent fasting? BTW I’ve lost 8 lbs
12:05 Have you ever tried 5 or 7 miles to supper?
14:06 I’m curious about why your family choose to full time RV?
15:38 I find that I get hungry during the day, so I guess I’m not eating enough the night before? However, I feel full and dont want to stuff myself as my weight loss is very slow anyway
17:40 I think you said you would walk indoors sometimes. Did you do that by walking in place, or did you walk all over the house, and do you do a fast paced walk? Also, how long did it take you to walk 6 miles indoors? I homeschool my three children, and I have started walking in place while they do their individual workbooks, I have found that I can even help with their occasional questions while walking in place.
20:20 I would like to know how to pick a goal weight? Depending on the site I use, it says anywhere from 138 to 162 as a goal. Also, any suggestions for the last 20ish pounds? I have only lost about 2 pounds since the start of the year despite 18:6 fasting and low carb, very frustrating.
27:25 I’ve been doing OMAD for a few months. Keep fighting the same 5 pounds. I’m pretty sure I’m eating too much. I usually eat supper. Wonder if I’d do better eating breakfast or lunch (at work) where I’ve got a limited time to eat. Thoughts?
31:45 Newer to your channel, so I apologize if you’ve said this 100 times… were you already doing IF when you became an RV family and if so, did you notice IF was easier or harder when you moved to RV?
33:38 How long does it take you to walk 6 miles? I’ve been walking 30 minutes daily.
34:00 I am in my second week doing OMAD and I’m really enjoying it. I have about 20 lbs to lose. My concern is not eating enough calories so that my metabolism may slow down. Is eating too little a concern?
36:38 started OMAD in Feb but now stuck after losing 11lbs
38:58 been following for over a month. doing 16:8 walking 1-3 miles. no weight loss. wondering if i should continue. was hoping to see movement on the scale. i stopped for a few days and gained a pound.
41:35 Do you think it is ok to switch out the plan and do OMAD some days, 18:6 some days and 16:8 sometimes? My schedule varies and sometimes it is easier to change my window
43:15 My struggle is finding time to exercise, not that it’s an excuse but I have a 4 month old baby. wondering if 3 miles a day would be enough Also, Is it ok to have my one meal at lunch time certain days and at supper on certain days? or does it need to be the same every day?
45:55 I don’t like coffee or tea. Diet Pepsi is is the only thing keeping me sane as I’m learning to IF. Am I shooting myself in the foot?
48:20 Do you think bullet proof coffee is a worthwhile adjunct in the morning or do you think it only works with Keto, or is just a gimmick?
49:30 how often do you eat dessert?
52:10 I m 333 pounds…i m doing Omad since 1 week…initially should I cut on my carbs? bcoz I thought I will keep this strategy for further journey ahead
54:40 I have started if beginning of January, I am almost to omad, (omad +snack rn) I’m not seeing much movement on the scale this month and starting to get discouraged. It’s really tough getting my family to not see it as unhealthy
57:30 i notice you always have your water bottle with you on chats. is it cos you’re talking so much or is that how frequently you drink water normally?
58:10 ​I have Polycystic ovary syndrome tried omad, but started getting stomach pain after meals. now doing 18:6 and see very slow but steady results. I have 22 lbs to lose. can you suggest something specific for pcos and fasting?
59:30 i am struggling with sugar should i get over them?

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101 Course

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