Weight Loss: The Power of Why

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] today let’s talk about how the power of why helps you with weight loss so along my weight loss journey I found that I really have learned a lot about weight loss success from business success principles I read a lot about that kind of thing and I’ve just found it applies to weight loss in a lot of different ways and I’ve learned a lot more from those types of books than I ever did from a diet book so one concept that I found really interesting was the power of why or more specifically how asking why five different times can really help you dig down to like the root cause of your problem and find some really good solutions that are really gonna stick and this process was first developed by the Toyota corporation they would you know when they would have a problem with their cars they would try to ask why at five times and then it would really solve the problem so the first thing is to state the problem well my problem was I was overweight so the next step is to ask why five times and you’re just gonna kind of follow the thread so the first question is why was i overweight and so what I realized was I was overeating and I was resistant to this notion at first I kind of felt like I’m really not overeating but the more I really looked at it I realized like no I really was eating too much first of all I realized my body is not immune to science and ultimately I was eating enough to maintain that weight that I was at so once I realized I was overeating I had to ask myself why am i over eating and again you know I had written I would read a book by Tony Robbins and in it he basically said if if eating is the most exciting part of your day you’re gonna have a problem with your weight and I realized that was really true of me I really looked at that and I said you know eating is the best part of my day so then I had asked myself why is eating the best part of my day and that’s really at that kind of level that’s when I started to get to kind of some of the root issues what why is that the most enjoyable part of my day well that was the one part of my day I had complete control over the process of eating food I had control over that it is comforting so then the next question is why was that the only part of my day that I really had control over that I had really felt like it was my own and then I realized you know first of all I had three kids under the age of six at that point in my life and that took a lot of my time but then I also realized like why is that taking about my time because I was trying to be too controlling of that I was trying to I’ve kind of in martyr syndrome like I kind of thought oh well I’m the only one that can take care of the kids well I had a husband who was willing and really able to take care of the children and let me have some me time so it’s really great once you kind of get down to once you’ve kind of said okay well I can’t really ask him why anymore you kind of see the issue like the things that I really saw for me were I wasn’t taking time for myself and really making myself a priority so then I could start to say okay how can I start to make you know carve out some time for myself everyday and this can also be a great tool not if you you know have a problem but if you just have a goal it’s great to ask yourself why like why do you want to achieve that goal and keep drilling down until you really get to the root motivation and then that can help you to really achieve your goals more than if you just do an arbitrary goal like you know I want to lose 50 pounds but why you know take it down as many levels as you can you can really get to some strong motivations which will then help you to achieve the goal instead of just walking away because you don’t really know why you’re doing it in the first place so I hope you find this technique useful you know if you’ve got a problem even if it’s not a weight loss problem ask yourself why you know five times if you can if you can just keep following those threads and sometimes it might branch out you might have several you know you know answers and then you can just ask a line on every question and then once you get down to those root problems you can start to say okay I can take action on this this and this so if you’ve had experience with this let me know in the comments below like how has it helped you what have you found by doing this exercise so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Free download!

Check out this FREE printable I made that takes you through the process of using the power of why to get to the root of your problem. Just click the button below: Download “Solving Your Problem With the Power of Why” ThePowerOfWhy.pdf – Downloaded 16311 times – 841.35 KB

Video Recap

Asking yourself why 5 times can be a great tool to uncovering the root of your weight problems. I take you through how I used the power of asking yourself why to help me lose 65 pounds and keep it off.

The Tony Robbins book that I mentioned in the video was Awaken the Giant Within. Click here to get it on amazon.  Or click here to get the audio version free on Audible with a free 30 day trial.

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