Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A 3-27-2019

Topics and Timestamps:
2:00 what’s your longest plateau you’ve ever been experienced? and how did you get off it?
3:55 What time of day do you suggest is a good time for you meal of the day? Ive been intermittent fasting for 9 months and i weighed 270 to start now im down to 238, but i struggle with the time if day to eat my omad.
5:50 I have been increasing my physical activity (hiking, walking, and yoga) and am seeing body composition change but the scale is stuck. I do OMAD and an extended fast at least once a month
8:53 Just finished your book, loved it! Been doing IF about 30 days. Literally had 2 desserts every night. Tonight, one felt just right. Thanks for making it guilt-free and super easy!
9:49 I’ve had a lot of people tell me (when they hear I’m doing IF), that women shouldn’t fast for longer than 14 hours. You’ve obviously had amazing results fasting long past 14 hours. Did you have any noticeable hormonal changes, etc when you pushed your fast out so far?
13:35 I just started intermittent fasting(16:8) 1 week ago and already cheated like 3 times because I couldn’t hold my hunger. Any advice on how to get on track at the initial stage???
16:20 Can’t get over plateau!! Doing 16-8
19:30 I have noticed a few hours after eating my OMAD meal I get stressed, anxious and kind of moody. Do you know what to do about it? The other day I figured that it might be becaues of the realization that I wont eat in another 20 hours or so. BTW IF has been great for me, lost the 20 pounds i was aiming for in 4 months, but I feel I want to lose another 10 pounds.
22:35 What was the hardest obstacle doing intermittent fasting for you?
26:15 How many times are you eating now a day
29:40 How much did you lose in the first week on OMAD. Did you worry of no bowel movements for two days?
31:30 Anybody try intermittent fasting while pregnant? I know it’s not recommended by doctors. I was doing 16:8 and just found out I’m pregnant. Wondering if I should stop IF
33:00 Embarrassing to say, but I’ve been on a plateau for a few month’s.. I’ve been omad/IF back and forth. No good… Good thing is I haven’t gained any weight.
35:00 Have you heard anything about eating fermented foods to help gut health?
35:30 how many calories do you eat in a day to day basis
37:00 I tried OMAD for 3 weeks. I gained 3lbs. i was so frustrated that I went back to 2mad. What do you think? should I try again? I’m a very slow loser no matter what I do but the gain was too much for my motivation ​btw, I stuck with OMAD for the whole 3 weeks. no issues with the actual fasting. I went to Omad because 16/8 had the same weight loss. I’m about 30lbs overweight according to my bmi
42:30 I have been so hungry the past couple mornings. it’s the kind of hunger that you just don’t want to fight against.
44:55 ​in your opinion whats the best time of day to eat your omad? Another issue is accommodating my family….any suggestions to get them on board & to stop thinking im starving myself?
47:50 is it ok to drink coffee during your fasting without breaking your fast
50:25 I started IF twomad and it’s been pretty good. my question is what calories (macros) do you aim for? a normal days food in an eating window. ​I wake to a full on stomach growling situation, thought?
53:30 ​I started 16:8 IF a month ago and have lost 15 pounds so far.
53:50 30lbs down, thank you so much. Avoided the “freshman 15” in college
54:45 I’m on day 16 doing 18/6 and 20/4. I keep getting a light headache in the evening. I’m 66y/o and I’m eating enough and get plenty to drink. What do you think I should do.
57:15 how many ounces of water do you aim to drink per day? Lastly, what IF book that you’ve read that you found the most comprehensive and informative (aside from your own).
59:20 ​I have been doing OMAD since 3/14 have not lost anything but I feel better. Have about 30 lbs. to lose.

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

All Access Pass to The Slow and Steady Success Academy

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101 Course

Weight Loss Success Mindset 101 Course

Weight Tracking 101 Course


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