Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A 2-20-2019

Topics and timestamps:
1:52 What are the downsides to including sugar/carbs in your intermittent fasting diet? How much of a difference does it make?
5:08 I did really good for about 2 months, and lost 14 lbs. But now, my hubby’s birthday came and i made a carrot cake at his request. I thought I could resist, but carrot cake is my favorite, and now I’ve kinda messed up my eating pattern and gained 3 lbs back. Will I lose if I get back on my eating pattern? I don’t feel deprived for the most part and can stay away from junk, there are those few things that come along and I can’t resist.
8:56 Does intermittent fasting work while breastfeeding?
10:55 I’ve felt I overeat when trying to OMAD or IF.
13:16 Would eating from 11am to 7pm be an okay option as intermittent fasting
15:22 If you take a cheat day do you have the withdrawal symptoms every Monday?
16:25 On the Facebook live their was a post about you possibly making a video on intuitive eating vs counting calories. Are you releasing it soon or could you talk about it here on live?
19:28 Is it tough with kids and hubby that like to snack or eat meals every 3 or 4 hours?
21:13 How much protein do you wind up eating on OMAD? I had a gastric sleeve and can eat 8 oz but not much more. I wonder if that’s enough.
24:00 How long did it take to lose your belly fat, if u don’t mind me asking? Roughly?
26:50 when you reach goal weight, how often do we fast?
30:00 ​I’m 70, I’ve been ITF and keto do you think it is safe for me? I’ve read some articles that says elderly people shouldn’t ITF.
32:00 why omad don’t work with beer?
33:48 I get super tired after my one meal. Is this typical?
35:30 Being a full-time RV-er, how do you get 6 miles of walking in every day?
37:05 I feel like I’m not losing like I should on OMAD. Thinking I’m overeating. How did balance this?
39:43 I’ve been doing IF for several months. Just started OMAD again. Some days I can make it just fine til my eating window. Today NO WAY! I was STARVING!I didn’t eat a lot, but I’m stuffed.Does stomach shrink?
43:45 ​Is chewing gum okay when intermittent fasting
44:30 Do you do OMAD everyday or do you eat two meals in your maintenance phase? Have you ever gained while doing IF? You look great!
47:30 When you started walking your 6 miles did you work up to it? do you do it 7 days a week?
50:08 Do you think it makes a difference if you don’t have a cheat day?
53:20 how do you cook while you’re fasting?
53:58 ​Kayla what is your opinion of alternative day fasting
55:28 How can make this work having in mind that I do work overnight…. 10pm to 6am and I sleep during the days? THANKS
57:20 My wife wants to do Omad and intermediate fasting but she is frequent smoker and I was told Nicotine a fast breaker …
59:50 ​Now that I’ve done OMAD, should I stay OMAD on going or can I do OMAD a couple days & 2MAD the rest of the week? Cheat day Sunday.
1:00:40 is diet drinks definitely a no no?
1:02:00 ​Im doing 16:8.I have my last meal around 7pm.So my fasting starts at 8pm yet I still have food in my stomach.So wouldnt my fasting actually start once my stomach is empty again?
1:02:45 Do you use alcohol on you chest days…I love those IPA fattening beers?or just no alcohol during losing
1:04:00 I’m afraid to have pasta ? because I don’t want to be hungry the next day. Do you eat pasta? If so do you notice a difference of being more hungry?

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

Cox Family Adventures

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101 Course

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See you next Wednesday at 8pm EST on YouTube Live, be sure to bookmark this site and hit the bell to get notified when I go live.


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