Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: June 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] June was hot let’s do my monthly progress report so I do these progress reports every month because I want you to see what does the weight loss journey look like for me especially now that I’m getting down to more like my goal weight how slow the numbers are moving and how much they still fluctuate and so for the month of June there really weren’t that many challenges I didn’t foresee any and there ended up being very little like I think I had one family lunch where you know so I was off the plan for that day otherwise it was a really easy month as far as intermittent fasting was concerned but now walking was a bit more of a challenge because it was very hot down here in Florida and there was a lot of rain so getting my steps in outside has been more of a challenge but I started waking up earlier my husband and I just walk around the campground loop and that’s how we get our steps in so let’s talk about my results for the month as far as walking goes I did walk six miles every single day and I had a total of five hundred and six thousand six hundred ninety nine steps for the month and that’s a total of 218.54 miles now let’s talk about my weight my seven-day average on the last day of May was 149.57 and my seven-day average on the last day of June was 145.86 that’s a loss of super happy about that exceeds my goal of two pounds for the month and I’m just I can’t believe that I lost that much this past month which again I think points to when you’re just consistent with the plan that’s when you have the best results and now let’s talk about the fluctuations my highest single day weight was 149.6 I was so pleased that I didn’t get into the 150s again and my lowest single day weight was 143.6 and that was pretty exciting because I remember in college weighing in at the gym one time and I was at 144 and that number is just stuck in my head so to be back at a college weight that was pretty fantastic to go from being obese all the way back down to my college weight I’m just really pleased about that and then the most my weight fluctuated within a given week was 4.4 pounds so again it still does fluctuate quite a bit and I did have a couple of other victories this month that I wanted to mention one was that I got my 75 pound weight loss badge on Fitbit which was super exciting and then also we were over at the playground with my kids and I was able to do the monkey bars and I know that sounds silly but I remember when I was you know at my heaviest we were over at a playground with the kids and you know I thought well I could still do the monkey bars I could not like as soon as I tried to lift it up on them I had to drop back down because it was just too heavy so to be able to actually do the monkey bars the whole way across I mean man it was just a fantastic feeling let’s talk about goals for the upcoming month I’m still gonna try for two pounds this month every month you know when I set this goal I think is this gonna be the month where I realize okay I’ve gone as far as I can go on this plan but we’ll see it’s just a big ol experiment I would like to end this month at 143.86 as my seven-day average challenges for the upcoming month well it’s July and we have two birthdays in my family you know my husband and my five-year-old about to be six year old so there’s gonna be birthday cake and all that for a couple of days we have the fourth of July also it’s gonna be very hot down here in Florida so we’ll see how hard it is get the steps in and of course my plan is gonna be as it always is eat once a day walk six miles every single day and then cheat day on Sunday so how was your June we’re officially halfway through 2018 now as hard as that is to believe so you know like is it going well for you are you kind of starting to hit a slowdown or you hittin your stride I would be very curious to know okay thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

Challenges for this month:

  • Very hot here in Florida
  • Lots of rain

June 2018 Walking

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


  • I hit my step goal every single day
  • I walked a total of 506,699 steops
  • That’s a total of 218.54 miles

June 2018 Weight

Click this image to see how my weight looks day to day

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 147.57  by June 30, 2018 (a total loss of 2 pounds from my 7 day average as of May 31, 2018 at 149.57)


7 Day average weight as of June 30: 145.86

Total loss of 3.71 pounds for the month of June. I exceeded my goal!

Other Victories:

  • Being able to do the monkey bars on the playground. I remember trying when I was obese and being unable to, simply because I was too heavy.
  • 75 pound weight loss badge on fitbit

Other weight statistics

  • Highest single day weight: 149.6
  • Lowest single day weight: 143.6

Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 4.4 pounds

Weight Loss Goal Set For June:
.5 pound loss per week
7 Day Average Weight of  143.86 by July 31, 2018

My Plan
Eat once a day, Monday through Saturday
Cheat day on Sunday
Walk 6 miles every day

How was your June? Did you make some progress? Share it down below!

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