No One Will Notice Your Weight Loss…At First

[spoiler title=’Click for transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]I’m here to warn you when you start to lose weight something really crappy happens no one will notice at least not at first this can be difficult to deal with so I just want to go over why it happens and what you can do about it so the first five pounds that I lost or the hardest ones to lose and why are they hard I think because first of all you’re just not confident in your plan you’re wondering is this gonna work am I gonna fail like what’s gonna happen and on top of that you’re making changes in your life and change no matter if it’s a good change or a bad change is painful and you know so you’re doing all this stuff I was I was killing myself at the gym I was doing crossfit I was in the gym every day I was changing how I ate and nobody said a word about my weight loss here’s something crazy I thought they were doing it on purpose I thought that was their way of telling me hey you need to lose more weight I’m not even gonna congratulate you until I noticed a big difference that’s where I was I haven’t had to google when do people start to notice that you’ve lost weight because it was messing with my mind here’s what I found it’s actually very difficult to tell when somebody has lost even what we might consider a significant amount of weight so I’m going to show you two pictures side by side and I want you to tell me which one is the one where I’m heavier and by how much would you guess so now I’m gonna put the weight under each photo so as you can see the one on the left is where I’m actually lighter and maybe you could tell that but I bet it’s a lot harder than you thought it would be and that’s a ten pound difference so don’t get mad at people they don’t know it also plus they’re not walking around with a photo of you your before picture and comparing you to it another thing to keep in mind this is a quote I heard a while back and it really stuck with me it was your best friend in the entire world thinks more about a paper cut that they have than they do about a major crisis in your life and at first that seems depressing it’s really kind of freeing the truth is people aren’t thinking about you you’re not on their mind your weight is certainly not on their mind so don’t worry about it you’re not in the spotlight you can fail at weight loss and get back on you know track and everything and nobody’s really gonna know so instead of being mad at people just realize they don’t know and they’re not thinking about you I used to think that my whole family was probably obsessed with the fact that I had gained a bunch of weight and you know what it wasn’t on their mind they weren’t thinking of it they a lot some of my family members have said they didn’t even realize at the time that I had gained a lot of weight like when they go back and look at pictures they can tell but it’s just not on people’s minds basically you are not on people’s minds so how do we handle this what I had to do was just realize people aren’t gonna notice people will eventually notice okay I should say that but it’s like after you’ve really had a lot of success with weight loss and you already know that your plan is working and you’re like on a roll and you’re in you’re confident in your plan and so you really don’t even need that encouragement anymore as much but it is always nice to hear and the really crappy part of this is the more weight you have to lose the more weight you have to lose before people will notice it’s just a proportional thing like ten pounds off of a heavier person is less percentage-wise than ten pounds off of a lighter person and so that’s just unfair and it’s crappy what I had to do was just learn to celebrate my own victories and I celebrated every pound I just started to realize every single pound is worth celebrating I mean it’s a victory and treat it as such and hey if you want people to congratulate you just tell them hey I’ve lost three pounds they’re gonna be happy for you they’re gonna celebrate with you and if they don’t you need to get better friends and if you have no one that you feel like you can’t tell tell me I will be happy to celebrate with you I’ll do a happy dance so to recap the first few pounds are probably gonna be the hardest ones to lose probably nobody will notice that you’ve lost weight but that doesn’t mean that you should give up you should just keep on going and realize that eventually people will recognize and you just have to be happy right now that you are being victorious every pound is a victory so celebrate each one [/spoiler]

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