Weight Loss Success: The Importance of Tracking

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] if you went to control your weight start tracking so when I first started my weight loss journey I really wanted to learn how to control my weight I felt like if I could just figure out how to make it either go up or down on command that I would have like cracked the code basically so I kept hearing this phrase you know what gets measured gets managed and I really heard that more in relation to you know personal finance and things like that but I thought you know probably it applies to weight loss and certainly it does I have found that it has been crucially important to both measure my weight and then track it over the long haul and that has been very very helpful in controlling my weight the cool part about tracking is it eliminates all the guesswork you don’t have to like go by feeling does it feel like this plan is working or not it’s a straight up or down either yes it’s working or no it’s not now here’s how I track so every morning I wake up and I weigh myself I take that number and I put it into my Fitbit app after I put it into my Fitbit app at the end of every week I take those single day weights and I enter them into my weight tracking spreadsheet and you can get one for free on my website sixmilestosupper.com/freebies if you want your own and so what I do is I take those numbers and I put them into the spreadsheet and it automatically calculates my seven-day average to me the seven day average is so helpful because my weight every you know it from day to day it goes up and down it’s very hard to remember or to even know is it trending up or down it’s like it would be very very difficult if I didn’t have this spreadsheet to really see how am I trending and so I look at that number and I see am i doing you know am I going up or am I going down and I’m so happy that I started tracking way back when back when I was 222 pounds because now I can look back and I can see how that journey went and really how long it took me and you know and how my weight went up and down and eventually just went down down down and it really helped me to know what was truly working what was not working and the same thing can happen for you too if you just write down especially if you’re in the beginning stages and you’re experimenting with different plans write it down like your spreadsheet or however you’re tracking make notes of what you’re doing that week so that you can remember because you think you’ll remember but you’ll forget if you’re like me like I can’t remember from one week to the next what I’m doing now that I’m on this plan and I’ve been doing this for years now I can I can remember you know okay I’m eating once a day I’m walking six miles a day super simple but when you’re experimenting maybe you’re doing keto you know for a while you want to remember like okay when I was doing keto man I was having really good results when I switched over and did this plan not so good results it just eliminates the guesswork which is so important if you want to consistently lose weight I would also encourage you because it’s been so helpful to me to continue to track even if you get down to your goal weight or even if you want to just maintain for a while keep tracking because it’s very very easy to get out of control if you don’t continue to track I was able to see like if I start going up a little bit you know when I was trying to maintain I was able to make minor adjustments and then get back on plan whereas if I had just stopped weighing I can guarantee you I would have put the weight back on so if you track let me know in the comments below what you track how do you do it have you found an app that you really like I like using my Fitbit app for weight tracking and for my activity level tracking because I have an Alta that automatically tracks you know how far I’ve walked but I also like to use my spreadsheet because I haven’t found an app yet that will do my seven-day average for me so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

What’s your system for tracking your weight? If you’ve got helpful tools, be sure to share them in the comments below!

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