Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A 3-13-2019

Topics and timestamps:
1:29 does Stevia mess it up?
3:40 Is snacking wrong during the eating window, or just over doing it?
6:52 When you decided you were at your maintenance weight did you increase your food or just kept it at the amount you were eating to reach your maintenance goal?
10:55 I’ve catch cold and cough…do I have to keep my IF diet or stop it until I’ve got my health back?
12:40 May I have my coffee with creamer and sugar in my FEEDING window?
13:50 Should I count calories for my 20/4? I usually count 1700 daily calories for my 18./6 by at 20/4 I only have 1200 calories Should I reach 1700 calories even if I do a 20/4?
15:43 On the average week, how does your meal plans go? By that I mean, do you eat the same meals weekly over and over, or do your meals vary? Some households eat basically the same meals weekly, without much difference. Do you have a larger variety of meals and don’t repeat as often? Just wondering because if your meals are basically the same weekly, you would tend to know about the amount of calories they are therefore,making meal planning simpler, and calorie intake easier to determine.
19:38 how do you stop bingeing?
24:25 ​Do you think it’s a good idea to do a 2 or 3-day fast first to kick-start the OMAD lifestyle?
27:32 Big fan of Intermittent Fasting. Have lost 30 lbs and kept off over a year.
27:45 ​I am doing IF, but I still have a problem with carbs…I love bread and pastries. Although I try not to eat carbs at every meal, I still feel I will lose, but not as fast as I would like.
30:40 ​I have been eating OMAD for a couple months and have lost a little. I went on a 30 day fast last year and lost 40 pounds and want to do it again for autophagy and 70 pounds to lose. Thoughts?
33:20 what do you do with mentally aspect of diet. constantly thinking of what when to eat
36:55 how long did it take you to transition to OMAD from 16-8
​I’m 16 and I weigh 260. I started dieting and exercising yesterday. Do you know anyways to lose weight fast? I’ve talked to my doctor, trust me, my doctor just told me to stop eating so much. And write down what I eat. He never told me any exercises to do or what to eat
45:30 Isn’t it hard to get back on track after your cheat day?
47:05 What time of day do you prefer to get your walking in? I like doing exercise 2hrs before bed – helps me sleep.
48:14 ​How did you find out about Intermittent fasting?
49:25 just starting 16:8 and having a hard time controlling what I eat in my window. any good meal plans or suggestions on how to break up my meals
50:05 What about loose skin after dramatic weight loss?
51:45 what time do you eat on Omad? walk the miles?
52:16 What time of day do you have your meal for the day? Im finding it hard to pick a time of day that works best
53:03 Been doing OMAD and loving it but I am worried about slowing my metabolism, so that if I ever switch to more of an intermittent fasting, it wouldn’t take much for me to start gaining again.
55:25 can we change term from “cheat day” to “splurge day”…cheat has negative connotation…like we are doing something we shouldn’t be doing.
56:18 Do you check your blood sugars? I had to cut carbs because they were getting high. I was diagnosed pre diabetic a year ago. I am doing 2mad keto for now…hope to correct it.

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

All Access Pass to The Slow and Steady Success Academy

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101 Course

Weight Loss Success Mindset 101 Course

Weight Tracking 101 Course


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