Join Us for Financial Peace University

About 9 years ago, my husband J.R. and I were in a financial mess. Luckily, around that time we got introduced to  Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University. We were able to dig ourselves out of debt, and finally get on the same page with our money. We even doubled our income that year because of how focused we were.

We’re volunteering to lead this class because we’ve seen first-hand how it changes lives. If you’re in debt, have collectors hounding you, or if you’ve ever just caught yourself thinking, “I make too much money to be this broke,” this class can help you.

Click here to sign up for our class. You’ll watch the weekly lesson video on your own, then we’ll meet Saturday morning at 10 eastern for discussion, which will last between 45 minutes to an hour. We’re starting August 15, so go ahead and sign up now so you can watch the first video before our first meeting. The class will run through October 10.

Fair warning: this class is taught from a Christian perspective. (:

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