You Are Being Judged on The Weight Loss Journey

Video Notes

  • You are likely the one who is doing most of the judging of yourself.
  • When you catch yourself doing it, STOP. Then change what you’re saying to yourself.
  • When you are afraid that other people are silently judging you, remind yourself that they have their own lives to worry about and that your weight loss journey likely never crosses their mind.
  • 2 out of 3 people are overweight or obese here in America, they have their own weight problems to worry about.
  • Focus on yourself. Don’t worry that people are judging how you’re practicing intermittent fasting, or how fast or slowly you’re losing weight (or not), or what you’re eating (or not).

PS: I forgot to say it on the video, but just in case you need the reminder: there is no intermittent fasting police. Make up your rules for yourself, and stick with ’em! 

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