How to Maintain Your Weight Loss

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] you’re losing weight but are you gonna be able to keep it off in today’s video I’m gonna give you five tips that helped me maintain my 65 pound weight loss for over a year now so today I wanted to talk about weight loss maintenance because to me that’s just as important as the actual weight loss if you can’t you know maintain the weight loss then what’s the point have you been losing weight in the first place it was actually the thing that made me scared to lose weight because I really thought what’s the point I’m just gonna gain it back like I always do so I went about it a little bit differently this time and I’ve been able to successfully keep off the weight instead of just getting down to the goal weight and then you know eventually just climbing right back up to where I was and what I’ve learned is it’s not that complicated you can do it you’re in complete control of it so today I’m just gonna give you five tips that have helped me along the way so my first tip is wait until you get down to a weight that you are happy with before you start maintenance it’s easy sometimes to like kind of get stuck and then just say well I’ll maintain this for a while and then I’ll get back to losing but I’ll tell you from my own experience here’s what happens I don’t know 200 pounds I got stuck I got stuck at around 200 I just couldn’t get below it and I kind of resigned myself to the fact that I guess I’m just gonna be at know forever so I wasn’t really happy at that weight and what I started to notice was my weight started climbing back up I couldn’t even maintain that weight loss and what I realized was I wasn’t happy at that weight and I wasn’t happy at the higher weight so it’s kind of like what difference does it make compare that to when I was at 157 at that weight when I finally got down there I was motivated to stay at that weight I didn’t want to go back to where I was I was like this is a change and I wanted to maintain it so be motivated wherever you are don’t stop losing until you’re like okay this is a weight I can be happy at tip number two make permanent changes to your eating to your moving so basically what it boils down to is this if you go back to eating the way you used to eat you will eventually go back to weighing what you used to weigh and it’s a lesson I’ve had to learn over and over again I can’t go back to what I was doing because if I do I’ll be back where I was I don’t want to do that so what was always in the back of my mind when I was you know picking my plan and why I landed on intermittent fasting was it was something that I could foresee making permanent in my life so I can see myself just always doing intermittent fasting like to me it’s effortless and I could do it from now on and I would be fine with it other diet plans I haven’t been able to do that I always go back to eating the things I used to eat so with intermittent fasting I can continue to eat those things I’ve always eaten but I just do it on a different time schedule and that works for me tip number three is have a plan and stick to it so my behavior in the past has been once I get down to that weight I’m happy at then it’s like freedom and I just start eating everything that I want to eat and I don’t really do anything I don’t really have a plan and then what happens I get back in that place where I’m not happy with my weight so I found that it’s just basically trial and error but you still have to keep a plan so for example I wasn’t really sure when I got down to 157 and I thought well I just want to maintain this what do I do like do I go back to eating three times a day or do I continue intermittent fasting or you know what do I do and basically what worked for me was to still stay with eating my first meal at supper but then I could have a really nice indulgent late-night snack with my husband and I enjoyed that it was way for me to like feel like freedom you know a little bit more freedom that I had been having but it was still maintaining my weight loss but I would encourage you to just basically set up rules for yourself have a plan know what your plan is that way you can know if it’s working or not it’s just like when you’re trying to figure out how to lose weight you got to keep tweaking it until you get it just right same thing with maintaining just keep tweaking it until you get it to where you’re still on track which brings me to tip number four and that is track forever okay I’ve just made peace of the fact that I am going to have to always track my weight it’s just the only thing that will keep me accountable if I stop weighing myself it just it comes back the weight will come back because I just I let it get out of hand but if I continue to weigh myself because what I noticed when I looked back I realized okay what I would do is I would lose weight because I was always keeping track of it keeping track of it weighing in weighing in weighing in but then when I would get down to my goal weight I’d stop weighing because I oh freedom and then I would be right back where I started so continuing to weigh myself so that I can know is my plan working am i maintaining if not I need to tweak so it’s always a process like keep tracking and then tweaking your plan until you hit that balance of its like effortless but at the same time you’re not going back to where you were tip number five is give yourself a little bit of leeway I chose a five pound leeway and to me that gives me enough breathing room where I don’t have to be so strict I can be a little bit more relaxed but it doesn’t get so out of hand that it feels like a big thing like to me ten pounds of weight loss to look at that that feels bigger five pounds seems really manageable I don’t go any lower than five because my weight can fluctuate water weight and whatnot that I could do you know easily within a day gain two or three pounds so I wanted to just give myself five pounds so you can of course pick whatever you want but give yourself a little bit of leeway but not too much so weight loss maintenance it’s not very glamorous that’s the thing it’s a grind it is just getting up every day keeping yourself accountable every day tracking and then just making sure that your your plan is working and if it’s not working then change it now if you do it now making these little changes it’s going to be much easier to maintain so now it’s your turn if you had success with maintaining your weight loss leave it in the comments below any tips you found tricks you’ve done I’d be interested to know if you’ve ever if any of you out there have gone on like a really strict plan but then you do a totally different way in maintaining it like my plan stayed pretty much the same I just minorly tweaked it but I know a lot of people would prefer to just get the weight off really really quick and then maintain it so has anybody out there done that I’ve never had success with that method of doing it but I would be curious to know if you were able to do it and how you did it I love learning from other people what has worked what has not so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]
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Video Recap

Tip #1: Wait until you get to a weight you’re motivated to stay at

Tip #2: Make permanent changes

Tip #3: Have a plan and stick to it!

Tip #4: Track forever!

Tip #5: Give yourself some leeway

Have you successfully maintained your weight loss, and you have a tip I didn’t share here? Have you learned a lesson about maintenance the hard way? Leave it in the comments below!

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